"Imagine living alone on sforsaken rock with no family or friends, not even a Wi-Fi signal to keep you company. Could you be

happy marooned like that?" Raines said.

Skyler nodded earnestly, "She's not alone, though. She's got her housekeeper for chats, her card games, and hey, she can

surround herself with pets. Cats, dogs, you nit. They're great company. In sremote villages in Scandinavia without the

internet, people there embrace the simple life. Tanya got sick because she couldn't stop chasing her tail with stress. Only by taking

a break on a peaceful isle can she get the rest to recover."

Raines scoffed, "No way can I picture someone being content on a deserted island, living a real life like Robinson Crusoe. Does

Tanya have a husband and kids?"

"Yep." Skyler bobbed his head.

"Then she must miss them something fierce, and they're probably aching for her too. The Caribbean has thousands of islands. Do

you even know which one she's on?"

"No clue." Skyler shook his head. "My dad sent her to that island for her good. She's made spretty bad mistakes. If she wasn't

there, she'd be behind bars. Unless Geoffrey turns over a new leaf, she won't get a chance at forgiveness."

Raines raised an eyebrow, continuing, "She's your family. Don't you care about her at all?"

"Of course, I do," Skyler nodded, "That's why I don't want her in jail. I hope she lives out her days on that little Caribbean island.

Whether she comes back depends on Geoffrey. If he can repent, maybe dad will let her off the hook and they can be reunited."

Raines gave a sly grin, "Aren't you afraid you'll end up on sdeserted Caribbean island too one day?"

"Nope, I'm a good kid. That's not going to happen to me," Skyler said with unshakable confidence, shaking his head vigorously.

"But didn't you say Geoffrey is bad news? Always butting heads with him could land you in hot water. He might just ship you off to

that island."

Skyler shot him a sharp and penetrating look, "Leopold and Angel will cto my rescue."

"There are over seven thousand islands in the Caribbean," Raines said with a hint of menace. "By the tthey find you, you might

be pushing eighty."

Skyler puffed up his cheeks, "Raines, are you trying to scare me? I've got a whole team of bodyguards. Leopold has made sure I'm


"Leopold looks out for you because you're useful to him, right? What if you're not useful anymore, or you tick him off? He might pull

all your protection, and then no one can keep you safe."

Skyler rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed, "Raines, that's a bit much, isn't it? Why are you trying to spook a kid? You're not a bad guy,

are you?"

"Cross my heart. I'm not the bad guy here," Raines replied. "I'm just laying out what I'm thinking. It's a cruel world, and you're too

trusting. You could easily get duped."

Skyler chuckled, "Don't forget, I've got a Ph.D. in psychology. I can spot sincerity, deceit, and lies from a mile away."

Raines blinked involuntarily, trying to shield the flicker in his eyes.

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