My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 85 – Sarah’s revenge

Lila's POV

The woman sounded frantic like she was in danger. I could tell she was crying, and my first instinct was to get rid of Rachel.

“Go back to the packhouse,” I said quickly. “Wake my parents and tell them somebody is in trouble.” "What about you?” Rachel asked.

The woman's voice grew louder and this time she was screaming as she cried. I could hear the muffled sounds of nearby men as well and my heart sank further into my stomach.

“Just go,” I ordered. “There's not enough time. I need to help her!”

I turned away just as Rachel started yelling something behind me, but I ran so fast that her voice became distorted until I couldn't hear it at all.

I wasn't worried about getting into a fight. But I worried about who I was getting into a fight with. in the distance, I saw a woman running down the street. Her features were stained in tears and sweat as she continued to run. Her red fiery hair was practically illuminating in the moonlight, and I could feel how frightened she was.

She was running quickly and glancing behind her periodically.

That's when I saw a few men chasing her down. They were large and they were all in their human forms but telling from their dark eyes and their strange auras, I knew they were wolves.

I also knew they were dangerous. I got a chill down my spine from looking at them and I wasn't sure where that came from.

I shook the fear out of my body and ran toward them. At that point, the woman saw me and I saw a flood of relief across her face as she ran toward me.

“I'm not going anywhere with you,” I growled in return.

On that note, I lunged at them again, biting at them, but missing by only a hair. They were much bigger than me, which wouldn't have been a problem if there weren't more of them than there were of us.

“Lila!!” I heard Brody yelling in the distance. “Watch out!”

Just as I turned my head to see what was going on behind me, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I gasped once I realized it was a needle.

I shifted back into my human form without much control, and I fell to the ground in a daze. I heard Brody screaming in the distance, but then his words had gotten quiet as he fell to the ground as well. My vision grew blurry and one of the men rolled me over onto my pack.

“I told you, you are coming with us one way or another,” he snickered.

I could feel my heart rate slowing down and it was getting harder to keep up my breathwork. I closed my eyes, ready to lose consciousness.

"Enzo..." I said in a mindlink. “I've been captured... please help..."

As soon as I sent that mindlink, I blacked out completely.

Third Person POV

“We don't go to Elysium,” one of the men muttered as Sarah stood before him.

She had her arms folded across her chest.

“I told you, I'm willing to pay you a fair amount,” Sarah said in return. “Not only in cash but a Volana as well. I promise Elysium is filled with Volana wolves.”

“Your father's money isn’t going to stop us from getting killed by Alpha Bastien,” he said, shaking his head.

“Then, don't get caught,” Sarah hissed. “Do you want the money, or not?"

They looked amongst one another and then back at Sarah.

“Who exactly do you want us to capture? Why are you sending us there?"

"I figured we can help each other out,” Sarah said with a shrug. “I give you money and Volana's, and you take care of the Volana problem. We all know how dangerous they are. They can't be trusted. You take care of them, you get paid.”

“That's all you want us to do? Take care of the Volana problem in Elysium? Alpha Bastien is a Volana. We can't go after her.”

“Then, don't. But take care of the rest. Once you do that, I will process payment into your accounts.” They looked at each other again before looking at Sarah.

"You have a deal,” he said, shaking Sarah's hand.

Sarah knew that Lila had gone home for the next day or so. She's been watching her for days.

Now, she was finally going to get what she long deserved.

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