Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

Ashton’s POV 

I felt the eerie vibe when we first stepped foot into the woods but along the line, I waved it as nothing. 

I focused on what me and my mate are doing–enjoying an unofficial date. 

Of course, I didn’t break it that way to Josie. I used an indirect means. I know if I had asked her on a date, she’d definitely refuse me, especially when she has a boyfriend. 

You see? That’s why I devised another method. 

The fun part? I took her to places she loved and made her do the things she loved most. 

That’s fishing and riding horses. 

The surprise and baffling look on her face when we arrived at the lagoon wasn’t lost on me. 

It’s all I can do to pretend and keep a straight face. 

I was sure she couldn’t stop wondering how in hell I got to know all that, 

But I knew from ages those are what she loves. 

Back in high school, we had a lake at the north end, meant for Fishery students but Josie loved going there to fish. 

I knew a particular time. So, whenever I finish a football match, I sneak to the north end and watch her draw fish with her hook from behind an ancient oak tree. 

I did my best to leam things about her. Things she loved. 

The day I found out she loved riding horses was when we held a packed tournament for those in high school. 

The rodeo game was part of it I knew when Josie would sneak to Mr. Pasha’s house, the man who runs our pack’s ranch, and plead with him to offer her a horse for training. 

She does that at night because she doesn’t want to be caught. 

Too bad, our parents caught her one of the nights they were returning from their run in the woods. 

Alpha Incas, Josie’s father, quickly disqualified her and forbade her from practicing any further. 

I knew how she cried herself to sleep for several nights. 

I sigh long and hard as the memories assail my inind

However, seeing Josie fall hard on the graveled–ground, screaming in pain makes me regret my decision to bring her out here. 

But what surprises me is that her horse saw something. Did the horse feel the eerie vibe I also felt? 

That’s incredibly strange. 

Ears alert, I listen for weird soundy 


But I find none. The air is crisp so is the silence. Even the sound of a pin can be heard. 

Still, though, I surreptitiously move along, inspecting, widening my nose to perceive scents. 


I attempt to turn and walk back but my eyes catch on the horns of a deer, and all quickly an arrow lances into the deer’s rear and it falls down with a thud. 

Heart piqued. I run towards the deer because that tells me, there’s someone here. 

Fast strides, I barrel closer and pause before the dead beer… 

Then I move my eyes sharply to the direction the arrow was shot. 

There I see it, someone running into the denser part of the woods. 

“Fuck!” I curse and start a sharp, fast run, pursuing the  . 

His fastness tells me he’s a lycan. A very old and strong one at that. 

The little I discovered, he was wearing a faded brown T–shirt and worn–out slacks. His boots are worn out too. 

But his fastness shows his prowess as a lycan. 

Using my alpha strength, I power on my race, pursuing, chasing, hunting 

The breaths escape my mouth and nose with force, my muscles straining at every buck of move I make. 

Hell, I’d rather die than let this  run away. Fierce determination grips my heart and I surge ahead with brute force. feet pounding on the ground nonstop. 

The man’s with a bow and arrows. 

Who the hell was he targeting? 

By the side of his pants, I see the sheath of a sword. And on it…lies the military insignia… 



I howl, half shifting and tearing towards him as that night of attack against Josie fills my vision and occupies my thoughts. 

I can’t let this man go. What if they’re the same people who have come to attack my girl again? 

With that last string of thought, I lunge myself at the man’s back. 

We both collide with intensity on the floor and tumble. 

Breaths heavy, hearts roaring, the both of us begin a tussle for dominance. 

I must say, he’s very strong. However, my fucking target is to remove the balaclava hiding his face from my view… 

“You fucker!” I growl, aiming to throw a punch on his jaw. He dodges and manages to land one on my lips, making it crack. 

Blood spurts out from my broken lipy and that adds to the rage building inside me. 

I fling him over and he lands on the ground sharply. 

“Ahhh…” he grunts when his thigh gets cut into a spiked branch of the Willow tree. Blood gushes in a frenzy, drenching his pants. 

He swiftly pulls out his leg and grunts. As I aim to lunge forward again, the man instantly brings out his sword swiftly, aiming it at me. 

I halt at the sight of the sharp–edged sword, my pulse quickening. 

“Who the f  are you?” 1 ask but my aim is to distract him 

The man only haffs. I rush forward and he starts slicing his sword, swirling back and forth with finesse as he tries to stab me

I dodge in quick succession, eyes blazing as I watch the  . 

Just as I knock the sword from his hand, grabbing it to lodge it at him, a scream tears through the air. 

The familiar voice of Josic, terrified and shocked, hit my ears, 

Eyes owlwide. I look back to see the man but he has already jumped off the cliff. 

Rushing to the cliff, I see him swimming in the water springing from the rocks. 

“Bastard!” I growl 

Then I shift quickly into my lycan form and race back to where Josie is 

Getting there, I see her huddled on a log of wood, eyes gazing up. Following her line of sight, I catch sight of a dead man hanging from one of the tree branches. 

His face is ruined with slashes of sword and coats of blood 

“Oh, goddess..oh goddess…. Josie rambles, obviously gripped by fear. “It’s him…it’s him…” 

I hasten to her side and pull her away from the blood dropping on her hair and down her face. 

Changing back to my human form, I wipe the blood that drenches her face. 

“Who is he?” I ask, holding her terror–filled body close to mine. 

She swallows thickly. Silent. Then. 

“He’s my neighbor at home. She reveals, her eyes hollow as the shadow crosses her face. 

Her neighbor? 

What’s the coincidence in this? 

“Do you know him personally?” I ask just to be sure. 

And she nods her head. 

“We always do community service together. She says. 

I ball my hands into fists as anger becomes a living being inside me. 

What are the odds

Could this be what I’m thinking? 

Fuck, I doubt that.. 

“It’s okay. I’m here. I’m here…” I ramble, flushing her body to mine. 

It takes a while for Josie to gather her bearings and I carry her out of the woods. 

As I drive us back into the brighter parts of the city, silence brims the car. 

Josie barely moves


having it anymore, I kill the engine in the middle of the road. 

“Why did you stop?” She finally speaks, her face lacking expression. 

I’m sorry about what happened” 

I hate that my secret date with her went wrong. I grab her hands and press a kiss on her knuckles. 

“Believe me, you’re safe with me. I’ll make sure that doesn’t repeat it  self again… I rattle while she watches with no single expression. 

“I’m the lycan king and I’ll make sure I find who’s responsible..” 

“Alright….” She answers. 

The next words lie heavily in my chest but I find it difficult to say. 

After much struggle, I utter the words. 

“I’ll be away for a few days. Perhaps weeks. But I’ll have my men keep an eye on you.” 

Her eyes widen. 

I don’t know 

know if my journey to the Double Moon pack will lead to another war outbreak. 

Somehow, I dread the journey but it has to be made. 

Perhaps, it’s a journey that’ll end my life. But if I don’t make it back. I want my men to watch over her…. 


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