The secretary escorted Varro into the office, where Chancellor Marquette awaited his arrival. She stood near the corner of the room, talking to a small holographic image of someone he did not recognize. Varro paid little attention to what they were saying, focusing instead on the business that brought him here today.

Her conversation ended, and the hologram faded. The chancellor glanced at Varro but said nothing. Before speaking, she walked to her desk and took some papers and a data pad. "There's been an attack on Meteora," she said.

"Yes, I heard. I read Sebastien's report. He acted bravely to-"

"You sent him there against my wishes," she said, cutting him off. Most of the time, she controlled her anger, but not when it came to her son. "He should not be on Meteora at all."

"Yes, he should. He is a man and needs experience. What better place to get it? You can't shelter him forever. Besides, being a scout ship's captain is hardly the fleet's least dangerous job."

"But he is not an ambassador. He is not ready for this type of negotiation."

"A ship's captain is a representative of Anatolia. That makes him fit for the job."

"He is too inexperienced for such a high-profile mission. Cleon is certain to pounce on this attack as proof he was right to order the destruction of Meteora."

"Cleon is an extremist. Wiping out an entire population is immoral, and I will not be a party to it."

Chancellor Marquette sat behind her desk and motioned for Varro to join her. "Of course not, but Cleon has his supporters in the Assembly. He also has some valid points, Meteora could be a starting point. If they declare full independence, it could lead to other planets following suit."

"It still does not excuse his actions. Tell me, what did you ever see in him?"

"Youthful indiscretion. Thankfully nothing came of that relationship."

"Thankfully," Varro agreed.

"You still plan to run for the archonship in the election?"

"Yes, my team is putting together the announcement even as we speak. I plan to announce my intentions next week. I'm sure Cleon will announce his candidacy soon after. Others will follow, but the election will come down to Cleon and me. Did you talk to Archon Galanis?"

"I did, and he gave his blessing for you to run for the office. Adrian's office will contact you tomorrow to coordinate your efforts. His endorsement will go a long way in helping you win the election."

"And what is his position on Meteora?"

"He is considering sending 5000 troops to help quell the violence. He won't authorize the planet's destruction, but he will not allow them to leave the Anatolian League either."

"Then let's hope Sebastien can get to the bottom of the problem."

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