hapter 255 Reunion

Jack glared fiercely at Danny.

White Owl and Jack looked relatively fine, but the other guy was a sight to behold-he looked like a homeless person, with a face charred, a few burnt strands of hair, and a torn pair of pants with a hole that was almost indecent.

Luckily, Isabelle had sharp eyesight; otherwise, she wouldn't have recognised him.

"Hehe, boss...

Danny grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth.

Isabelle winced at the sight; it was an eyesore. She took a deep breath and asked, "What happened? Did the plane crash and hit Danny?

Danny looked embarrassed as he explained, "My trunk of fireworks exploded."

Isabelle was rendered speechless.

So that genius was Danny?!

Isabelle looked away and instructed, "Go wash up and eat."

The three rushed to the bathroom to clean up and then returned to the private room.

Isabelle smiled happily upon seeing Jack's clean face. She said, 'Long time, no see, little Jack."

Jack was speechless. He thought, Why didn't she say hi when I came in? Was it because I was dirty, and she didn't want to acknowledge me? Isabelle asked, "Why aren't you greeting anyone?"

Jack opened his mouth but awkwardly pursed his lips and refused to greet her.

White Owl sat down and said, "Boss."

Danny was shocked and exclaimed, "Boss?!"

Meanwhile, at the Harris estate.

The family gathered around the long dining table, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

"I thought I wouldn't make it through this year, but it seems I was blessed to survive, Kevin remarked.

Riley said, "You have good fortune, Dad. You'll only get better with time. No more pessimistic talk."

Everyone celebrated the old man's recovery.

Kevin was a man of few words. He was normally very stern, but today he spoke a bit more because of the joyous occasion. He declared, "Let's cat." Everyone began to eat.


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Chapter 255 Reunion

George was looking at his phone when he suddenly stood up. Under the puzzled and curious eyes of everyone, he raised his phone and took a picture of the sumptuous reunion dinner.

The Harrisses looked at each other.

Bernice asked, "George, are you taking a photo?"

Amber asked, "Are you posting the photo on social media?"

Dylan, sitting next to Sam, secretly shook his head. He knew the real reason. All of you got it wrong. Here comes the correct answer.

George said, "I'm taking the photo for Isabelle."

Upon hearing this, everyone put down their utensils.

Glen Harris, the second son of Kevin, had just picked up a piece of meat and put it back on the plate. He said, "Then you should take more photos. Are we in the picture?"

Kevin asked solemnly. "Should we take a family portrait?"

The old man started to adjust his attire.

Family potrait? George glanced at his family and sat back down. "It's fine. We'll take one later."

George sent the photo to Isabelle with the message. 'Happy New Year.

Then he looked up at his family and said, "Let's eat.

At the hotel, Danny kept glancing at the trio over dinner.

Finally, he couldn't hold back and asked, "Why do they call you boss? Did you join Jim's gang? Or, are you lying to me? You didn't go on vacation with George, but were you actually recruiting new followers? Are you still recruiting? Are there any strict requirements to make the team? Do we have to pay?"

Isabelle responded, "Your ability to draw conclusions and use your imagination is impressive. Studying law. is a waste of your talent."

Danny asked, "Is that a compliment?"

Clearly disdainful, Jack mocked, "Obviously not."

Danny asked, "You speak Conlang? Then why didn't you respond when I talked to you in the car?"

Jack glanced at Danny, who looked filthy, and ignored him.

Isabelle checked the text message from George.

She opened the photo, then glanced at the dishes on the table in front of her. She quickly snapped a picture and sent it back to him.

George received the photo and was about to ask Isabelle where she was having dinner when he noticed there were people on the opposite side of the table.

He opened the image and zoomed in confirming that there were indeed neonle and they were men. On


01:22 Sat, 15 Jun Y

Chapter 255 Reunion

the left side of the table, not only was there a single individual, but also dinnerware.

Jim was in Southeast Ardon, while Yves was back in Melfrey, having left first due to other matters to attend to. Altho

camp, Yves had clung to Isabelle for over half an hour, hugging and blowing kisses to her while issuing warnings and threats to him.

Ethan and William were in Norward, so who were these people?

George asked, 'Having dinner with your friends?"

Isabelle replied, Jack and White Owl, they just arrived."

George understood. Isabelle had summoned them from Melfrey because of the Dark Shadow.

After killing Spadille and Heart K, Dark Shadow would inevitably take action. Since she had to ensure her brother's safety, she needed backup.

This reassured George. He was worried about Isabelle fighting alone.

George messaged, 'As long as you're not alone on New Year's Eve, that's good. Don't worry about Blackwater, I'll have someone keep an eye on them. Isabelle replied, "Okay"

Just as Danny was eating, his phone rang. His father yelled through the phone, asking where he was and saying the whole family was waiting for him. Kennedy's voice could be heard in the background, saying he'd break Danny's legs when he got back.

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