In the bustling living room, Skyler's phone chirped with a new message.

[Skyler, Christmas is coming. Don't you want to spend it with the family?] It was from Geoffrey.

Skyler, who had been enjoying a laid-back gaming session, soured his mood at the message.

[I won't be coming back to Eastwood Heights for Christmas. I'll be spending it with the Stirling family. Their celebrations are a


The reply cquickly, [Mom and I are your real family, you get that, right? You should be with us for the holidays.]

Skyler scoffed, [Givea break. Why should I trust someone who won't even show their face? You talked big about saving Tanya,

then sent an imposter in your place to drug me. I'm not that easily fooled.]

[You idiot, think for a second. If I wasn't your real brother, why would I even bother fighting for control of the Stirling family?]

[Maybe you've got sblood of the Stirling family, but that doesn't mean you're my twin.]

[Idiot, we're fraternal twins, not identical. That's why I'm the smart one and you're... not.]

Skyler rolled his eyes. [So we don't look alike at all. I got the good looks.]

[Everyone in our family is good-looking. How could I possibly be ugly?]

[Who knows, maybe you had a genetic mix-up. Otherwise, why do you keep saying we look alike? Just jealous because I'm a hit

with everyone?]

The other side went quiet, probably fuming.

[Enough with the nonsense. How can you stand the thought of our mom spending Christmas alone on sdeserted island?] Then

Geoffrey continued.

Skyler mimed a facepalm at his phone. [How dare you! You're the one who's been deceitful and treacherous, betraying me. You

never wanted to save her. If you did, you wouldn't be hiding. You're scared of being caught by Leopold.]

[Am I a fool? If I showed my face, I'd be nabbed by Leopold in an instant. How would I save Tanya then? I know your game, trying to

lureout. You're just a traitor, helping outsiders instead of your mother and brother.]

Geoffrey's rant left Skyler fuming, cheeks puffed out in anger.

[You're my brother, but I have other siblings too. What's the difference? You're just jealous, wishing I was as miserable and unloved

as you.]

[You think the Stirling family actually like you? You're harmless, no threat to them. That's why they're nice to you. Mom and I are

the only ones who love you, everyone else is just pretending.]

Skyler blinked, a sly glint in his eye.

[I'm spending Christmas with the Stirling family for a grand dinner. Jessica and Leopold said I could join them every year. Their

place is so lively, and they even set off fireworks. Too bad you can't join. The Stirling family doesn't welcyou.]

Geoffrey replied with a mocking emoji.

[So what if you're with the Stirling family for Christmas? You're still just a guest, not a part of their family. Can you join their family

traditions? Are you welcin their family chapel?]

[I'm making my choice. I want to remain a part of the Heninger family, not beca Stirling. If I wanted to, I could be

acknowledged by them and join their rituals. But I prefer being a member of the Heninger family with my dad, mom, and my


[You're useless no matter where you go, just invisible in the crowd.]

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