Chapter Forty-Three: Compromise

“MAXIMILLIAN, go to sleep.”


“Max,” Hyacinth warned. Her husband groaned and kissed her lips while his hands roamed free around her naked body. She shivered.

“I didn’t wait for ten years just to be deprived of this again.”

She rolled her eyes. “We still have tomorrow, Max.”

Her husband smiled at her as the moonlight illuminated her nakedness on their bed. She blushed and tried to cover the stretchmarks on her stomach with her hands.

“Good god, Haya, this felt like a dream.”

Her lips sought his mouth and he answered her with an overwhelming hunger and desire for the softness of her lips. He licked and nipped and sucked her kissers until they were swollen and throbbing from satisfaction.

“You’re now years younger than me.”

Hyacinth kissed the tip of his nose. “I would shag you even if you became the oldest man I know.”

That made him chuckle. “Open your legs, wife.”

She shook her head. “You need to rest, my love. Erin said that you haven’t been sleeping on time and you’ve been drinking a lot. Since when did you find alcohol as an alternative to sleeping pills?”

Her husband’s jaw tightened. “It had been rough for me, Haya. Are you angry that I ignored my health?”

She wrapped her legs around his hips to pull him closer to her. “I know that it had been hard for you, but we have a daughter, Max. She was worried about you,” Hyacinth said softly. “Can we cut the alcohol now?”

“I could try-”

“But you never drink too much before, Max. Your alcoholism is caused by stress and anxiety. But I’m here now, right?” Hyacinth searched his eyes to see if Max agrees with her, but all she saw from those electric-blue eyes was...hurt.

He scoffed. “Too easy for you to say. It had been minutes for you, but it had been a whole damn decade for me. I’m not a robot, Haya. I have feelings and they tend to hurt like a bitch every time I think of you before.”

He rose from the bed and picked up his pants from the cold, marbled floor.

Hyacinth sat on the bed and followed his every move with her gaze. Then, he opened the sliding windows of their room that connects to a spacious balcony.

She sighed. Max’s pain wouldn’t just go away just because she returned. He needed time to heal from the heartache and his bad coping mechanisms.

Hyacinth followed her husband to the balcony with all her naked glory visible to the skies above.

“Max, I know I’ve been demanding. I’m sorry. You were right. I-I shouldn’t have reacted that way.”

He didn’t move. He just looked at the cloudy night sky while his elbow rested on the cold, balcony railings. “Our grandson from the future visited me while you’re gone. He tried to explain the intricacies of the secrets of this universe. He said that there are different dimensions and that it was always a part of us. Connected to us in a form of thin threads.”

Hyacinth nodded. “Erin said the same thing earlier when we reached a dimension where we could travel in time. She researched about it on the internet, she said.”

Max sighed with a heavy heart. “I asked the universe every single day to bring you back to me. I even tried to bargain my wealth, the half of my life, even my soul if ever I have one.” He turned to face her. “It hurts so much, Haya. It was so painful to find you in my dreams and then wake up on an empty bed.”

Hyacinth’s mouth trembled as hot tears flowed down her cheek.

Max shuddered. “I went through hell that your mere presence right now feels like a goddamn miracle.” He gulped. “And I’m afraid to sleep again. To blink. I’m afraid that I would wake up again on an empty bed with a bottomless pit in my chest.”

Hyacinth sobbed and sniffled back her tears. Her heart could feel his pain. There’s this connection between them that makes her feel the fear and the longing in his heart.

How could she mend the cracks in his very soul? He looked tormented and anxious about what the future holds. He’s terrified that she might disappear again.

He took another sharp breath to calm himself down. “I need time to heal, Haya. Don’t rush me.”




“YOUR husband needs therapy, girl.”

Hyacinth leaned towards her friend with keen interest. “Will it help him?”

“Of course, Haya. Max dealt with grief for a long time. Unlike mourning for a dead person, Max was constantly worried about you. He has this fear in his heart every day that maybe you’re gone for good. Maybe, he wondered if you got lost in Erin’s abilities or if you’re stuck with Erin to a place he can’t reach.”

She threw her gaze on her husband’s glass doors where she could see him busily engaged in an online meeting with one of the CEOs of his subsidiaries.

Hyacinth didn’t fail to notice that Max kept on glancing at her from time to time as if she was going to vanish into thin air any second.

She sighed, feeling defeated by the idea that Max now lives with constant fear for her safety. For uncertainties.

Jean whispered, “There are ways to distract him, though. Good sex can produce endorphins.”

Hyacinth elbowed Jean’s ribs. Her friend just laughed when Hyacinth’s cheeks reddened like ripe tomatoes.

When Jean and the two receptionists went out for lunch, Hyacinth headed to her husband’s office and pressed the “blinds” functions of the ceiling-to-floor glass walls to give them some privacy.

Max didn’t lift his gaze from his laptop but she could tell that he was aware of her through his peripherals.

“I’m not wearing underwear right now.”

Max didn’t move for a few seconds, then his hands closed the laptop a lightning speed and he stood up from his chair; his eyes never leaving the hem of her white dress.

