Seven Years Ago

Men are idiots.

There was nothing more to be said. They were simple-minded assholes that either used their physical strength to overpower women or destroy them.

The crowded bar, right outside Berkeley, held half of the students of the University of California – Berkeley. Except for my best friend, much to my dismay. She was being responsible. I wasn’t.

Thursday night half-off specials drew in crowds and I couldn’t resist. Loud music, loud people. Laughter. I loved the atmosphere, except when assholes that didn’t know the meaning of ‘no’ insisted on nagging me.

“Leave the girl alone,” one of my classmates laughed. Rebecca was her name. Simple. Happy. Nothing dark in her past and probably not in her future. She was a good person. “Can’t you see she’s not interested.”

She winked at me and I smiled gratefully. Maybe my best friend had a point. Being surrounded by drunken, horny college guys was a bit too much on a Thursday night. I was starting to regret not staying home and studying. Or at least watching a movie while Autumn studied.

“Give me your number,” the frat boy repeated.

My eyes roamed over him. An ugly baseball hat. Red and white checkered t-shirt. And pants that threatened to fall off his hips.


I didn’t even bother offering him a smile. The guy was a fucking moron. And rude. I saw him grab a girl’s ass as he walked over here. The way he strutted like a fucking peacock, you’d think he was a hotshot. Something worth looking at.

“I’ll take you out to dinner.”

“Really?” I feigned excitement. “Well in that case… still, no.”

I heard a few snickers around, but I didn’t bother acknowledging them. Nor him. This asshole and his attitude aside, I didn’t exactly react and function like most normal girls. I tried, but my father broke me even before my adolescent years. So now the goal was to act normal, overcome the fear of being touched, and enjoy my college years just like any other girl.

Turning around, my eyes traveled over the room. A bunch of familiar faces from campus. And a bunch of unfamiliar ones.

After we flunked the first semester, Autumn took her studies more seriously. I did too, starting first thing tomorrow. Tonight, I wanted to have some fun.

I looked around again, feeling the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up. My heart rate picked up and a chill swept over my body. Except, I didn’t know why. I didn’t see anyone looking my way. Except this conceited asshole. But he wasn’t the one that caused this reaction.

“I like you.” I blinked. The red baseball prick was still here. “I have money.”

“You’ve got to be out of your goddamned mind,” I sputtered.

This was exactly the kind of man that I disliked. The kind of man that left a bad taste in your mouth. Kind of like my father to my mother.

The sounds of a commotion and voices had both of us turning our heads in its direction, drawing our attention. My eyes widened the moment I saw him. Trouble. That was the first word that came to my mind. Second, that he was dangerous.

And not because he wore a leather jacket and jeans hugging his muscular thighs. He moved with grace, contrary to his muscular, bulky frame. He had this energy about him, the kind that was lethal and predatory. He stalked in a sensual kind of way, his six foot three inches reeking of authority and confidence.

He looked like he could have been an MMA fighter, drawing the attention of everyone as he walked.

Hard jawline. Nose ring. Eyes the palest blue I had ever seen. Something about him had me captivated, staring at him. Our eyes connected and the air swished out of my lungs. His icy eyes stared right at me in a way that rattled my nerves.

I fought a shiver that threatened to roll down my spine. This reaction was unusual. Puzzling. I couldn’t quite distinguish whether the reaction was because I was scared of him or liked him.

Scared. Definitely scared.

Anyone with an ounce of sense would know to keep their distance from this guy. He screamed danger and ruthlessness.

The sounds of music and chatter faded as I drowned in his gaze. Invasive. Blue. Electrifying.

He was scary as shit but startlingly beautiful. But someone you should only admire from afar. Like a cobra. Why would you ever want to get close to a cobra?

Yet, I wanted to see him up-close. To study those tattoos that covered his exposed skin from his jawline down up close. Like really up close, I snickered silently.

Unless you panic, my mind mocked but I ignored the reason and focused on the beautiful specimen.

Jesus Christ.

He was tatted to high-heaven and although I never much cared for ink, he had me swooning. If his neck was anything to go by, he must have them all over his body. His hand came to his mouth and my eyes latched on to the ink on his fingers. Symbols.

I had never seen such beautiful fingers. Or strong.

