Chapter 251

"Let go of me!" Anne shook off her hand.

Michelle simply stood In front of her. "Anne, I can recognize you even if you turn to ashes! It was most certainly you I saw that day!"

Anne became angry.

There were more and more people watching them, which was so embarrassing!

A black Rolls Loyce arrived, and the people in the car got off.

Anthony and Bianca were here.

Sensing the unusual silence in the hall, Anne turned around.

When she saw Anthony getting out of the car, her face turned pale, and she turned to leave. However, Michelle saw through her thoughts and grabbed her arm. "Since you said I recognized the wrong person, why would you run away? Why don't you just clarify everything for us on the spot?” Anthony and Bianca had already entered the hall, and they made everyone nervous.

Bianca noticed the abnormal atmosphere and asked, "What's wrong?" At the same time, she saw a familiar figure not far away. " Isn't that Anne? here?"

Anthony's dark eyes stared at Anne's calmly.

Michelle ran over to him. "Anthony, is that you?"

"Why are you here?" Anthony looked indifferent.

"T camp here to ask Anne something because I had some doubts.”

Michelle looked at Anne with pride in her eyes.

Anne stood there stiffly.

Anthony gave her a penetrating gaze.

Anthony was silent at first. Then his eyes swept over her coldly. * Take note of everyone who was watching the fun and fire them.”

Everyone's faces turned pale.

Inside the office, Anthony sat on the sofa while Bianca sat on the sofa on the other side.

Michelle and Anne stood opposite Anthony.

Bianca looked at Michelle. "What are you talking about? Don't waste our time."

"I met Anne in the hospital a few days ago and thought she was unwell. After I asked, it turned out that she was pregnant.”

Anthony tensed up and looked ar.dine.

Anne felt overwhelmed. She staggered and took a step back, not daring to look at Anthony's expression.

Even if she did not look, she felt as if a sharp knife was piercing her body and stabbing into her heart.

Her blood ran cold.

"l..I didn't..." Anne stuttered.

"You still don't want to admit it? Anthony, you can verify if it's the truth. I've already asked someone to check it for you.” Michelle took out her mobile phone, opened the evidence photographed inside, and walked forward.

"Look, Anthony, this is Anne's medical report to go to the hospital for an abortion. Everything is written here."

Anthony's black eyes became sullen, his breathing was heavy, and

he looked at Anne. "You underwent abortion?”

Anne's lips were trembling, and she could not say a word.

Michelle was happy to explain it to her. "She did. At first, I was very surprised, why would she do that? She could use the child as leverage against you. Later, I found out that this child was not... yours. This photo can prove it."

She opened the album again.

Inside was a photo of Lucas kissing Anne's forehead.

Anne did not know what Michelle had shown to Anthony and what could prove that the child was not Anthony's. She ooly noticed that after Anthony saw the photo, his expression turned icy cold

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