He reached for her with ground-eating strides and pulled her hand towards his desk.

“Did you bring extra clothes?”

Hyacinth bit her lip. She did bring some spare clothes.

The truth is that she brought extra clothes to have make-up sex with him.

Before she knew it, her skirt is lifted to her midriff and the thin strap of her summer dress was torn; the deep v-neck of the cloth got tucked underneath her breasts.

His table shook at the violent thrust of his hips on her sex. Hyacinth mindlessly grasped the edge of the glass table, afraid that she might fall off from his aggressive plowing.

“Max...oh, yes!”

She clenched around him as honeyed liquid started to drip from her core. Hyacinth suppressed her moans by biting her lower lip.

Max sucked the pebbled tips of her breasts as he rammed his cock inside her like a madman. He groaned against her nipple and that caused a wave of pleasure to spread throughout her body. She quivered when Max rotated his hips to hit that delicious spot in her channel.

She sobbed and cried. Her dry throat and her raspy moans are proof of that. She doesn’t want to call the attention of his secretaries outside so she tried so hard not to scream.

Hyacinth begged for him to go faster, but she was afraid that he might shatter the glass table with his aggressiveness.

He devoured her like a starving beast. He moved as if he’s gonna run out of time.

Max’s lips searched for her pleasure spots while his shaft filled her pulsating sex over and over again.

The unpleasant noise of their colliding flesh echoed in his office together with his groans and her sweet noises. No matter how much she stopped herself from moaning so loud, Maximillian will always taunt her. He’ll kiss the sensitive parts of her body, lick the spots where she ached the most.


She threw her head from side to side, unsure where to seek more of the delicious sensations coursing through her.

“Open your legs, Haya. Let me bury myself that.”

Her back arched and her toes curled as she grasped her first orgasm of the day. Followed by the next... and the next...until Hyacinth finally begged him to stop.

Hyacinth was too ashamed to face him after their lustful encounter. Her clothes are torn into shreds and her neck and breasts are marked with love bites. Not to mention that her knees are trembling with her pulsating sex.

She struggled to change clothes under his predatory gaze. When she finally wore the extra dress and underwear she brought, Max pulled her to sit on his lap as the warmth of his lips brushed hers, then his nose nuzzled her hair

“Was it too much? Did I hurt you?”

No, actually. It was the exact opposite. That was probably the best orgasm of her life. She would gladly do it again.

Hyacinth shook her head in response to his question. She playfully bit his earlobe as she sat astride on his lap. “I can’t look at you directly, though. It was embarrassing to...” She buried her face in his shoulder, her cheeks glowing hot pink from shame. Maybe, it’s her skin’s afterglow from the most amazing orgasm of her life.

He chuckled at her. “This is my office, love. I could build a sex den behind these doors and nobody will dare mutter a word about it.”

He nuzzled her earlobe, which caused the hair on her spine to rise.

Max has always had those mannerisms every time they’re together. He would nuzzle any place of her body he could reach with the tip of his nose, or, sometimes, with his lips.

“Can you work here? It will at least help me to ease my anxiety. I need to get used to the idea that you’re here and...”

She shushed him with a nod. “Yes, of course. Anything for you, love.”

Hyacinth could feel his body relaxing. She smiled gently.

Oh, who would believe that the infamous stone-cold Bismarck is capable of a love so daunting and massive that it crushed his soul and left him scathed to the core?

“I did everything just to make sure that things will be comfortable for you when you come back. I didn’t move a thing from the mansion. Your old things are still in their places. But I never thought that it will be me who will make things difficult for you. I...” His voice trailed off, followed by a sharp intake of breath in his lungs. “Can you wait for me, Haya? I’ll try stop the alcohol and to minimize the awkward staring at you every time you’re near.”

She shook her head. “You can stare at me for the whole day and I’d say thank you. What I want from you is for you to take care of your health.” She moved her head away from his shoulder so that she could see his face. “I want you to spend more time with me, to make up for the times we’d lost.”

A glimmer of hope shone from his eyes. “I would love that.”

Hyacinth gently as she caressed the stubble on his chin. “If you ever find yourself afraid, terrified, or missing me. Just wake me up. Just call me or ask me to hold you. I would gladly oblige, Max.”

Max shuddered and crushed his lips against hers. Hyacinth surrendered to the pleasure of his kisses and savored the sweet and sinful movements of his tongue inside hers. “I love you, Haya,” he whispered in between and Hyacinth answered him with throaty moans and sighs.

When he finally let go of her lips, Hyacinth anticipated the nuzzle and butterfly kisses that Max tends to give whenever he struggles to let go of her.

And he did. Max nuzzled the tip of her nose against his lips, then proceeded to leave a trail of small kisses on her cheeks and temples. She giggled

“I love you, Maximillian.” Hyacinth pressed her body against him. “And we’ll live like crazy until you’re too happy and content. You’ll be too busy with the thoughts of our family that you’ll not be able to think of anything else.”

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