Janet’s POV

“He found his mate!” Savannah shouted as she walked into my house.

I looked up at her and furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck was she talking about?

“Who?” I asked as I placed my mug down on the table.

“Dimitri!” Savannah shouted as she slammed the door shut.

My eyes widened and I gasped loudly. I studied her face carefully, trying to see if she was lying to me.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I asked her, narrowing my eyes. “He didn’t find her. He would have told me.”

Savannah clenched her jaw and slammed her hand on the kitchen island.

“He fucking found her!” she screamed, her face reddening by the second. “He would never accept me or this fucking pup!”

My eyes widened even more.

Savannah was insane. Not only was she rambling about something that never happened, but she even looked like she was going to explode.

My son never found his mate. I would have known. He would have told me.

“Savannah…,” I spoke, but she interrupted me.

“Stop, Janet,” she growled. “You got me into this fucking mess and now he will never make me the Queen!”

I stood up and approached her. The craziness I saw in her eyes frightened me a little.

I clenched my jaw and kept my calm composure.

“Calm down and tell me what happened,” I said sternly. “There is no way that Dimitri found his mate. I would have known. He would have told me. He would have made her his Luna already. You misunderstood.”

She chuckled darkly and clenched her fists. I saw her nails digging into her skin.

“Not if she is underage,” she said angrily. “He didn’t make her his Luna because he can’t do it yet.”

I furrowed my eyebrows again. But who? Who could it be? Who could it…

And then it dawned on me.

“Madeline,” Savannah said at the same time I realized it.


Fuck no!

I would never allow that little bitch to become the Luna of this pack! She would never become queen! She would never become my son’s mate!

I growled loudly.

“That’s impossible!” I exclaimed, clenching my fists hard. “She is not his mate!”

Savannah rolled her eyes and approached the table. I turned around to look at her. She sat down, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

“Maybe it’s not her, but he found her,” she said quietly. “I am sure of it.”

Anger made my blood boil and my heart race. It wasn’t Madeline. I couldn’t have been Madeline. That little, poor bitch couldn’t become the new queen. She wasn’t good enough to be my son’s mate. She wasn’t good enough to be Luna. She was a desperate little girl who looked too much like her stupid mother.

She would become Luna over my dead body.

“You will be Luna,” I said, making Savannah look up at me. “If he really found her, we will find out who she is and we will get rid of her.”

If it was Madeline, I would kill her. I would find a way to get rid of her forever.

“He will never allow us near her,” Savannah said, rolling her eyes at me. “If he found her, she is protected. We won’t be able to do anything.”

It would be so easy if it was Madeline. She was already terrified of me. I already punished her a couple of times. It would be so fucking easy to control that little bitch.

“But it has to be Madeline,” Savannah sighed. “He changed after she came here. You were the one who said that he liked her from the beginning. Who else could it be?”

I tightened my jaw and narrowed my eyes.

I didn’t want it to be her, but Savannah was right. Dimitri was very fond of her from the moment he saw her.

My stomach turned.

“You are right,” I mumbled angrily. “If he found her, it has to be Madeline.”

My vision reddened and I suddenly got the urge to shift and destroy the house.

I didn’t want it to be true. I had to find proof that it wasn’t true.

Where did Savannah even get the idea that he found his mate? Maybe that was just her jealousy talking.

“Why do you think that he found her?” I asked, gritting my teeth. “Did he tell you that?”

She looked up at me and shook her head.

“No,” she said. “But the way he talked to me told me that he found her. The things he said…”

She stopped talking and furrowed her eyebrows.

“What did he say?” I asked as I sat back down.

“He said that the only pups he will ever have will be with his mate,” she sighed. “He said that his mate will be the only one who will be his Luna and his Queen.”

My vision blackened. She was an idiot! That didn’t mean that he found his mate!

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” I growled at her. “That doesn’t mean that he found her!”

She looked at me and rolled her eyes. “No, but what he said next does.”

My heart raced.

“What did he say next?” I asked.

She clenched her fists and growled quietly.

“He said that I’m nothing compared to his mate,” she said quietly. “He said that she is everything to him and that he won’t let me take him away from her.”

I gulped.

“That still doesn’t mean that he found her,” I mumbled, doubting my own words.

Savannah looked at me and shook her head.

“It doesn’t,” she said. “But it sure sounds like he did.”

It did. It really sounded like he did.

If it was Madeline…

“We have to find out if it’s that little bitch,” Savannah said, gritting her teeth. “Dimitri will find out that he is not the father soon. I will lose him. We have to find a way to keep him tied to me. We have to eliminate every threat.”

I chuckled darkly.

“Don’t worry,” I said, smirking. “If it really is Madeline, I will make sure that she never becomes his mate. I will take care of her before she gets her wolf.”

Savannah smiled at me.

“What are we going to do to her?” she asked excitedly.

I kept the smirk on my face and clenched my fists.

“We will break her,” I said. “She will leave the pack even before she gets her wolf. She will die out there and we will be free of that little bitch.”

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