Rejected Mate
Chapter Seventeen: Think again

Erika's pov

I rush into Hazyns and my room and flop down on my bed.

'so who are you in love with?" i question summer only to be ignored. “you can't go away for ages and come back to tell me I can't leave because you are in love and not tell me who' i scold making her whine. 'i don't want to tell you yet, he's not ready to admit he loves me back and until then I shall not say a word" she replies before I block her out if she won't tell me who then she can't talk to me.

I sit up on my bed and unpack my backpack putting everything back where it was to start with. The sad thing is my wolf may have fallen in love, but that wolf has a mate somewhere in the world and when their mate shows up its game over for us once again, and I know she won't be able to handle it.

"heard that you are staying" ben smiles walking into the room without knocking.

"apparently my wolf has fallen in love with someone, hasn't told me who though so until she tells me or said wolf finds there mate I am stuck here" I reply before moving to my wardrobe and pulling out my workout gear.

"We aren't all that bad you know, you could easily stay in this pack for life, I'm sure I can convince hazyn to make you a permanent member, build you your own home and everything” ben smiles making me shake my head.

"Trust me if you had told me weeks ago that I would have lost my wolf and be living here I would have told you that you were wrong and would have run off again but nothing I can do about it now. I know I need a pack eventually; otherwise, I will go crazy, but it won't be this pack that I settle down into, let's face it. At the same time, my wolf has fallen in love whoever it is has a mate out there, and the minute they find their mate I'm back out on the streets, and I wouldn't be able to live around them, so it's not a good idea" I smile sadly, I do love this place, but it's just not practical.

"my wolf needs to tell me soon who it is though because I'm sure Hazyn is getting annoyed sharing a room with me, he is an alpha after all" I laugh out before ushing ben out of the room so I can change. I know I should let my wolf out to run, but she will be able to take control.

Once changed, I walk down the stairs and out the back door. No one is around right now, giving me the perfect time to exercise alone without my sweater making me too hot. I double-check that I am the last one here before pulling the sweater off and starting to run laps around the back yard while still keeping an eye on my surroundings.

I go to start running my fifth lap when I notice someone leaving the house, knowing there is no time to get to my sweater I shift into my wolf and continue running pushing summer as far away as possible, so she cant take control

"you have a beautiful wolf" I hear the person who just left the house comment, I turn towards the person and notice Hazyn. I have never paid much attention to my wolf.

"Have you ever seen your colouring?" he questions, making me shake my head, all I can ever see is that my paws are black.

"well you are a black wolf with white patches all over you" he smiles, making me a nod and shift back.

"okay and?" I question making him laugh.

"it's funny to see how you shift back with clothing on" he comments with a big smile on his face.

"true were remember” I state before walking to my sweater and throwing it on over my sports bra.

"yes I remember, pack members have been saying you should lead the pack, not me" he laughs out.

"Not gonna happen” I state making him laugh.

"good because I don't want to give my position up.” typical alpha male thoughts.

"you have changed you know that? You started out as a guy who hates sharing a room, hard-headed and all of that and now we share a room, and you smile and laugh" I smirk before heading back inside with him following beside me.

"is that a good or bad thing?" he questions smirking back.

"haven't decided yet" I lean up against the house wall enjoying the last of the fresh air before heading back inside. Hazyn comes up in front of me and traps me in his arms.

"if you are going to kiss me think again" I state making him stay where he is

"I wasn't I was going to tell you to go shower because you reek” he grins making me push him off me.

"you're an ass you know that" I call behind me as I walk inside.

"you love it" he calls back, making me roll my eyes.

"you wish" I call back before the door slams shut. My god, what have I gotten myself into by staying?

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