Sophie watched James hold the car keys and didn't say a word before taking them. She then turned to Marian and said, "Marian, take care of him. I'll go get the car."

"Yes, ma'am."

Marian carefully supported James, and seeing this, Bea immediately grabbed Sophie. "Sophie! You stop right there! What do you think you're doing?"

"I'm taking your grandson to the hospital!"

Sophie shrugged off Bea, but Bea advanced again, clinging to Sophie. "You think you can save James? I think you just want to hurt him! James isn't going anywhere. We'll wait for the doctor to save him here!"

Bea clearly hadn't forgotten the grudge from when Sophie reminded Calla to sign the document.

"Let go!"

Sophie forcefully shook off Bea, who stepped back angrily and said, "Sophie! This is my home..."

"Don't forget, I am still the lady of the Burke family! This is my home, too. If you don't want your grandson's arm to be useless, you'd better not stop me! Or you'll face consequences you can't bear!"


"Marian! You don't need to support him anymore! Take Bea back to rest!"

Sophie's authority momentarily silenced Bea.

Sophie used to be a meek girl. Bea did not know when she had become so articulate and imposing.

After Marian took Bea away, Sophie glanced at James. "I'm going to get the car. You make your way over."

James responded softly, "Okay."

Sophie went to the garage and drove the car out. James' arm bandage was already soaked with blood. Sophie got out to open the car door for James. She noticed he didn't get in right away and said, "Sit in the back. It'll be easier without having to deal with the seatbelt."

"...Okay." James responded faintly. The pain in his arm was not as intense as the agony in his heart.

Sophie drove faster than usual, and from his angle, James could only catch glimpses of her profile. Her hair was down, and she looked serious in the rearview mirror, honking relentlessly whenever there was a car ahead.

James tried to read the urgency in her eyes, hoping to find evidence of her care for him. Then he said, "Calm down. I won't die."

"If you were to die, it would not be in your car, please. I'd hate to have to explain that to the police."

Sophie honked the horn again.

James was a top-tier individual and had never been in such a sorry state in Sophie's past life. But she had seen too many of his downtrodden moments in this life.

When could a girl from a modest family injure James with her bare hands?

When would James be stabbed by a burglar breaking in?

She admitted that she hated James, but those hardships were in the past. In this life, she just didn't want any entanglement with James.

However, fate seemed to tie them together. In their past life, she didn't want a divorce. In this life, when she was ready to let go, James refused.

Sophie knew she was foolish in her past life for giving up everything for a man. She didn't seek revenge. Her actions were to prevent the Russell family from repeating past tragedies. She wanted to survive in Devonport alongside his family.

The only variable was James' affection for her and his refusal to divorce her.

Sophie had made it clear: after the divorce, she would sever all ties with James. She was no longer the Sophie who dreamt of fairy tale love. She wanted her career and her life, and this time, she carried the responsibility of the Russell family.

Upon arriving at the hospital parking lot, the staff immediately prepared for surgery after learning James was the patient. In less than ten minutes, James was taken to the operating room.

As a family member, Sophie had to sign the surgery consent form. By the time Colt arrived, James had already been in surgery for over half an hour.

Colt mentioned, "Ms. Calla must have run back to the Devins family by now. I've sent someone to find her and will ensure she is brought to you."

"Let's not worry about finding Calla for now." Sophie sounded exhausted, continuing, "First, tell me, what man did Bea bring into Calla's room?"

"That... Mr. Burke was also unaware. He didn't know a man had entered Ms. Calla's room that night. It was only after Ms. Calla's behavior seemed off that Mr. Burke became suspicious. It was investigated immediately, and it turned out to be Bea's driver..."

Sophie found it utterly absurd. She remembered Bea's driver was thirty years old.

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