Suddenly, Sophie opened her eyes, breaking out in a cold sweat.

James was beside her, wringing out a damp towel. He turned to see Sophie awake and asked, "Do you want to eat something?" Sophie's heart filled with greater terror at the sight of James, and she instinctively stepped back, a movement James noticed.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

It was a nightmare, indeed. In her dream, Sophie felt as though she had returned to a past life. She was a ghost in a world where she had already died!

When she saw her own gravestone, the agony of dying on the operating table seemed to sweep through her body once again.

"James, I..." Sophie attempted to speak, but James cut her off with a look.

He frowned and silently reminded Sophie with his eyes. 'There. Are. Cameras.'

Sophie tried calming her emotions, managing a weak smile, saying, "Yeah, it was a nightmare."

"You have a fever. I took your temperature just now. It's 101.3°F. I'll make you some soup, and I've left the medicine on the table."


Sophie settled her mind.

After James had left, she kept recalling her dream. If that was truly about her life after death in a past life, then why had James spoken of seeking vengeance for her?

Could it be that the person who had taken all the Type A blood from the hospital wasn't James, but...

The image of Nichole removing the ring from Sophie's finger in the morgue flashed through Sophie's mind.

Could it be...


Sophie immediately threw off the covers and went downstairs.

In the kitchen, James' figure was especially gentle in the morning light. He was focused on making the soup, each movement showing his inexperience and awkwardness. Sophie's gaze involuntarily fell on James' back.

In her past life, James had never cooked for her. Who could expect a man who didn't love her to cook for her?

"Let me do it," Sophie said softly.

"Why did you get out of bed? Go back and rest."

Sophie brought the smartphone from the nightstand to James, saying, "Your phone kept ringing just now. It must have been Colt calling. Here."

Saying this, Sophie handed the phone to James.

There were so many missed calls on the phone, and James realized the seriousness of the situation.

Sophie had already turned off the stove, saying, "Soup should be simmered on low heat, or it will burn."

"Let's not eat this. I'll order takeout." As James said this, he called Colt.

Sophie glanced at the soup, which had almost turned into porridge, and let out a light laugh. She tasted a spoonful. The soup was bitter.

Sophie made a pained expression. Fortunately, she hadn't tasted this in her past life.

In the bedroom, James called Colt. "What's happened?"

On the phone, Colt's tone sounded grave. "Mr. Burke... Did you see the news?"

James' expression turned stern.

The filming of the show had been urgently halted.

Lying dizzily in bed, Sophie watched the camera, which the crew had turned off, and asked, "Has something happened?"

"It's nothing. You should rest. The crew will film the other guests first because you're sick and shouldn't be disturbed."

Though James' words seemed reasonable, Sophie still sensed something was off: "What did Colt say when he called you during the day?" "It's not a big deal."

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