No sooner had Sophie spoken than she regretted it. She saw the depth of affection in James' eyes, which had never changed.

Before, James had already bet everything on her love for him.

Without hesitation, James said, "Whatever you want, I'll give it to you."

"Are you so sure I won't ask for it?"

"I'm not..."

"Alright, I'm tired of playing. Let's move on to the next thing."

Sophie walked towards the exit of the amusement park.

James paused, and then Sophie said, "Don't tell me this was your only plan."

James always had a Plan B. Moreover, with James making such a grand gesture to ask her out, there was definitely more to come. She was curious to see what else James had planned, especially since he had even overcome his fear of heights.

"I'll take you to the next stop."

James followed behind Sophie, and every time he tried to get a little closer, Sophie would conveniently step forward. The distance between them was like this single step, forever uncrossable. "No way. Are you serious?"

Adler leaped from the couch in Colby's house.

Jenna said anxiously on the phone, "Of course, I'm serious! Why do you think a guy would rent out the entire amusement park? It's Sophie's birthday today!"

"Damn, James is really cunning!"

Adler immediately jumped off the couch and yelled to the inside of the room, "Colby! Colby! If you don't come out now, your girl's gonna be swept away by someone else! Colby!"

In his urgency, Adler flung open Colby's bedroom door, only to find the room clean, tidy, and empty.

Jenna asked frantically over the phone, "What's happening? Where's Colby? Is he awake?"

Jenna's rapid-fire questions left Adler dumbfounded.

"No, your cousin's gone missing."

"What? Missing?" Jenna was bewildered. "How can someone just disappear like that? Check the bathroom!"

"No way, Jenna! Colby wouldn't be hiding in the bathroom even if I flipped the toilet lid!"

Could it be that the guy had gone to prepare for Sophie's birthday early on?

Had the blockhead finally gotten a clue?

A string of question marks ran through Adler's mind.

Adler said, "Forget it, let's move on to Plan B! I'll book a restaurant, and you try to pull Sophie away from James!"

"Okay!" Jenna agreed without hesitation.

Meanwhile, James had already taken Sophie to a nearby mall and picked out her favorite Western cuisine for a simple lunch. After lunch, they went downstairs.

However, the mall's lobby, previously empty, was suddenly filled with flowers, and a large screen clearly wished Sophie a happy birthday.

The floor was carpeted with flowers, and balloons were rising everywhere. Sophie was stunned. There were gifts laid out on the ground, beautifully wrapped and placed to one side. James, looking a bit unsure of where to start, still led Sophie to the center of the lobby.

"I didn't know what you'd like, so I prepared some gifts I thought a girl might like and wrapped them all up."

Sophie pointed to a car not far away, tied with a bow, and asked, "Including that car?"

James pondered for a moment and said, "...Perhaps, probably."

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