Surprised Wife With Twins
Chapter 64 Can't Outplay Him

Jennifer was slightly taken aback. Then she returned to calm. "You must have been mistaken.”

Their eyes locked. Georgia kept her appearance in her mind deeply, which was too familiar. However, she failed to recall where she had met Jennifer before.

Jennifer smiled at her politely and turned away.

When a breeze brushed her face, she felt something tickling her heart, and her eyes blurred.

If Georgia hadn't provoked her repeatedly, Jennifer didn't think she would have anything to do with the Clarke family.

The Marsh Group.

A Lamborghini was parked steadily in front of the building. Suddenly, the ringing tone of a phone sounded.

Ivan calmly unfastened his seat belt, pulled out his phone, looked at it, and swiped to answer.

"Hello, Mr. Marsh. Georgia Clarke drove to Mrs. Marsh and actively talked to her, but Mrs. Marsh didn't take her ride," his man reported, “That place is too remote for Mrs. Marsh to hail a taxi. Shall we really let her go home on foot?"

lvan's eyes darkened. He thought for a moment, hung up the phone, fastened his seat belt, and started the engine.

Jennifer walked alone. She hadn't seen any car on this road except for Georgia's

How could Ivan dump her here? He was indeed heartless. What a cold- blooded demon!

Jennifer realized she couldn't return to Sunshine Village today, as she had no idea how long it would take her to go home. She wondered if David's leg had gotten better.

In the roadster, Georgia rubbed her chin, frowning. She was still puzzled, wondering who the heck Jennifer was.

She made Georgia feel familiar and panicked, somehow.

Ever since she met Jennifer, she had felt uneasy.

Suddenly, her phone's ringing tone brought her back to her senses. Georgia pulled out her phone and swiped to answer. The person on the other end of the line begged her to politely return to the film set.

"Can't you understand English? I've told you I'll stop filming today.” She hung the phone up in irritation, rolling her eyes.

Georgia was arrogant, and she believed she deserved to be so.

The sponsor of this commercial was the Clarke Corp, and she was its future heir.

The Lamborghini ran fast, roaring toward Jennifer's location.

Gripping the steering wheel, Ivan gazed in front.

He recalled when he took Jennifer to attend Mya's birthday party, which was the first time they showed up together in public, Jennifer looked at Zack in a special way.

Later, he learned that she was Rowan's teacher.

Jennifer got along with Mya, who was the mayor's daughter. Countless celebrities wanted to be her friends but failed.

A woman who had stayed in a poor village for seven years. How could she have something to do with those people?

Ten minutes later, the Lamborghini was pulled up to Jennifer with a brake.

Its wheels screeched a long brake mark on the ground, and the creak shocked her.

"Are you nuts?" Jennifer recognized the man in the driver's seat.

She ignored him, quickening her paces while walking forward.

The Lamborghini ran forward a little bit and parked next to her again. Jennifer started running.

Ivan started the engine again and matched her running speed. Jennifer was pissed. She didn't expect Ivan to do that. How could she run faster than a Lamborghini?

It seemed Ivan was idle today. He gripped the steering wheel with one hand and put the other on the window, controlling the car's speed. His thoughtful gaze was fixed on her.

Unconsciously, Jennifer had run a few hundred yards.

She seldom worked out, so her legs weakened and became sore. She realized she couldn't continue running in this way. Panting, she had to stop.

Slightly bending her knees, Jennifer felt a little bit dizzy.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a pair of shiny leather shoes.

She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths before looking at him.

Ivan stood in front of her, his hands stuffing into the pockets of his suit trousers. He asked jokingly, “Do you plan to run back home?"

Gritting her teeth, she snapped, "You won!" Then she walked around the car and sat in the passenger seat, boiling with rage.

Ivan chuckled and sat in the Lamborghini.

He sent her back to Emerald Bay. On the way, he pressed his lips together and checked on her from time to time. Jennifer couldn't tell what was in his mind.

His phone rang, but he didn't answer or even check the caller ID.

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