Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back by BookWise
Once Rejected My Alpha Stepbrother Wants Me Back Chapter 48

Chapter 48 

Ashton’s POV 

2 F 

The call was Josie’s escape from our little bubble of emotion but to me, it was yet another moment of irritation. 

Just hearing the echo of Lena’s voice surges my annoyance for her from the dregs of my gut. I hated to hear from 


Worse yet, Josie might have heard her voice seeping from my phone’s speaker because I saw the quick change of mood on her face. 

I knew she guessed right and that spurred her to walk away. The words in her mouth, the stern look on her face trying to prove her point of emotional detachment from me kind of brings me to a crossroads rimmed with confusion. 

Regardless of the firm look she donned or the words she had admitted out loud, the expression in her eyes told me otherwise. 

There lingered something 

I couldn’t quite lay a finger on it. If she had spent more time in this close space with me I might have unraveled that expression edged in the depth of her hazel eyes. 

By goddess, my heart is teetering on the verge of a breakdown. I so much want to hold her again and do some unspeakable things to Josie. 

She’s my life. The seeming air that I breathe. I can’t think straight now.  , I’m skirting towards insanity. 

Whenever I’m around her everything thing else blurs, just us in our own little bubble… 

“…can you hear me, Ash?” Lena’s insistent voice ripped me away from my train of thought. 

Clearing the knotted lump in my throat I answered. “Yes. Everything okay?” 

I heard her sigh before a thump followed, I’m guessing she dropped into her bed or couch. 

“Not in the least, actually.” Her voice pitched, getting me more irritated. I threw my gaze in the distant courtyard, alive with a fresh breeze and moss green on the lawn. Some visitors lingered around, breaking into chatter and banter that had them laughing. 

“Why have you not called to check on me, Ash? Things have been crazy over here.” Lena lashed out. She always. did. 

“Things have been tight too here, Lena. I’m the alpha of the pack. Of course, responsibilities are threatening to weigh me down.” I managed to keep the annoyance away from my voice. 

She huffed and I heard a swishing sound follow. “If that’s the case. I should quit Studies here and return to the pack and help out as your Luria?” She questioned but I could already hear the certainty in her voice. 

Lena still believes she’d be Luna once she returned but I don’t  want her around.  , her father was once the pack’s beta, I’m certain he’d want to work his way into the council, convincing them that Lena and I should 


Chapter 48 

My mother is equally in support of that. 

“Lena, I suggest you finish what you already started in Europe. You have your own dreams to chase.” I said casually. 

But my dream is to be with you and be your Luna, Ash… 

“Can I call you back? I have an emergency to attend to.” I said sharply, cutting her off. 

“But Ash…” Before she could continue another round of banter, I cut the call and edged toward my seat. 

I tried as much as I could not think about Josie but that seemed like a joke I was telling myself because all I could picture in my mind’s 

eyes were her looks. The way she had parted her lips to take the sweets I had offered. Her fiery eyes bore into me. It all messed with my head. 

I perched my face between my palms as my elbows pinned into my thighs. 

Staying mute for a while didn’t help so I opted for another thing. 

I had a plan drafted for tonight, so I moved my face from huddling on my palms. Bringing out my phone, I thumb through the hordes of contacts on my screen until I stumble into the number my assistant at the pharmaceuticals had given me. 

I rang the phone and waited. Immediately the line connected, and I spat 

“Hello, am I speaking with Ethan from Decores?” 

The slightly thick masculine voice zapped through my ears. “Yes, this is he. How may I be of help?” 

Relaxed that it was him, I hummed. “I need your assistance this evening at Ambience Healthcare.” 

“Noted. What kind of decoration would you want?” 

I went into details of what I needed the decoration to look like and Ethan maintained a constant hum of understanding as I spoke. 

Soon enough, I ended the call on his promise to show up on time with his team. 

Then, I reached the local pastry shop a few meters away from here, ordering fresh trays of hors d’oeuvres and drinks. 

Once that was settled, I exited the office to have other things prepared. 

Josie’s POV 

“What’s going on?” Diego’s voice, a constant echo in my ears did little to douse the fear that suddenly gripped me. 

Chapter 48 

Were my eyes playing some kind of prank on me?” 

I’m definitely sure that I must have seen something. 

The eyes, fiery and beaming with the harsh promise of death, had bored into me for a fraction of an inch. Then like a thin layer of dust, it had disappeared. 

“Rose? Tell me what did you see?” Diego’s firm tug and words thankfully hauled me away from my train of thought. 

I took a long breath, too shaken to speak. 

Whisking a glance up, I saw the worry in his eyes. 

“What?” I said, my soft words different from the thundering beat of my heart. 

I’m trembling both inside and out but I’m careful so Diego’s doesn’t find out. 

“What did you see that made you so shaken?” He asked, holding my arms and bringing his face to my eye level. 

“It was nothing. At all.” I said lamely. 

Diego didn’t seem convinced at all. 

“Are you sure? It didn’t seem like nothing to me.” Was what he said, still pressing a questioning look at me. 

“I’m certain. There’s nothing to worry about.” I affirmed, donning a smile. 

We knitted our eyes together, seeming lost in a different world for a moment. 

I sure don’t understand what I feel for Diego but I knew it was so different from what I feel for Ashton. 

What’s wrong with me? I thought, feeling as Diego caressed my arm with his thumbs. 

“If there’s something worrying you. Or maybe someone, you should let me know, Rose.” He said, protective instincts tinged in his voice. 

Smiling, I nodded. “Noted. I’ll definitely let you know.” I broke away from his firm grip, bringing my eyes down to the lunchbox in my hand. “I can’t wait to devour this and rate your culinary skills.” 

“Ahh,” He chuckled as I did. “You’d better go easy on me. This was literally my first time going to such extreme.” 

My brows arched in wonder. “For real? Why had you undergone the stress!?” I pouted. 

Diego seemed to find delight in my pout and he pinched my cheeks a bit. “Because I want to take care of you.” He winked. 

For that, I hugged him tight. Then. “You’re so incredible, Diego. Thanks for this.” 

We parted ways when Diego’s car cruised down the buzzing road. 

I took a deep breath and quickly those eyes I saw, blue as a vast ocean ready to drown me slipped into again. 

my mind 

11:21 381, 20 API 

Chapter 48 

Could that really be him? I pondered, dreading to see him again. 

I just can’t not after running from him for years. Not after escaping the death trap he set for me. 

Tears stung my eyes as I turned on my heels, heading into the hospital but as I did so, I felt those luminous eyes–on me, sending a signal that bordered on death. 

Tension found its way inside me quickly, fisting my neck like a vise. 

I feel like he’s watching. 


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