Sophie ended the call.

Julian stepped forward, asking, "Is everything alright?"

"You and Reece get to know some veterans in the entertainment industry here. I've got something else to take care of, so I need to leave early."

"But, can you really leave such an event early?"

Sophie glanced at James, who was still chatting with Reece, and said, "I'll sneak out."

After finishing her sentence, Sophie downed a glass of red wine, handed the empty glass to Julian, and then took the opportunity when no one was paying attention to lift her dress and make a run for it. Julian wanted to call Sophie back, but she was too fast, disappearing from the Burke family's mansion in the blink of an eye.

Fifteen minutes later, a sports car sped up to the mansion. As Sophie approached the entrance of the Burke residence, Jenna immediately got out of the car and asked, "What's going on? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Yeah, Sophie, did that jerk James threaten you? Don't be afraid. With Colby here, he wouldn't dare touch you."

Adler chimed in from the side.

Sophie replied, "He didn't threaten me. We made a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

"I signed an agreement with James. The divorce papers are already signed, but we have to pretend to be a loving couple in public to restore the image of Burker International."

Hearing this, Jenna angrily said, "James is really something, playing such a smart game. He knew he had to divorce you and decided to use you to make a gain!"

Adler frowned and said, "Ms. Sophie, have you thought about how you're going to explain this to Colby?"

Colby and Sophie's relationship had been clear to Adler and Jenna for a while now. The two were obviously in a serious relationship. But now, Sophie agreed to pretend to be loving with James in public. If Colby found out, he would want to fight the Burke family to the end.

"I haven't figured out how to tell him yet, but this is the only chance I have to get a divorce."

Sophie believed Colby had approached James about the divorce, but James was not one to back down easily. Both being dominant figures, neither would bow to the other. She decided that this matter had to be handled her way.

"What's happening?"

Not far away, guests from the Burke family's event started running out, drawing Sophie and her friends' attention. They saw the crowd of guests rushing out, and the lights of the Burke mansion went out suddenly.

The place turned into a chaotic scene in no time.

Sophie, with her sharp eyes, spotted Tricia running out. She rushed forward and grabbed Tricia's arm, asking, "What happened?"

"Ms. Sophie, I finally found you!"

"What's going on?"

Everything was fine when she left, so how was there trouble in the Burke mansion in just a few minutes?

"Somebody broke in through the back door. It seems like robbers!"


The security system of the Burke mansion was top-notch. How could robbers get in?

Sophie wanted to go and check, but Tricia grabbed her arm, "Ms. Sophie, it's dangerous! You can't go over there!" "What about Reece and Julian? Did they make it out?"

"Everyone is fine. They might have been separated by the crowd. But Mr. Burke and the others are still inside..."

Sophie stared at the mansion's entrance. Most of the guests had already fled. Just as Sophie was about to go in, Jenna pulled her back, "Sophie, don't go! There are so many security guards in the Burke estate. Things will be okay."

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