My body jerked and my head snapped to my left. The fucking baseball cap guy was still here and he grabbed my arm, pulling me to himself.

A shudder of disgust made its way across my body. Sickening. Nauseous. Repulsive. Like thousands of spiders crawling over my skin. It was a result of my father’s treatment during the worst two years of my life. A stranger’s touch was usually unwelcomed.

“Did you just—” I hissed, pissed off that he put his hand on me. I tugged my hand out of his grip. “In case you’re still clueless and haven’t gotten the message… I. Am. Not. Interested.” When he remained standing in the same spot, I spat, “Why are you still here?”

He stared at me confused, as if he had never been rejected before. Surely that couldn’t be. He certainly wasn’t all that.

“There you are, kotyonok.” A deep, unfamiliar voice had me turning my head. A small gasp filled the air. Mine. Why did that stupid word suddenly come to mind? I stared at the pale blue eyes, up close and personal. They were even more unusual up close. “Where is my kiss?”

I watched mesmerized as his hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me to him like a ragdoll, his strength apparent in that simple move. In the back of my mind, the fact that he touched me and I hadn’t freaked out registered.

Improvement, I thought, satisfied with myself.

He was taller than I originally thought. My palm came to his chest, holding on for balance, as I craned my neck to meet his gaze.

He was much taller than me. And realization finally settled in.

“Is this moron bothering you?” he asked, flicking a glance to the guy next to me. A dark warning lurked in that pale gaze.

He’s trying to save me from the moron next to me. Yes, I was a bit slow, but he was to blame.

Our eyes locked and I swallowed, hoping I wasn’t reading him wrong. My lips curved into a smile. I licked my lips, then rose up on my tiptoes.

“Hey, babe,” I purred, running my palm up and down his chest. The moment those words left my lips, his hand on my hip tightened and pulled me harder against his solid body. His head dipped while I watched, mesmerized as his lips inched closer and closer to mine.

When his lips covered mine, he wasted no time. He swept his tongue inside my mouth, wet and lazy. A moan bubbled in my throat. He tasted better than anything. Addictive. His hand left my waist and gripped my neck, angling it so he could deepen the kiss. Another sweep of his tongue, so deliciously sinful, and I let out a soft moan into his mouth.

Carnal need washed over me.

I had never tolerated physical closeness with strangers very well, but at this moment, I needed him to do that over and over again. A shiver ghosted down my spine and my body shuddered, pressed against his. My breathing shallowed and my nipples hardened.

His kiss lit embers that waited to be stoked into a full blown inferno. Just as abruptly as the kiss started, it ended.

He lifted his mouth from mine, his pale eyes staring down at me. His gaze never wavered from me as he stated his next words.

“Lay a hand on her… No, say a word to her or even look her way,” he stated coldly, “And I will end you.” He smiled. Harshly. Something unhinged lurking in his eyes. Although he still stared at me, I knew that was for the guy that was harassing me. “And trust me when I say, it is not the quick kind of ending.”

The guy disappeared faster than a dog with a bone.

He looked to my left. “He’s gone.” His voice was like velvet on naked skin. His hands dropped from my body and a strange kind of ache lingered in its wake. Confusion and desire warred within me.

“Thank you,” I said, staring at him.


The entire room faded in the background as I drowned in those eyes. I searched for a comparison in my mind for them, but couldn’t quite come up with one. They were paler than blue skies. Paler than Arctic waters, reflecting the sunlight.

And while a harshness resided in them, I thought I saw something else in them too. Though I couldn’t quite figure out what.

I blinked, my whole body buzzing with a worrisome energy, urging me to lean back into him and soak in his warmth. His fucking sex appeal. Something.

I looked up at him, nodded, and turned around to go search out the group I had come with. They had all disappeared on me.

“Your friends asked me to give you this.” The bartender, in her thirties, handed me a piece of paper.

I skimmed through it, the letter dancing in front of my eyes and with each further word read, frustration grew thicker in my throat. Assholes. College kids had zero loyalties when it came to hanging out. They’d ditch you without a second thought if they had something better going on. It was the reason I always hung out with Autumn. She never left anyone behind.

Shaking my head, I headed for the exit as I pulled out my phone and booked an Uber, all the while muttering creative curses under my breath.

