Chapter 288 Keith came home during the day, so Tyler decided to stay. They had important work stuff to talk about. Tyler was waiting outside when Keith arrived. Keith got out of the car after his driver opened the door for him. Tyler went over to greet him. It had been a while since Keith was home. “How's the baby?" Keith asked right away. "Mm-hmm, it's stable.” “That's great,” Keith said with a nod. He was a very determined guy. After asking about the baby, he walked straight to the living room, and Tyler followed him. “Did you go to Mr. Pearce’s funeral?” Keith asked on the way. “No, I sent Linda instead.” Keith frowned and stopped walking. “I had Linda bring a gift, though.” Keith seemed okay with this and kept walking. Then, Tyler mentioned, “Morgan's death anniversary is coming up. Should we do something?” Keith's face turned cold. After a short pause, he said, “What's there to do? She's gone. Just have one of the staff visit her grave. And he kept walking, leaving Tyler with a cold expression as well. Olivia was in the car feeling quite lonely, with nowhere in particular to go. The driver just kept driving, letting her have some space to think. Suddenly, she decided on a place and told the driver the address. When the driver heard, he looked at her. “It's going to be really crowded there, ma'am. Chapter 288 “I want to go anyway,” she said firmly, So, the driver had no choice but to take her to the crowded stone pier at the plaza, the same place where Claude found her last time, She had no idea why she wanted to go there, Maybe she was just looking for a change of scenery. Sitting alone, she watched people go by, lost in her thoughts. The driver stayed in the car, watching over her from a distance, careful not to bother her. Just a minute later, Claude showed up, walking by himself. He had just finished a meeting with Yance Bank and was feeling pretty down. He wanted to clear his head, so he left his car and walked. He ended up at the plaza where Olivia was He froze when he saw a familiar figure sitting on the stone pier. He just stood there, staring for a long time. At first, he wasn't sure, but then he called out, “Olivia?” Olivia was shocked to hear his voice. She shuddered and turned around, hardly believing

1. Seeing Claude made her stutter, “C—Claude? What are you doing here?” Claude just smiled. Seeing him smile, Olivia smiled back and got up. Claude walked up to her. “Looks like we had the same idea,” he said. Olivia was about to say something when she noticed a pendant Claude was wearing. Noticing her look, Claude smiled and explained, “Someone in the family passed away. This is a necklace with their ashes.”

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