Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 96

Chapter 96 

Josie’s POV 

“Bye mama,” Aria hugs my legs and croaks. Tessa and I just dropped the kids to school and everywhere is buzzing, just like my heart

“Alright. Take care of yourself, okay? I flip her hair with my fingers as I talk. 

“Sure. I’ll I’m a big girl after all.” Aria says before kicking off, heading to her classroom. 

Tessa and I share a look before bursting into laughter. 

“The girl sure has some courage. Tessa admits while I chuckle. We strut away from the school premises and into the lively street filled with activities of moving cars and people. 

“So, you still won’t go to work today?” Tessa asks and 1 look up at her, shrugging 

Today makes it four days that I’ve not seen Ashton and it’s making me worried. 

Somehow I’ve an idea why he’s avoiding me. I wouldn’t put it past what happened at the celebration party at my house. 

The obvious glare of jealousy he passed at Diego, 

I know that’s the reason for the avoidance. Every time I go to the hospital, I’m always told by Ms. Thorn that he isn’t disposed for tutorials. 

“I guess I rattle off in response to Tessa’s question. 

“Oh, well then. Let’s go dig into pastries and coffee. I’m dying to have one. She takes my hand in hers and we cross the road to the rows of cafes on this side of the road. 

Entering into one of them, we find it bubbling with customers chattering away as they sip their drinks. 

go order. I tell Tessa, leaving her to secure a seat for the both of us. 

“What? Still wasting time? Someone booms as I approach the counter. 

“I don’t have all the  time in the world. Get to it!” 

The woman sounds quite arrogant, putting the baristas under pressure, 

1 perch on the counter, saying, “Hey, umcan I have two cups of coffee and a whipped cream? Then cheesecakes as pastries… 

“And make sure you get mine all done before attending to losers. 

That snide comment really did the work. How can someone I don’t know call me a loser? 

Crunching my brows together, I turn to the woman. “Excuse?” 

And just then I see the face, and the voice becomes all too familiar. 

Dr. Sandra 

“Sandra? Why would you say such a vile thing about me? I’m just a customer like you’re..” 

She chuckles, her tone condescending as she turns to look at me. 

“Who in the city doesn’t know you’re a loser? I mean, you couldn’t speak for yourself. Still waiting for the alpha to save your 

nasty butt. She scoffs. 

All the words she spilled slam into me, causings wave of embarrassment to color my face. 

The sad part about that is that everyone sitting close by heard what she said, 

Low murmurs break out in the crowd

Hell. I can’t even stand firmly on my two legs again. They’re shaking, my stomach rolling from shame. 

“That’s not true!” I snap but the devil only chuckles. 

“Oh, please.” She turns, tucking her hair behind her ear. “To burst your bubble. The man you’re trying to force yourself into literally has a mate.. 

“Stop it!” I growl. my wolf anxious. 

I might endure others but the reminder that the mate in question is none other than my traitorous ex–bestfriend is what I can’t endure 

“You watch what you say. Dr. Sandra. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to see yourself in the pack court.” 

Her face wrinkles at my words. 

I turn to the barista who’s handing me a tray full of what I ordered when Sandra lets out. 

“We’ll definitely see the person that’ll end up in the pack court. Because judgment must surely be passed. It’s only a matter of time.” 

I na 

narrow my eyes at her, spotting her signature smirk. 

What does she mean by that? 

‘Don’t mind her, I’m sure she’s only bluffing M wolf informs. 

Hearing that tames my raging heart and I ignore every other word Sandra’s saying. 

Tessa and I enjoy a few hours in the cafe with our cardboard cups of coffee and pastries. 

Heading back to the house doesn’t calm my concern for Ashton. It only increased. 

Why hasn’t he bothered to call me for lessons? I can’t stop worrying at all. 

When I decide to read, thoughts about him come back in full force

No, I can’t stay like this. Something must be done. 

Gathering my bag. I hurry outside again and head over to his pharmaceuticals. 

It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Surging forward, I walk through the revolver doors and into the bustling company. 

“Hello miss. Who are you looking for? The receptionist asks as I approach the counter. 

“Um.I’m here to see i 

the CEO. Is he…” 

“He’s busy. She cuts me off, linking her fingers together. 


“Yeah. He’s in a board meeting. If you want to see him please write an appointment two weeks ahead.” 

Two weeks appointment notice? This is crazy. It’s only then that I see the glint of something similar to jealousy in her eyes. 

“You know what? Thank you!” I hum, making my way out. 

So, Ashton’s now out of reach? 

Well, I shouldn’t be worried. I’ll keep myself busy with other things then. 

I checked on some restaurants that are in need of temporary workers to fill in their absentees and I fortunately g 

got one 

I spent the remaining hours of the day there, serving and washing. It’s been a while since I did this but I’m so  enjoying every single minute of it. 

By evening. I was already exhausted. My body is sticky with sweat. Immediately after I get my paycheck, I hurry out of the restaurant and make my way home. 

However, just getting inside my house the reminder of what happened last night comes back in force.. 

Is the house haunted? 

Or is it something else? 

Something I can’t quite define? 

I make my way into the dark house on autopilot pilot. 

Surprisingly, I hear the shrill sounds coming from my living room. 

“Goddess! What’s happening here? My house has been haunted!” I chant to myself in a whisper as I stumble way through. 

“No. I need something to use as a weapon.” 

Immediately the thought flashes through my mind, I reach for my phone and put on the torchlight. 

I sneak into the mudroom as tension ripples through me. My heart thuds breath pants as I search for the surest makeshift 


By the far corner, beside the hall stand, I see Aria’s broken golf club. The one she used to learn how to play golf two years 


Inching closer, I hold on to it, preparing myself for whatever lies beyond. 

Surreptitiously, I make my way back into the hallway, holding the club above my head even as my mind tells me I can’t do 


What if the ghost is stronger? 

Thoughts brim my mind and I make my way to the doorway of the living room. 

The TV is on, barely lowly but that’s not the only sound. 

Sounds of clashing dishes come from the kitchen, increasing tension. 

Goddess, I’m scared. 

If this house isn’t haunted. That can only mean thieves broken in. 

Wandering deeper into the space with a roaring heart, I grip the club tightly. 


A voice booms from behind me and I quickly turn around and whip my makeshift weapon around, screaming 


I dart the club until I hit the thing, knocking it off to the ground and it lands with a thud. 

A low groan echoes then nothing shadows the silent room again. 

It seems the thing is dead…. 

Iblindly feel my way to the switchstation and put on the light. 

As the room bathes under the glow of the fluorescent lights, my eyes take in the mess I made. 

Lying on the floor is none other than

“Lilly!” I scream, rushing forward to inspect her. 

What in hell is she doing in my house? 

“Goddess, Lilly. Can you hear me?” I rattle off, checking her pulse and inspecting her eyes. 

She isn’t breathing and pooling behind her head is blood. 

Goddess, what do I do? I think as I bite my finger. 

I have to call someone. 

Maybe I should call Diego? 

No, he’s going to see me as a killer. I can’t call him. 

Ashton? Hell. That’ll be way worse. 

Regardless of what my mind is saying, the rational side of is saying. I ignore them all as I grab my phone and dial the only person I know will help me. 

As the call connects, I whimper. 

Hello, Ashton. My goddess, please…I need your help. 

“What happened, Ms. Rose….?” He asks. 

“I…just…messed up. I killed someone 

Or so I think, but I don’t say it out loud. 

“Shit! I’ll be right there!” 

Tension clouds me as Ashton hangs up the call. 

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