Jenna tugged at Sophie's hand, her expression filled with concern.

"I'll be back tomorrow night," Sophie assured her.

"Then I'll wait for you at home."


As Sophie started to leave, Harold picked up a slice of chocolate cake and handed it to her.

"Thank you for such a wonderful gift and your blessings. I'd like to give you the first slice of my birthday cake," Harold said.

Sophie took the cake with a smile, "Thanks."

Harold opened the gift box she had left for him and discovered a sleek wristwatch inside. A smile of delight crossed his face as he carefully strapped it on his wrist.

Sophie left the Aldridge estate with Colt.

"Ma'am, please don't be upset with Mr. Burke anymore. He has been quite concerned about you these past few days," Colt said.

"He's concerned about me?" Sophie laughed dismissively, "He should rather focus on Nichole, who's cooling her heels in jail."

Gordon had already made arrangements with the authorities. Though Nichole was only to be detained for a few days, her time in jail would be far from pleasant. In the end, her schemes had backfired miserably.

After taking Sophie back to the Burke residence, Colt departed.

Sophie pushed open the door to find the room in darkness. She frowned, intending to turn on the light, but before she could reach the switch, she was suddenly pinned against the wall.

Startled, Sophie instinctively elbowed her assailant, hearing a muffled grunt in response. "It's me," James said, his voice tinged with a trace of melancholy.

Sophie couldn't see his face in the dark, so she quickly flicked on the light. James squinted against the sudden brightness as Sophie stepped back to maintain a safe distance.

"Why did you ask me to come back tonight? What is it this time?" Sophie asked. Lately, James had been summoning her back with unusual frequency.

"You've been staying at the Aldridge estate these past few days?" he queried.

"Yes," Sophie replied bluntly. "What about it? Didn't your spy inform you?"

James opened his mouth but said nothing. He couldn't deny his actions.

Sophie continued, "I don't like being watched, and you have no right to keep tabs on me. Ours was a business marriage, devoid of any feelings."

James' voice held a hint of anger, "No feelings? Wasn't it you who had a crush on me back then, insisted on marrying me, and used the Russell family's assets as a bargaining chip?"

Sophie was exasperated, "I told you before. That was then. I don't feel the same way now."

James took a step closer, his tone more insistent, "You think you can just switch your feelings on and off at will? Sophie, what do you take me for?"

"Enough! James, arguing back and forth with a woman isn't like you. Why did you really want me back? Don't tell me it's because you knew I went to Harold's birthday party and you got jealous. I can't believe such a petty reason would come from you."

James opened his mouth to respond, but nothing came out. He had indeed been jealous. Seeing Sophie's indifferent expression only intensified the bitter taste of his feelings.

"I'm sorry about the whole Nichole thing," James finally admitted.

Sophie thought she must have misheard. "Are you apologizing to me?"

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