The story that circulated was indeed legendary, but there was something off about it.

For a business empire as vast as the Costellos empire, tracking down Colby should have been easy. Sixteen years should have been more than enough time to find him.

Yet, in this narrative, there was no trace of the Costello family's efforts.

"Do you know what founded the Costello family's fortune?"

"The military?" Sophie blurted out.

From its inception, the Costello family had built its empire through military endeavors. Only later did they transition into legitimate business operations as policies changed. However, the essence of the Costello family remained unaltered. To this day, its old guard still wielded considerable influence and power within the military ranks.

"Sophie, the reason I can't always be by your side is that I must follow the orders from the upper echelons of the Costello family. But now that I've taken over, this won't happen again." Colby gripped Sophie's hand tightly, his voice low. "I will protect you, ensuring you never come to harm."

Sophie didn't press further. It was clear Colby feared the truth would put her in danger from those with ill intentions.

At that moment, the distant glimmer of car headlights caught their attention. Two figures emerged from the car. Jenna and Adler had practically sprinted towards the yacht upon spotting it.

"It's freezing! You guys are really something, running off to a yacht in this cold! Only Colby would pull this off!" Adler complained as they boarded.

Upon seeing Jenna and Adler approach, Sophie glanced down at the heart-shaped dessert before her and impulsively ate half of it.

"Cough, cough..."

She choked from haste, and Colby passed her a glass of water out of habit.

After taking a sip, Sophie asked, "How did you find us?"

Jenna replied, "Didn't you say you were at the port? There are so many in Devonport, but luckily, we guessed right."

Adler boasted, "All thanks to me! I remembered Colby bought a yacht a few months back, kept it here, and maintained it daily. With all that money, why not buy a plane? Turns out it was all for today!" Adler nudged Colby meaningfully. "Did it work?"

Colby, catching Sophie's shy, evasive gaze, wore a light smile.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! Don't just smile there!" Adler, clearly dissatisfied, sat down. "You could've told me your plan earlier. Later, you're coming with me to the Regent Hotel. You can't let the money spent on decorations go to waste. We'll have to redo the whole process."

"Alright, let's go now." Sophie stood up, blocking the view of the heart-shaped dessert Colby had made.

Colby's smile deepened. He stood up and said, "Let's go."

Adler and Jenna sensed an unusual atmosphere between the two.

Jenna pointed at them. "You guys..."

"I'm actually hungry, Jenna. Let's go." Sophie's face flushed, and she quickly took Jenna's hand.

Before Jenna could finish her inquiry, Sophie hurriedly dragged her away.

Adler, with a mischievous grin, moved closer to ask, "Bro, how did it go?"

Colby lightly patted Adler's shoulder, walking past him with a calm. "Last one out, turns off the lights."

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