Chapter 191

From a young age, Avery had a preference for his grandparents on his mother's side, who raised him and his sister. He never quite got along with his paternal grandparents.

“Perla is nothing but drama; crying, screaming, and threatening to end her own life. I should offer her some good ways to end her own life,” he joked one day.

Aurelia and Jelena burst into laughter when they heard the joke.

At a family gathering, Jolin served Jelena a piece of pork. “Don't just eat your greens, have some meat too. I know you're watching your calories, so I've trimmed most of the fat. You can enjoy it without feeling guilty.”

Jelena smiled gratefully, “Thanks, Aunt Jolin.”

She had always admired her aunt and uncle. They worked hard and often shared their occasional work benefits with their extended family. They also made sure to get her new clothes during the holidays, just like they did for their own daughter, Aurelia.

Aurelia, while enjoying her steak, calmly stated, “Regardless of how much Perla fusses, we are not selling the family home. If she wants to act out, let her. If she wants to threaten us with her life, let her. Who is she trying to scare?”

Jelena pursed her lips, “I heard from Ritchie that his girlfriend is a rich heiress, her parents own a corporation. They're loaded. Do you think he’s trying to put on a brave face by pretending to be rich as well?” Aurelia suddenly remembered what Jenny had said about Emma pretending to be from a wealthy background. It sounded just like a soap opera plot.

“Who knows, maybe his girlfriend is a fake rich girl too, picked up from some socialite-exclusive website. How often do people tell the truth online?”

At those words, Jelena leaped with excitement, “If that's the case, we're in for a real show.”

Aurelia sighed quietly. The foundation of a marriage is loyalty, fidelity, and honesty. If one can't uphold these, the end is always inevitable.

During the weekend, there was an event at the local Muse Club.

Arnold picked up Aurelia and Avery for the event. He had recently returned from a trip to Southeast Asia and brought back some local delicacies for Jolin.

"Arnold, take Aurelia out more often. She spends too much time at home; she’s practically becoming a hermit,” Jolin, who had grown fond of Arnold, suggested.

“Sure,” Arnold agreed with a smile.

Avery, looking handsome and refreshed, joined them, “Sis, Arno, we can go now.”

Aurelia picked up her purse from the couch, “Mom, if you don't feel like cooking later, just order some takeout.”

"Don’t worry about me, have fun,” Jolin waved them off.

Upon entering the club, a pleasant, floral scent filled the air. Aurelia picked a few small flowers and tucked them into her bag.

As she was greeting some familiar faces, she noticed a striking figure enter the hall. His radiant aura drew everyone's attention. Evelyn, looking stunning in a beige dress, was at his side.

She glanced at them and quickly looked away. The sight was too much for her.

Avery teased, “Sis, your boss is here, want to go say hi?"

Aurelia sank into a nearby couch, “I'm tired. Let's sit for a while.”

She obviously had no intention of acknowledging them.

Arnold, sensing the tension, reassured her, “You are not at work, so he’s not your boss today. If you don't want to go, then don't. We're here to have fun.”

Leopold, the man who had just entered, immediately noticed Aurelia. No matter where she was, he could always spot her. And of course, he noticed the man by her side.

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