Sold To The Untouchable Alpha
Epilogue: New Beginnings

[lvan's POV]

I sat staring straight ahead at the five bodies that slumped on the floor in front of me. A week had passed since these bastards decided to attack my territory, and today was the day of their trial.

Due to keeping things fair and just, I couldn't hand out punishments without a verdict from my most trusted confidantes. Thanks to that, Arissa had been whining and ignoring me for most of the week.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I listened as each of their crimes were read aloud for all to hear. Despite this being a trial, everyone present was already aware of what they had done, and we had managed to get two confessions from Elder Theodore and Carina. Though they had helped, they weren't aware of the hunters that were involved.

Since they were innocent of those charges, if found guilty, their tongues would be removed and they would be demoted to nothing more than slaves that worked in the fields. This was a grace that I was giving them and if I heard one word of either stepping out of line, they would be sure to receive a much worse punishment.

"On grounds of helping the enemy invade the territory of Alpha Ivan Fredrickson and the territory of Alpha Isaac Gregory." Igor read out, drawing my attention back to the trial at hand. "The jury finds Albert Fredrickson, Gillian Gregory, and Tristan Thompson guilty.”

I watched with amusement as my father lifted his head, preparing to argue. However, before the trial, all that were being tried were fixed with mouthpieces that would rip at the lips and skin if they dared try to cause trouble.

"Each traitor will be executed at dawn tomorrow in front of all to see.”

Execution, in my opinion, was too good for them. However, I couldn't do anything crueler. As a leader, I needed to seem just and had to think rationally. Although I knew that Arissa wouldn't be thrilled about not being able to torture them first, I was sure she would appreciate me convincing the executioner to allow her to deal the killing blows.

Standing, I didn't bother listening in on the verdicts for Carina and Elder Theodore. With confessions from both, I already knew that they would be found guilty.

"I leave the rest to you.” I murmured, leaning close to Hans' ear. "I've got something important to do."

"New moon." Hans smirked, understanding completely.

Ignoring his hit, I made my way out of the courtroom and into the bustling halls of the estate.

Due to the damage that the building itself had endured thanks to the hunters, I had to bring in men to fix the foundation and do some other work within the estate itself. Even though they were almost finished, there was still work to be done, so the place was much more busy than usual.

"Good work." I huffed at one of the masons as I passed. "I expect this to be done within another week."

"Yes, sir."

Satisfied that they would heed my request, I continued towards the back garden where I had made Arissa promise to meet me.

Despite her pestering, I hadn't told her my reason for wanting to have dinner with her under the night sky. This was my most special surprise for her. I quite looked forward to the look of shock and happiness that would appear in her beautiful eyes once she finally felt the power of the mate bond for the first time.

When I arrived, she was already in place, resting casually on the grass with her arms behind her head.

"You're going to ruin your dress.” I pointed out, quickly closing the distance between us. "Do you really want Christine to fuss?"

"She will live." Arissa huffed in defiance. "I was just enjoying the way the grass felt against my skin." Frowning, I tried not to dwell on the fact that she had been deprived of so much in the past. Since all that was over, I would be sure to do everything in my power to make sure that she experienced all the joys that were in this world.

"Come on," I sighed, lowering my head and extending my hand to her.

"Spoil sport.” She pouted, but she didn’t argue as she allowed me to lift her up onto her feet. "Now, since I'm here as requested, can you tell me what's going on?"

As she spoke, she fixed her large, pleading eyes on me. Giving a smile, I simply shook my head and motioned for her to take a stroll with me.

I had everything planned out. First, I needed to get her to the middle of the garden just as the sun was finishing setting.

"Come for a walk with me." I said, offering her my arm. "Afterwards, I will tell you."

I waited as Arissa eyed me suspiciously.

"You aren't planning anything pervy, right?" She asked, narrowing her gaze. "I know that you like to fuck anywhere and everywhere."

Rolling my eyes, I controlled my urge to thump her forehead. Tonight wasn't the night for it, but I would be sure to punish her for her words later.

"I simply want to take a walk with a beautiful lady under the stars.” I smirked. "Now, will you walk with me?"

