The atmosphere suddenly grew tense, and it was at this moment that Colt spoke up to break the ice, "Mr. Burke, how about I go get the car ready? You and Mrs. Burke should head back now. She's been waiting here for your surgery for quite a while."

"Alright, go get the car."

Sophie stood her ground, unmoving. "I'd rather not go."

"Mrs. Burke, the entrance is swarming with reporters. If you don't leave with us now, you might get photographed, which could lead to stories in the tabloids."

Colt had clearly laid out the potential danger. If Sophie stayed, she would definitely cause trouble for both Burker International and herself. She had just remarried James. James was now in the hospital and if the two of them parted ways, it was bound to stir up gossip.

"Then let's go together."

Sophie didn't insist. The three of them got into the car together, and as soon as they left the parking lot, they encountered a crowd of reporters outside.

The moment James' car pulled out, the reporters surged forward, snapping photos.

"Lose them."

"Yes, Mr. Burke."

Colt drove quickly, and soon, they had left the reporters far behind.

Colt asked, "Mr. Burke, your grandmother might still be at home."

"Haven't I already said to ask her to leave?"

"She... probably doesn't want to go."

Colt seemed troubled by his own words.

Asking Bea to make room for Sophie was obviously out of the question. After this incident, Bea had grown to despise Sophie.

"No matter, if she doesn't want to leave, she doesn't have to. It actually gives me an excuse not to stay at home."

She and James had already agreed to a divorce, and in a few days, the paperwork should be finalized. Naturally, they couldn't live together.

James' expression dimmed slightly.

At the Burke residence, as soon as Sophie and James got home, Bea rushed over to inspect James' arm injury. "James, how are you feeling? Let me have a look."

"Grandma, I'm fine." James withdrew his arm, his detachment causing Bea to pause.

Sophie approached James' side and addressed Bea, "Bea, James has just suffered such a severe injury. He needs to rest. We're going upstairs now."

It was only then that Bea noticed Sophie, who had returned with James. Suddenly, she remembered the Devins family coming over to demand payment earlier that day, and she couldn't help but flare up. Sophie smiled and said, "Why such a face? It's almost as if you're not happy to see me back."

"How could I be unhappy about your return?"

Bea's sarcastic tone made James frown. "Grandma, Sophie has been by my side waiting for me outside the operating room. She's tired, too. I've asked Marian to pack your things so you can go back to your own house."

At this, Bea's face twisted in pain. "James, are you really casting aside your own grandmother? Just now, the Devins family came to demand payment! They said you were the one who delivered the evidence to them! I've raised you since you were a child. How could you treat your own grandmother this way?"

Bea was on the verge of tears, looking like a forsaken old woman.

James had heard such words too many times to count. He said sternly, "Grandma, you ruined Ms. Calla's reputation. It's only right to offer her some compensation. I won't get involved in this matter." "James!" Bea pointed at Sophie and accused, "Is it really you who won't get involved, or is this woman stopping you from doing so!"

Sophie, standing aside, was suddenly dragged into the conversation. She looked innocent and said, "Bea, what do you mean by that? How does this involve me? This has nothing to do with me." "Don't play dumb here! James was in surgery. How could he possibly hand over evidence to the Devins family? Do you think I'm stupid? It's clear you're trying to drive a wedge between my grandson and me!" Bea was adamant, but Sophie just smiled and said, "Bea, it seems there's been a misunderstanding between us."

Bea scoffed, "What misunderstanding? I don't care how you've bewitched James with your sly tricks, but let me tell you, James is my grandson, and he won't abandon me for an outsider like you!"

"Enough!" James frowned and said to Marian, "Marian, pack Grandma's things and have Colt take her back."

"Yes... sir."

"I'll be staying right here tonight! Who's gonna make me leave!" Bea turned and stormed back to her room.

Marian, seeing this, hesitated and glanced at Sophie and James. Bea was known for her stubbornness, and it was difficult for anyone to change her mind. For a moment, Marian didn't know what to do and could only give Sophie a helpless look.

"James, you go rest. I'll talk to Bea in a bit."

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