The next morning, Sophie woke up in her apartment and saw a piece of news on her phone. The news reported that police officers had gone to the Central City Hospital early in the morning and, in front of

everyone, took Nichole away just after she had suffered a miscarriage.

While people were buzzing with speculation, eager to know the truth behind Nichole's miscarriage and arrest, James personally intervened. He went to the hospital to bail out Nichole right after her miscarriage. This news immediately became a hot topic.

Netizens speculated that James still harbored feelings for Nichole. He had spent a fortune to bail her out.

'Ding ding-'

Sophie's phone rang with a call from Jenna. Jenna said, "I'm already outside Burke International with a pickaxe in hand. Do you want to come?"


Sophie had just woken up and was still groggy, but she instantly realized what Jenna was planning to do. Without a second thought, she quickly got dressed and spoke into the phone, "Don't do anything rash! I'm on my way!"

Colby had been busy with the Costello family affairs these past few days. Lennon had called him away to the main house, leaving Jenna to her own devices.

There was nothing Jenna couldn't do in Devonport.

Sophie floored it to Burke International's entrance, where Jenna fumed in the car. "What is James thinking? Did he spend money to bail Nichole out of jail? Has he lost his mind?"

Jenna didn't know much about last night's events. Adler, sitting in the passenger seat, said, "My lady, maybe hold your tongue! This is Burke family territory!"

"So what if it's Burke family territory? Does being on Burke family ground mean we can't speak our minds? Does what he did seem right to you? He claims to have feelings for Sophie, but look at him now!" "Alright, maybe just quiet down a bit." Adler tried to calm Jenna down but to no avail.

Jenna exclaimed, "Sophie, I'm telling you, choosing anyone but him is the right decision! Colby is so much better than him!"

"James has always liked Nichole. His action doesn't surprise me at all, so you shouldn't be upset." Sophie replied with a smile, "Alright, we've made enough of a scene. Let's head back, and take that pickaxe in the back with you. Don't scare me like that."

"But..." Jenna was still fuming, "What exactly happened last night? I received the Burke family's dinner invitation as well, but I didn't go. How could they treat you like this? Nichole lost her child. Was she trying to frame you?"

Jenna's mind worked quickly. She knew all too well that Sophie wouldn't be easily bullied. Sophie must have exposed Nichole's schemes during the dinner, leading to her arrest this morning.

Sophie explained, "Nichole and Ricardo teamed up, aiming to put me in a dire situation, but they didn't succeed. I had Marian install cameras in the Burke family's house to prevent Nichole from framing me. However..."

Sophie paused. She hadn't expected James to bail Nichole out. It seemed that Nichole still held a place in James' heart.

Unlike her, whom James had repeatedly abandoned without a shred of compassion.

"James can do as he pleases. I can't control him, nor do I want to. I actually hope he still has feelings for Nichole. That way, he and I can finalize our divorce sooner."

The divorce had been dragging on for so long, and now that the two families had openly turned against each other, only James was unwilling to proceed with the divorce. The pressure from the Burke family had been weighing heavily on him. Perhaps he couldn't bear it any longer.

After Nichole lost her child, James, who had once deeply cared for her, might soften his stance.

"Have you heard? Mr. Burke and Miss Rowena are getting engaged."

"Really? Isn't that just a rumor?"

"No, it's true! I overheard a meeting today. Mr. Burke is indeed getting engaged to Miss Rowena!"

"He's proposing after the child is lost. What is Mr. Burke thinking?"


Several passing employees discussed among themselves, with Jenna and Adler involuntarily glancing at Sophie.

Sophie didn't take it to heart and said, "I'm going back to my car. I'm heading home."

"...Okay." Jenna watched Sophie with concern.

Sophie had once deeply loved James, a fact still talked about in Devonport. Now that they were on the brink of divorce, Jenna couldn't help but worry that Sophie might be heartbroken. Meanwhile, Sophie got into her car and dialed Tricia's number.

"Ms. Sophie."

"Send the divorce papers over again today. I think James will sign them this time."

"But we've sent several copies of the divorce agreement before, and he..."

"He'll sign them."

Since James had decided to get engaged to Nichole, he wouldn't want Sophie to remain with the Mrs. Burke title.

Sophie took one last look at the entrance of Burke International, smiled, and remained silent. Perhaps her troubled connection with James could finally come to an end today.

"Burke International's CEO seen entering a bridal shop with Ms. Rowena..."

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