Wendy heard her dad call her name and happily stepped forward, saying to Ricardo, "Hello, Mr. Ricardo, I'm Wendy."

"This is my daughter, Wendy," Mr. Devin introduced.

With a formal smile, Ricardo responded, "I had no idea your daughter was also here. It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Wendy."

Wendy blushed at the compliment.

Ricardo was merely being polite in his greeting. As Wendy was about to say something more, Mr. Devin quickly pulled her away. "Mr. Ricardo, let me introduce our team's star player, Shirley."

Shirley was introduced to Ricardo, who seemed genuinely interested in her. "It's rare to find someone in the entertainment industry with such a demeanor. It seems Shirley is destined to be a star of tomorrow." The people around were taken aback by Ricardo's high praise for Shirley, their faces showing surprise.

Sophie, however, was skeptical. Shirley had come to her today, clearly out of jealousy over Julian. It seemed Ricardo was looking to use Shirley as a means to get closer to Julian.

"Thank you, Mr. Ricardo." Shirley was oblivious to Ricardo's intentions, her face alight with the joy of potential success.

Ricardo turned to Sophie, saying, "Ms. Sophie, with your stunning looks, would you grace us with a dance?"

His expression was teasing, clearly intending to put her on the spot.

Sophie, facing Ricardo, was about to decline when Mr. Devin chimed in, "Of course she can! Ms. Sophie is the best dancer in the whole studio! Our dance instructor is always singing her praises!" "Dad!" Wendy was the first to express her displeasure at her father's praise for Sophie.

However, Mr. Devin quickly calmed his daughter and told Ricardo, "If you don't believe it, you can see for yourself. Our interns are all highly skilled!"

"It seems Wendy is not too pleased. Maybe she should dance instead."

Sophie immediately passed the opportunity to Wendy, who hadn't even had time to rejoice when Ricardo said, "I specifically wanted to see Ms. Sophie dance." Suddenly, the atmosphere in the studio became awkward.

Sophie had no intention of dancing.

Mr. Devin quickly tried to ease the mood. "Oh dear, look at my memory. I forgot that Ms. Sophie accidentally twisted her ankle yesterday and can't dance today."

"What a shame," Ricardo said thoughtfully, looking at Sophie. "Well, whenever Ms. Sophie's ankle heals, she can dance for me then. We'll talk about increasing the investment then, too."

Ricardo was clearly pushing the issue, and at that moment, Mr. Devin almost wished he could bow down and beg Sophie.

With a smile, Sophie said, "Is it just about dancing? If Mr. Ricardo only wants to see me dance, why not just pay me directly? The investment doesn't go into my pocket anyway." "So, Ms. Sophie, how much would it take for you to dance?"

"I'm quite short on cash right now. How about five billion again?"

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