Chapter 138

Tina stuck out her tongue, “She surely has guts. I'd be tongue-tied if I had to face the big boss.” “The squeaky wheel gets the grease. No matter how tough the big boss is, he probably cant handle her incessant nagging.” Emma retorted indignantly.

Their voices weren't exactly low, and many in the office heard, including Aurelia.

This was an obvious provocation.

But she couldn't be bothered to respond, since the innocent need not fear.

Jenny, however, couldn't hold back and leapt to her feet, “What are you two gossiping about? If the big boss doesn't suspect Aurelia, then this is clearly someone stirring up trouble.”

"Evelyn's injury is real. Besides her and Elowen, who else would want to harm Evelyn?” Emma argued,

"Why couldn't it just be Elowen? She's rich and powerful, bribing a waitress would be a piece of cake. Why would she need anyone else's help?” Jenny countered.

Darcy nodded, “Makes sense. Why would they need to team up for something so trivial? Are we underestimating Ms. Elowen? The hatred between rivals is deep. If Ms. Elowen wanted to hurt Evelyn, it was only a matter of time. Aurelia isn't st* pid, why would she get involved? The big boss must've thought the same, that's why he trusts her.”

Hearing his analysis, Tina sat down, silent.

Emma shot Darcy an annoyed look, “Elowen wouldn't want to dirty her hands, so she paid Aurelia to do the deed.”

Aurelia took a sip of her water, a hint of mockery in her smile, “Good thing the cops don't investigate based on imagination like you. Otherwise, who knows how many innocent people would be implicated?”

Emma's face flushed, then paled, “I'm just making reasonable deductions.”

“Your deduction is an insult to my intelligence.” Aurelia sneered, “Please focus on your work and stop meddling in things beyond your job scope. The company isn’t paying you to gossip.”

“It's my right to be concerned about the leader of our team. You manage your team and stay out of our business.” Emma snapped back. She had never accepted Aurelia as her manager. A person with less experience had no right to be a manager, she wouldn't accept it.

Aurelia remained calm, tapping on the keyboard of her laptop, “I forgot to mention, since Ms. Evelyn is new here and isn’t familiar with your performance in the first half of the year, I'll be assessing your annual performance.”

Emma's face instantly turned pale, the others exchanged glances.

“I disagree, you'll definitely hold a grudge.”

Aurelia scoffed, “Who do you think you are?”

“I'm going to appeal to the big boss.” Emma jumped up from her seat, startling Tina, “You're not seriously going, are you? Don't be impulsive!”

“If she can go to the big boss whenever she wants, why can't 1?"

Emma gritted her teeth. She remembered when Kelly had given Aurelia a low performance rating, and she had gone straight to the big boss to appeal. As a result, Kelly was demoted and she was promoted. Maybe the big boss likes brave people.

With that thought, she strode out of the office.

The office was filled with whispers.

Everyone knew that not everyone could see the big boss. Lower-level employees could only see the big boss directly if they were given permission or had a major incident to report.

The last time Aurelia appealed her performance assessment was a big news, as she was the first employee in the history of the company to receive an E rating. Plus, the big boss was new and wanted to make an impression, so she was able to go directly to him to appeal.

Such luck is not available to everyone.

Of course, they were also curious about whether Emma would be successful and become the second lucky


Aurelia leaned back in her chair, peeling an orange and enjoying it one slice at a time, with the air of watching a drama.

She wasn't a rookie, if it wasn't for a twist of fate where she was pregnant with the big boss’ child, she wouldn't dare to go directly to him even if she had guts.

Soon, Emma returned, her face slightly pale.

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