“Someone got you mad, kotyonok?” An amused voice came from behind me, and I twirled around to come face-to-face with the gorgeous stranger who had just kissed my brains out. He stood near the doors, leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

His shirt hugged his broad shoulders, the custom tailored material making him almost appear like a gentleman. Almost. You just had to look into his eyes to know it was all a facade. He didn’t even bother hiding his savageness.

“Are you stalking me?” I answered with my own question.

He scratched the scruff on his jaw, my eyes latching onto his fingers again. Suddenly, my mouth went dry and my tongue swept over my bottom lip, wetting it.

“What would you do if I was?” I blinked, our gazes connecting again. My brain was scattered into incoherent thoughts around this man. Then I remembered our conversation. Not that it was much of one. Answering questions with another question.

“I’d tell my brother to kick your fucking ass,” I grumbled.

He threw his head back and laughed. He actually laughed. “What?” he challenged. “You wouldn’t kick my ass yourself, kotyonok?” I rolled my eyes. “You’ve got claws. You’re a fighter after all.”

I sighed. “Listen, I don’t have time for riddles. Thank you for assisting earlier, but I’m afraid your services are no longer– ”

His hand came to my face, cupping it, and for such a big guy, the touch was surprisingly gentle. His rough palm burned my cheek, and my words caught in my throat.

“Do you need a ride?” Fuck, yeah. My mind screamed, eager for more of that feeling his lips offered. As if he read my mind, he smirked. “A ride home,” he clarified.

Disappointment washed over me, and I immediately scolded myself. He was a stranger. It wasn’t as if I wanted anything to do with him.

“I’m good, thank you,” I retorted dryly. “I booked an Uber.”

A sardonic breath left him. “If you get into that Uber, he’s a dead man,” he replied in a bored tone. A sharp breath escaped me. He couldn’t be serious. Could he? “Haven’t you been reading the news?” My brows scrunched. “Shit always happens to pretty girls when they ride alone in cabs.”

When I said nothing, he shook his head and stepped toward a beautiful black Ducati Desmosedici. Two helmets sat on the seat.

I glanced down at my outfit. I wore a short red dress and matching heels. Not exactly an outfit for riding a bike.

He followed my gaze and his lips curved up. “Not to worry. I’ll let nobody see it,” he mused.

“See what?” The words left before I thought better of it.

A smirk marked his face. “Your-” A pause followed and butterflies on fire fluttered through my body. “-panties.”

I’d stake my life that he was actually thinking a completely different word.

He straddled his bike and my thighs clenched as images flashed in my mind. This man straddling me with his muscular thighs. Then thrusting into me. My palm came to my heated cheek.

God, what was wrong with me? Maybe the alcohol was making me act all crazy. But I barely had half a glass of gin.

He slid his helmet on before handing me the spare, and with hesitant fingers, I reached for it.

I shifted nervously on my feet. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.” I glanced down to my feet. “Should I take off my heels?”

He pulled me over. “Straddle me. Leave the heels on.”

The smirk on his face promised something so dirty and delicious, igniting a fire through my veins.

With unsure legs, I followed his direction. My hands came to rest on his shoulders, steadying myself and straddling him from behind. My dress immediately hiked up and he slid a hand up the outside of my thigh. My skin instantly lit up, the buzzing spreading to the tips of my toes. And the throbbing between my thighs intensified.

“So I’m sharing a first with you?” I could hear the satisfied grin in his voice.

“Don’t get all excited,” I muttered and his laugh vibrated through his back and into my chest. “What’s your name?”

I had no idea what made me ask. I figured if I was straddling him from behind, I should at least know his name. “Moye Serdtse.”

“What kind of name is that?” My hands slid inside his leather jacket and squeezed tight. “Are you Russian?”

Tension entered his shoulders but it was gone the next moment.

“Is that a problem?” he asked in a nonchalant tone, but there was a hint of something raw in his voice. He revved the engine on the bike.

“No. Should it be?” I wasn’t sure if he heard me or not.

“Hold on tight!” he yelled and I gripped him around his waist for dear life. His ab muscles tightened under my hands and even through the helmet, I swore I could smell his cologne. A mixture of citrus and leather.

I had never smelled anything so intoxicating, and I knew at that moment.

He’d taste like heaven and sin, all wrapped up in one.

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