Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 81

Chapter 81 

  1. 81. 

Diego’s POV 

I blow my car’s horn in front of Rose’s house, waiting for her to come outside. It’s weekend and I desperately want to spend 

time with her and Ana 

That’s why I proposed for us to hang out. 

Watching through the window, I see her shoving her head outside to wave at the 

“Hey, I gonna be out in a jiffy!” She says, waving. A smear of red lipstick on her lips

That makes me double over in laughter while I nod 

“Take all the time you need!” I roar back. 

The street is filled with people who are out for jogging and others walking their pets. 

1 hum music under my breath while I wait for Rose, 

I know why I also proposed this hangout, 

That’s because some night ago, Rose wasn’t in her house. The exact day I saw her talking with her ex–mate on the sidewalk in front of her company. 

I’ve never felt the kind of jealousy 1 felt that day before. I sniffed around to find out where she was because my mind told me she was with him but I couldn’t find out 

I know men like that ex–mate of hers are opportunists, always wanting to stick themselves in at every chance. 

I’ll never let him do that. Rose and I have spent five years knowing each other. Five years of secretly loving her. 

So, I’ll never let the man from her past take her away from me

I wait some more before I see Rose shoving out of the house with Aria in tow. 

Seeing me, my little princess screams out in joy. 


I quickly come outside the car and spread my arms wide open and Aria dumps herself inside, hugging my legs. My heart bubbles at her gesture. 

“Princess, how are you today?” I ask, scooping her up in large arms. 

I’m fine. Are we gonna get many 

ny ice cream today?” She rasps. 

Arial No ice cream. Rose scolds, 

Aria squeezes her face and pouts. 

“But I want Ice–cream, mommy” She pleads with her words and eyes. 

Rose’s eyes remain firm. “No, you won’t be getting one today. You have catarrh.” 

won’t be 

“Don’t worry, princess, we’ll eat as much ice–cream as you want once your catarrh heals, hmm?” I promise and that lights the fire back in Aria’s eyes. 

Yay! You’re the best uncle in the world!” She pecks my cheek as I move to the back seat and strap her into the seat. 

Rose sits beside me and we gear down to the places I’ve booked for our date tour. 

We first go to the best local eatery and fill our bellies. 

Aria chatters away and Rose and I pretend to understand half of what she says. 

The girl’s way too talkative for her age but strong. 

Her binoculars hang on her neck. She never wants to get rid of it. She already made it known that she’ll be an astronaut. 

Smart girl. 

After our time at the eatery. I take them to the game house. The place looks almost like Disney with various types of for kids and adults in various sections. 

I get our cards for us and move the expected. Aria to the kids‘ section. 

When I left her there to play, she was already suggesting to other kids they should play ‘Simon Says 


I throttle back to Rose and see her sitting on a stool by the corner. She’s watching other adults playing games and smiling to their heart’s content. 

I reach my hands out to her when I stop before her. 

“I don’t really know how to play any of these games, believe me. 

“That makes it funt. Because I’ll teach you how to play them.” 

I guide her to a billiards table and grab the stick. At least only one man was playing here before we arrived. 

“Here, take.” I reach out the stick to her and she grabs it with uncertainty. 

“What’s it for?” She asks. 

“For the game. Now, if you’ll let me…” 1 hum, moving behind her. 

I hear her sharp intake of breath while 1 guide her to stand properly before the table. 

Rose’s already chuckling and shaking as I position myself behind her. 

 , staying this way is quite dangerous. It festers my feelings for her. 

As our skin touches, I growl under my breath

I open my mouth to confess what I’m feeling but quickly shut my mouth. 

Afterward, I hold her hand, showing her how to target the ball in the hole. My pulsing heart refuses to stop jerking, 

Manageably, Rose was able to maneuver the game thanks to her smartness. 

In between the games, my phone rings, 

“I’ll be right back, I tell Rose while I go answer the call. 

“Beta Diego. The gamma says into the phone

“The meeting has been fixed. The day after tomorrow. He informs. 

I finally agreed to meet with the alpha wanting to see me. 

I’m sure i’ll miss Rose and Aria because I don’t how long it’ll take before I return back to the city. 

“Great. I’ll be back soon” I inform firmly. 

We hang up the call while I walk back to where Rose is. 

She isn’t there anymore. 

Alert that something might have happened in my absence, I go searching around for her, my heart pulsing. 

The place is big, hence finding Rose will be hard

Something occurs to me and i suddenly remember the enemy lurking in the shadows to take Rose

Has he succeeded: 

Was he even here to begin with? 

Thoughts brim my mind as I hurry to the kid’s section. 

Surprisingly, Aria isn’t here too. 

I get my phone and start calling Rose’s number. The sound of ringtone sounds way too close around me: 

I veer around, my eyes searching and I spot Rose’s bag lying in the corner of the kids‘ section. 

My heart splinters in two. Who took them? I roar in my mind. 

I’ve never been at peace since I know some people are after Rose. 

Maybe this time, they won

Lost in thought on what to do, I pinch the bridge of my nose. 

I messed up. Big time. 

Wallowing in thoughts, I hear footsteps approaching me. 


That familiar voice calls out. I snap my eyes open and relief fills me when I see Rose holding Aria. 

I gasp and hurry towards them, crushing Rose in a bear hug. 

I thought I lost you. I rasp out. 

“No, I just took Aria to the restroom… is there something wrong I should know?” She asks but I decide not to fill her in. 

“Nothing at all. Believe me.” 

I look down at Aria and she’s not paying attention to us. 

“Hey, what do you say about heading to a waterpark?” 

Yay! I wanna swim. Aria chirps. 

In the next few minutes, we’re in the luxurious waterpark Just like the game house everywhere is full. 

I get Aria a life vest while Rose and I swim smoothly without a vest. 

It’s an incredibly fun time. However, Rose exits the big pool before I do. 

She hurries over to where her phone is ringing. 

While floating in the water, I watch her answer the cal 

Rose struts back to us when she’s done with the call. Her brown hair is wet and tangled, and so is her body. 

“What’s wrong?” I ask, jumping out of the pool. 

Rose throws a pitiful look my way as she says. 

“Diego…. I’m sorry to interrupt our fun time…” 

That’s okay. Tell me what’s wrong.” 

“I have something to attend to. Please, I need you to take care of Aria…” 

She already walking to the locker room and I follow. 

I watch her dress up hurriedly before turning back to leave. 

“Rose? What’s wrong?” I ask again, desperate. 

“Someone needs my attention, Diego….” She splutters. 

“Okay…” I nod meekly, then I watch her leave. 

I can’t help but think she’s going to meet that man again. 

Her ex–mate. 

The realization of that makes a wave of jealousy and anger roam through me. 

At that instant, I punch my hand into one of the lockers, breaking it in two. 


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