[Arissa’s POV]

I continued to eye Ivan suspiciously, but in the end, decided that it wouldn't hurt anything to take a walk with him. Now that things were settled and life had become mundane, I had taken a liking to being outdoors, no matter what time of day it was.

I guess that meant that, even though I didn't realize it sooner, being locked away and kept from the world for so long really did leave me craving the outside world.

"Alright, let's walk." I said, tentatively taking Ivan’'s arm.

As soon as our skin touched, I could feel the electrical warmth surge through me. By this point, I was growing used to it, but it still surprised and awed me occasionally.

"This way," Ivan announced, beginning to move.

We remained quiet as we walked down the cobblestone path that led through many large rose bushes of many colors. Just ahead, I could make out an opening that seemed to have a large fountain.

It was when I was beginning to realize that this garden was similar to the greenhouse that the string quartet came into view. Stopping in my tracks, I looked at Ivan, who wore a blank mask.

"What is that?" I asked, lifting a finger and pointing to the men that were watching us with their instruments ready.

"Don't tell me you're afraid of string instruments." Ivan smirked, beginning to slowly pull me forward.

“I'm not." I snapped, feeling an odd fluttering building up in my stomach.

Now that I was on alert, I could see small glass jars holding tealight candles lining a path leading up to the fountain. There were also rose petals and lilies. What exactly was this man up to and why was he doing this at night?

I didn't have to wonder for long as the last light of day disappeared and the stars began to shine brightly. An odd smell that was both comforting and alluring hit my nose just as we began making our way down the candlelit path.

"I-lvan," I stammered.

The place where our skin touched had begun to tingle even stronger than usual, and I could easily feel Rosario becoming excited.

“He is our mate!’ She announced happily.

Unable to fully process her words, I let Ivan lead me to the fountain. As he released me and lifted his hand for the musicians to begin playing, I stared blankly. At least, until Ivan rummaged in his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box.

Moving forward, he knelt on one knee in front of me and presented the now open box with a fire opal inside of it to me.

"What are you doing?" I rasped, trying to stop the whirlwind of emotions that were rushing through me. "Are you..."

"Maybe," he responded, ruefully. "Arissa Armondi, I've thought long and hard about this since the day we met, and now I am absolutely certain.”

Sure of what? What was he doing?

"I've come to realize that you are the light that shone brightly in the darkness that was my heart and soul. You are the reason that I want to make this land peaceful and free of any and all trouble. I want to be the one that helps you chase away all your demons and ghosts. But most of all, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And if there is a next life, I hope that we meet sooner so that I can spend a longer amount of time with you then too. "

"Are you proposing?" I whispered, feeling tears begin to spring up in my eyes.

"Yeah, I am." Ivan beamed, fixing his electric blue gaze on mine. "Will you do me the honor and make me the happiest man by agreeing to not only be my bride, but to also be my luna?

It felt like the entire world faded from existence as Ivan’s words hit me.

Never, in my wildest dreams, did I ever picture my life becoming anything like this. After all the heartbreak, all the betrayal, all the pain and suffering, but most of all, all the loss; here I was with an outstanding man, all but promising to give me the world.

"Are you serious?" I asked, unable to believe this was real.

"Yes, I'm very serious.” Ivan responded, giving me a brilliant smile. “I would never lie about something like this."

"Then I accept.” I responded.

I didn't have a chance to react as Ivan jumped from the ground and pulled me into a hug. With his chest against mine, I could feel for the first time our hearts connecting and our souls entwining. I guess this was what it felt like to be happy, and in the end, I had to thank my Untouchable Alpha for it.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you to everyone who has joined me on this adventure of heartache and laughter. I just want each and every one of you to know how much I appreciate all of your encouragement, support, and encouragement to keep going.It means the absolute world to me, and without all of you keeping me encouraged, I don't think I would have been able to create such a story. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

Also, please know that I do have other stories as well. If you are looking for me, feel free to give those a read as well. And until next time... be safe and happy!


SEQUEL IS NOW LIVE! The Untouchable Alpha's Unhinged Luna. 3)

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