Sold To The Untouchable Alpha
Revival Of The Heir

[lvan's POV]

I didn't wait for the carriage to come to a complete stop before I was jumping out and making my way into the building ahead. Moving as quickly as possible, I made my way to my room so that I could feed Arissa as needed.

"Hungry." She groaned over and over as I laid her on the bed and ripped off my shirt.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll feed you." I murmured, sitting on the bed and pulling her into my lap. "Eat as much as you want."

Slowly opening her mouth, Arissa did just as instructed, digging her teeth deep into my throat right at my mark spot before I could stop her.

Letting out a groan, I felt like an electric shock rolled through me, sending wave after wave of euphoria through me.

'Yes,' Bastian whimpered, coming alive due to being marked. “Our mate has acknowledged us!" 'She hasn't." I responded, feeling a pang of pain in my heart. “She is delirious right now.’

Confused, Bastian focused on Arissa's aura and essence.

'What did you let happen to our mate?’ He growled, turning his rage on me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HER?

I didn't have an explanation for him. I too couldn't believe I let her get in this condition.

Maybe if I hadn't played the fool and dealt with the enemy as soon as I spotted them things would be different. However, there was no going back in time. All I could do from this point on was do everything in my power to pave the road complete and total freedom for her from here on out. “That's Better.’ Bastian smirked, slinking back into the shadows.

Rolling my eyes, I turned my focus back to the situation at hand. Arissa's drinking had slowed and an odd light was beginning to emanate from her. Along with the light, was a strong aura that belonged to a wolf and not just any wolf, it belonged to an alpha. An extremely strong alpha. [Arissa's POV]

I bit back my scream of pain as ice began to flow through my body from where I held the black vines.

Beneath them the white wolf whimpered and growled. I could see scratches forming where the thorns bit into it's skin and strengthened my hold.

"Just a bit more.” I grunted, looking to my arms that were beginning to turn red and raw. "Hang in there."

Biting down on my lip to divert the pain, I let a shriek escape me as I gave one final pull, ripping the vine clean in half.

Before I could bask in my triumph, I was thrown backwards by a powerful explosion of light as the white wolf began to stand. Landing on my back, I felt all the air rush from my lungs, but quickly scrambled to get up as the creature started making it's way towards me.

"What are you doing?" I asked as it opened it's mouth and bared it's teeth. "I just helped you!" Letting out a huff, the wolf bit down on my arm, drawing just enough blood to press against a cut on it's face.

I watched in wonder as the wolf's light began to seep into me, causing my body to glow with powerful white light.


I didn't have to finish my sentence. The wolf was already nodding it's head.

“That's correct.’ It responded, catching me by surprise as it's sweet melodious voice echoed in my head. 'l am your wolf.’

My wolf... the wolf that I so desperately wanted to meet when I was a child. The one that my mother made sure was locked away when she fed me that vampire blood. It was here all this time. It was just trapped and unable to break free.

Feeling tears beginning to roll down my cheeks, I threw my arms around the wolf, letting it's warmth and light sink into me.

"Finally," I whispered closing my eyes. "Better late than never."

"It's okay now."

The words were very faint, but they drew me from the darkness that still surrounded me.

"No!" I gasped, realizing what was happening. "I don't want to leave you!"

'I'm not going anywhere.’ The wolf responded calmly. 'l will still be with you when you wake. Nodding, I sucked in a breath and stepped back, getting one last look at the majestic wolf in front of me.

"Then I'll see you around.”

“Sooner than you think." The wolf responded with a bow. “Il have a feeling I will be needed very soon.’

Letting a smile play across my lips, I nodded and gave a wave.

"I'll see you when the fun begins then."

Closing my eyes, I felt what could only be described as the earth disappearing from beneath me so I was left falling.

I fell faster and faster until I was crashing into something warm and solid.

Opening my eyes, I looked up into Ivan's handsome face. His blue eyes were somewhat glazed and his expression was one of relief.

Realizing I was back, I attempted to move, but stopped as pain shot through me. Looking to my stomach, I found that I was almost healed, but still injured.

"Welcome back." van murmured, tightening his hold on me.

Letting a gasp escape me, I tried to make sense of the sudden energy I felt from his touch. Something about it sent my heart into a frenzy and made my very soul scream for him.

What was this?

"How do you feel?" He asked, drawing my attention back to him.

"Odd." I muttered.

I was feeling everything from pain to longing and it was confusing me greatly. Why would I suddenly feel like this after almost dying? Was an after effect from my near death experience? Or was it something deeper and more spiritual?

I didn't know and I didn't dare dwell on it. There were more important things to deal with right now. Starting with capturing and getting revenge on the traitors that thought they were playing us for fools.

Just the thought sent excitement through me and left me buzzing with life.

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