Chapter 274 Anthony returned to the corridor with a dark expression and a little handprint on his trousers. He did not quite know why he had decided to corne to the sixth floor to see the children. Was it because of what Anne said? His mood worsened at the thought. Anne dared not go up to the sixth floor until she saw Anthony's car leaving. She closed the apartment door behind her as soon as she went inside, and when she saw her children running toward her, she immediately moved away. "No, wait. My clothes will get dirty..." "Mama, that...that guy came to look for us!" Charlie said. "Is he with Mama?" Chloe asked. "Was he with you last night, Mama?" Chris asked curiously. Anne felt as though her children had seen right through her. “No, he just happens to be in the area..." What else could she say? When the children returned to their games, she whispered to the nanny, "Did he say anything?" "Nothing. He just acted like he had the wrong door and left. It was weird,” the nanny said. Anne did not quite understand why Anthony decided to come up to the sixth floor as well. He would not have left if he suspected the triplets identities, but one could never guess what was on the mind of someone as complicated as Anthony. Luckily, Anne had called the nanny ahead of time and told the children to put paint all over their faces, or Anthony would have noticed their resemblance right away. In the Archduke Group, the elevator door opened, and Oliver, who had been waiting outside, bowed. "Morning, Mr. Marwoo..." He looked up and immediately spotted the wound on Anthony's lips and wondered why there was a wound at such a spot. It almost looked as though it was a bile mark left by a lover. Naturally, as Anthony's subordinate, Oliver could only keep all his thoughts to himself. Meanwhile, Anne realized that her stomach looked slightly swollen when she was in the shower at night. One would not be able to tell when she was fully dressed, but it was rather obvious when she took off her clothes. Have I gained weight? But I don't look fat anywhere else. Did I just gain some weight on my stomach? she thought. Bianca did not care when she first received the video from Michelle. The background was dim and noisy, so it was clearly taken in a bar. Bianca's eyes widened when she spotted a familiar figure. It was Anthony and the person he was carrying... Even though she could not see the face, she knew by instinct who that was. Shivering in rage, Bianca realized that Anthony and Anne were seen together again, and Anthony was even carrying her in his arms. Will you ever leave, Anne Vallois? I can't let her live!’ she thought. Bianca's eyes glittered viciously as she looked at the calendar. It had been two months, and she could not wait any longer, or Anne would start to be suspicious. Anne realized that her menstruation did not come. It had been more than a month since the abortion surgery, and she figured that she might be suffering from hormonal imbalance, which could be rather difficult to recover from. She grabbed her mug and went into the restroom to pour herself some water before heading to the stairway to sit down alone for a while. 'My stomach kind of hurts from time to time, so does that mean I'm getting my period soon? Maybe I should just wait," she thought. Just as she was about to push open the door leading to the stairway, she heard someone arguing inside. "Just what are you doing? How can you lack ambition to this extent? Look at Anthony and take a look at yourself. If you don't work hard, the difference between the two of you will only grow larger in time! Aren't you at least a little anxious?" Damian lectured. "Is there anything else you want to say to me?" Tommy asked. "I won't even bother talking to you if you aren't my son! Do you want to live under their mercy our entire lives? I can't do it! Annoyed, Tommy had to urge to shut his father up in whatever way possible. He glanced at the spot where his father stood and realized that one shove was all it took for Damian to fall. Even if Damian survived the fall, it should quiet him down for a while. "You can't do it, so you are forcing your son to do it instead?" Tommy and Damian were startled and turned to find Anne standing by the door. Damian looked as though he was about to swallow her whole. * What are you talking about? Who sent you? Scram!” “Did I say anything wrong? You wouldn't have to make your son do anything if you were capable enough. Don't keep comparing your kid to someone else's. Other people's children aren't necessarily better. To neglect your own son because of someone else's son is the biggest joke I've ever heard!" Anne mocked. “Why you!" Damian was furious. “Let me guess why you are so bard on your son. Has Elder Marwood compared you to Ron Marwood before?" she said. Damian tensed and looked away while Tommy stared at Anne calmly. “You can't just traumatize your own son because of what you've been through. Parenting isn't like that. You will erase the strength he has." Damian's face was twitching in rage. "Who are you to lecture me on parenting?" Tommy grabbed Anne by the arm and said, "Let's go."

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