Dimitri’s POV

I had a huge smile on my face.

I was holding the envelope that proved Savannah’s pup wasn’t mine and I felt like I was going to explode with happiness.

I was right all along! The pup wasn’t mine!

“I can’t believe that you had to wait almost three months for the results to come,” Will sighed, shaking his head.

“I don’t give a crap, Will,” I said, placing the envelope on the desk. “The results are here and that’s all that matters. The pup isn’t mine. I can finally tell her to fuck off.”

Will chuckled and shook his head.

“You told her that multiple times already,” he said, making me roll my eyes.

“Yes, but now she can’t hurt me no matter what she does,” I said, smiling again. “Even if she goes against my command and tells someone, her lie can’t hurt me. I have proof that pup isn’t mine.”

I opened the envelope and looked at the results again. I smiled brightly.

“Will you go sleep with Maddie again tonight?” Will asked me.

I looked up at him and nodded.

“I need to,” I said. “I miss her too much.”

I wasn’t sleeping in her room for the last few nights because we had a rogue problem on our borders. I practically never even left my office. I hadn’t even seen Maddie in a few days and I was losing it a little. My heart wouldn’t be able to go through another night without her.

I gulped and clenched my fists. I pictured myself laying next to her. I pictured her turning toward me and leaning her head on my shoulder. I pictured placing a small kiss on her forehead. I pictured myself breathing in her intoxicating scent.

I missed all of that so fucking much and I couldn’t wait to go to her tonight.

“It’s a peaceful night at the border,” Will said, making me look back up at him. “You definitely need to go to her. You almost bit Peter’s head off earlier today.”

I sighed and gave him a small nod.

Peter was the head of my patrol and I was furious at him because none of my wolves managed to capture the rogues that were causing issues at my border. They kept attacking my wolves and pulling back. They never tried to cross the border, but they were always present there. I wanted to capture one of them and torture the answers out of them.

But most of my frustration came from not seeing my mate for a few days. I missed her like crazy and I needed to spend some time with her before I really bit someone’s head off.

“Is Savannah coming?” Will asked, smirking a little.

“Yes,” I nodded. “My mother is coming too. I wanted to tell them as soon as possible.”

I couldn’t wait to see the look on Savannah’s face when I showed her the paper. I was a bit sad because I knew that my mother would be disappointed, but I would give her a grandchild as soon as Maddie wanted to have children.

I could hear them approaching my office and I couldn’t help but grin widely.

“I can’t wait to see the look on Savannah’s face,” Will mumbled quietly.

I looked at him and smirked.

“It will be priceless,” I said just as the door opened and my mother and Savannah walked inside.

Savannah’s belly was huge. She was only about a month away from giving birth.

“I have wonderful news!” I exclaimed as soon as they walked inside.

Savannah smiled brightly. My mother narrowed her eyes at me.

“Did the test results arrive?” Savannah asked excitedly. “Did you finally see that I am telling the truth?”

I grinned and my heart skipped a beat. I was so fucking happy.

“The results arrived,” I confirmed. “And they proved that I was telling the truth the whole time. The pup isn’t mine.”

Savannah’s eyes widened. My mother growled quietly.

I opened the desk drawer and handed the copy of the results to Savannah.

“I am sorry that your pup will be fatherless,” I said. “But maybe you could still talk to the real father and ask him if he would like to be involved.”

I hated Savannah, but her pup was innocent. He or she deserved at least one decent parent. I didn’t know who the father was, but I hoped it was someone who would take good care of his child.

Savannah sobbed and looked down at the paper I gave her.

I looked at my mother and expected to see the sadness on her face. The anger I saw surprised me. What surprised me more was that she wasn’t angry at Savannah. She was angry at me.

“Did you fake the test results because of your mate?” my mom asked angrily. “Why would you do this to Savannah, Dimitri? I raised you better than that.”

My eyes widened and anger exploded inside me. What the fuck was she talking about?!

Does she know about Maddie? Will mind-linked me and I could hear worry in his voice.

I didn’t answer him. I couldn’t.

“What the fuck are you talking about, mother?” I growled. “What mate?”

“You found your fated mate, didn’t you?” Savannah sobbed. “I knew you did when that doctor took the sample a few months ago and you talked about her like you already knew who she was. You found her and you faked the results.”

My heart stopped beating. I fucked up.

“I haven’t found her,” I said, trying to remain calm. “I spoke about her like that because I was pissed that you tried to take me away from her. I didn’t even get a chance to find my mate and you thought that you could trick me into making you my Luna.”

Will growled quietly. I clenched my fists. I wanted to punch her so fucking bad.

“Get the fuck out of my office,” I growled. “As soon as you give birth, you will be exiled from the pack. I won’t tolerate this kind of behavior.”

Savannah’s eyes widened.

“Dimitri!” my mother scolded me. “You can do that! This is the mother of yo…”

“Do not finish that sentence!” I shouted as I slammed my fists on the desk. “Get the fuck out both of you!”

I was enraged. I had to try so fucking hard to keep Skol from coming to the surface and ripping them both to pieces.

My mother took Savannah’s hand in hers and started pulling her out of my office. Savannah was sobbing uncontrollably.

“You really need to go see Maddie,” Will said quietly as soon as my mother closed the door. “You are losing it.”

He was right. I needed my princess and I needed her right the fuck now.

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