I opened my eyes slowly trying to adjust to the light

I took a look at my surroundings. I found out I was on a bed in Liam's room

"Kitty, are you awake?"

It was Liam. He came to lay beside me

"Hey" I whispered

"Sorry bout what happened, must be a lot to take in"

"Yeah, where is she?"

"She left, she wanted to give you space to think"


We stared at each other's eyes for a while. He smiled at me, I couldn't help but smile back He reached for my hand and kissed my knuckles

"You're so beautiful” he said

I giggled. I love it when he tells me that

"You're pretty too"

His face turned serious. I laughed

"Don't ever say that again” he said

"Why not?" I teased

“I'm a man, I'm sexy"

"Oh really? You think so?"

"Hell yeah"

He leaned in to connect his lips with mine. I grabbed his hair and started kissing him hungrily like my life depended on it.

He pulled me closer by my waist making our bodies touch. He stood up and lay on top me before kissing me again. His hands were everywhere.

He removed my top not once breaking the kiss, he pulled down my shorts as well leaving me in my bra and panties.

I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it across the room

He unclasped my bra

I used my hands to cover my breasts. I closed my eyes in shame

He's seen the scars

Is he disgusted with me?

Does he still want me?

"Kitty remove your hands"


"I'll do it myself then"

He used one hand to pin both my arms at the side of my head

"Look you're perfect to me, nothing is going to stop me from loving you okay?"

I nodded

He leaned down and we continued what we started. I don't know how but in the next few minutes we were both naked rolling on top of each other

"If we don't stop now I wont be able to control myself"

"Don't, I'm ready"



“Are you sure"

"I've never been sure of something my whole life"

"You sur-"

"Shut up Liam’

We both laughed

He leaned down again capturing my lips in a passionate kiss. He kissed the mark he gave me sending shivers down my spine, down to my nipples.

He sucked on the left one, using his hand to massage the other one. He kissed my stomach down to the spot in between my legs.

I gasped

"Relax" he said

I took a deep breath

"You're wet already, I haven't even started yet"

I blushed, it was true

I was brought out of my thoughts by the sudden wave of pleasure that washed over me. He was licking my clit. I put my hands in his hair, playing with it as he French kissed my pearls in a way that made me arch my back as I pushed his head deeper inside of me

"Faster" I whispered

That was all it took for everything in me to explode. I released myself in his lips

"You taste so good"

"Uh thanks?"

We both laughed. Way to go Kathy! Making this awkward

"Lie down’ I told him

He lay on his back beside me

I got up and straddled him

"Uh is there anything I can do to..."

"To what?"

"You know pleasure you"

Liam's P.O.V

She looked so cute when she asked me that. I couldn't help but smile

"Go ahead, do whatever you want"

I saw her eyes darken, I grew a little bit scared cause I know her wolf had taken over

She bent down to kiss the side of my mouth teasing me. I opened my lips to kiss her but she stopped me

"UH uh not yet"

She bit my earlobe nibbling on it. She kissed my neck all the way down leaving trail of kisses everywhere. She stopped when she got down to where my friend was

I saw her eyes widen in surprise. Not to brag but I'm kinda big. She wrapped her fingers around my dick making it stand up

"Oh Lord"

It felt so good already

She moved her hands up and down in a slow manner as If testing it. I shifted in my position "Stay still" she ordered

Her voice was deep and raspy. I gulped. I knew I was in for it

After a while she picked up her pace. She went fast. I groaned in pleasure. She did it like a pro. It didn't take long for me to cum. I was breathing heavily

"Wow" I said

"Nope, I'm not done yet"

She bent down to lick the tip sending electric waves down my spine. She licked and licked before taking everything into her mouth. I closed my eyes in satisfaction. She kept on going until I came again. She swallowed it all

Kathy's P.O.V

I cleaned my mouth after I was done

I lay down in my former position

He hovered above me

"How did you learn to do that?" He asked

I smirked

"Do what?"

"Is it that guy that taught you?" He frowned

"What guy?"

"The one you slept with"


He looked sad

"What's wrong?'

"I just wished I could have been your first you know"

I held his face in my hands making him look at me

"You are my first"

"No, he was"

"There is no he"

"Don't lie to me"

"I was raped"

He blinked severally as if not believing his ears

“I I I didn't know, I'm."

"Its okay"


"Let's not talk about that right now"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, now I feel bad"

"Why? No need I'm okay"

"I should've been there to protect you"

"Its okay"

He positioned himself between my legs

"You ready?"

I nodded

I felt himself inside me. It was so painful; it took me a while to adjust to his size

"I'm sorry just relax I'll go slow okay"

"It hurts"

'I know it'll pass"

He slowed down his motions. Suddenly the pain was replaced by pleasure

I moved my hips upwards to meet his speed

"Oh, its like that huh?"

I screamed as he thrusted fast into me

I put my hand over my mouth

He removed it

"I want everyone to hear what I do to you"

He bent my leg over my shoulders. I never felt this way in my life before



"What's my name?"

"Liam" I whispered

He went faster. I moaned

"I can't hear you"

"Liam!" I screamed

That was all it took for me to cum

He laid beside me. we were both breathing heavily

"I love you baby" he said

I cuddled into him

"I love you too"

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