The bodyguards had learned their lesson and, after glancing at James' expression, reluctantly left the scene.

It was only when the coast was clear that Sophie allowed herself a moment of relief.

James approached Sophie again, gently touching her forehead, and remarked, "Why do you have such a high fever?"

"Ask your cousin. She was being quite the handful just now."

Sophie surveyed the mess around them and couldn't help but wonder what bad karma she had accrued to deserve such chaos.

"I'll take care of that matter."

"I know. I wasn't planning to interfere."

Sophie got up, intending to return to her room, but as she did, she felt a wave of dizziness, and her vision turned pitch black. In her semi-conscious state, she thought she heard someone calling her name. James quickly moved to catch Sophie, but in the next instant, she was in another's arms.

"No need to trouble yourself, Mr. Burke. My girlfriend will be well taken care of by me." Colby lifted Sophie in his arms without sparing James a glance.


James' voice carried a chilling tone as he blocked Colby's path. He looked down at Sophie, who's unconscious in Colby's arms, and scoffed, "Your girlfriend? And you just stood by as she was harassed without intervening?"

"No one will bully her." Colby raised an eyebrow at James, stating, "Well, it seems to me that the person making things difficult for Sophie was a member of your family." Colby's words left James with no comeback.

From outside, Adler coughed slightly and said, "Well, everyone's just looking out for Sophie's best interest, Mr. Burke. She is sick, and our place has a better environment, with doctors readily available. Colby is just trying to do what's best for her. Maybe you should stay here and clean up this mess."

The room, once in order, was now a complete shambles. If it wasn't tidied up, it would likely be uninhabitable in the future.

James frowned, "Take care of her."

"She's my girlfriend. Of course, I'll take good care of her."

James felt a pang of jealousy at Colby's possessive tone towards Sophie.

Now that Solana was aware of this address, his grandmother might send more troublemakers. With Colby present, at least Sophie's physical safety was somewhat assured, preventing her from falling into further danger.

Outside, Colby carried Sophie to the car. He touched her burning forehead and noted, "The fever's almost 102°F."

"James! Did he even take care of her?"

Adler, clearly dissatisfied, retorted, "They should never have been put on the show together. What was Gordon thinking? Has he lost his mind?" "Enough talk, drive!"

Colby took off his jacket and draped it over Sophie. Noting her pale complexion, he then instructed, "Call William, have him prepare some fever-reducing medicine, and tell the kitchen to make some light dishes. She'll need something to eat when she wakes up."

"Right away! Anything else?"

"Shut up and drive."

Adler floored the gas pedal, and soon, they arrived at Gordon's apartment.

Colby carried Sophie inside swiftly, where a maid had already prepared a comfortable guest room. He placed Sophie on the bed, then frowned. "Where's William? Why hasn't he arrived yet?"

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