Perry rubbed his forehead wearily and said, "I searched the entire ancestral hall but didn't find anything valuable. I felt I had been fooled, and it made me even angrier. Later, I hid the key. I knew that the key was very important to my brother. I thought of using the key as leverage, but my threats didn't work on him at all! In a fit of rage, I caused that car accident!"

Hearing the whole truth, Sophie was utterly disappointed in Perry. She turned to Colby and said, "Colby, let's go."

Colby let go of Perry, and as Sophie turned to leave, she suddenly stopped. She returned to Perry, saying, "I think my dad kicking you out wasn't really about cutting ties with you. He knew the person behind your gambling debts aimed to bring down the entire Russell family. By pushing you out, those people would realize you had no value to them. He would never abandon his own brother."

Facing Sophie's words, Perry didn't lift his head, and a glimmer of clarity seemed to light up his cloudy gaze. He didn't want to admit his foolishness, but he fell into deep thought at that moment. Outside the cell, Officer Derick, who had been waiting, saw them and asked, "Have you finished your talk?"

Sophie nodded, saying, "Thank you for arranging this, Officer Derick."

"Don't mention it; glad I could help." Officer Derick smiled and then said to Colby, "Mr. Colby, your car is ready. We'll take you back now."


Colby stayed close to Sophie, with Officer Derick following behind them. A guard whispered to Officer Derick, "Isn't Ms. Sophie the lady of the Burke family? Why is she so close to Colby?" "Shush! Keep quiet! Don't ask what you shouldn't!"

The guard quickly covered his mouth at this.

Colby, sensing the murmurs behind him, wrapped his arm around Sophie's waist. Sophie looked down at Colby's hand on her waist and frowned, "What are you doing?" "Nothing, just making sure you don't fall."

Sophie didn't buy Colby's excuse and swatted his hand away. "Behave."

"Of course, whatever you say, dear." A smile spread across Colby's face.

On the way back, Sophie examined the key in her hand. It was obviously a century-old artifact, finely crafted and of a rare design.

"Let's drive back to the Russell family estate. I want to check out the ancestral hall," Colby said seriously.

"Perry said there was nothing of value in it, or perhaps, what's hidden there isn't valuable in itself but hides some secret."

"If my father valued that ancestral hall so much, it must conceal something important. Maybe Uncle Perry didn't find it because it doesn't look significant." Sophie thought back to her childhood visits to the ancestral hall. She had been too young and filled with curiosity, but beyond that, nothing more. Seeing Sophie lost in thought, Colby tapped her forehead affectionately. "Stop worrying. We have the key. Whatever's inside, we'll find it sooner or later." "I'm doing all this for you, and now you're complaining about me overthinking?"

"Wouldn't dare. You're always right, dear."

"Cut the smooth talk!"

Sophie's mind was wholly focused on the key. Upon reaching the Russell family estate, Sophie and Colby walked hand in hand to the ancestral hall.

Sophie inserted the key into the lock, and quickly, the lock opened. Her heart, hanging in suspense, finally settled. She looked back at Colby, and together, they entered the ancestral hall.

The Russell family ancestral hall had not seen visitors in a long time and was covered in dust. Sophie couldn't help coughing as she entered. Colby stepped forward to inspect the candlesticks, which appeared untouched for days. They looked as if someone had once lit them.

"Since Uncle Perry took over the Russell family, we hardly ever came back here. It probably looks just like it did years ago."

The ancestral hall showed signs of being searched. Perry likely searched it after he hid the key, but apparently, he found nothing.

Sophie checked the family's memorial tablets, shifting them slightly and frowning. "It's so small here. What could possibly be hidden here?"

Colby ran his hands over the walls, then crouched down to tap the floor tiles. The ground wasn't hollow. It seemed nothing was hidden beneath. Could it be that the ancestral hall really contained nothing at all?

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