My Professor Is My Alpha Mate
#Chapter 46 – School Dance

Lila's POV

"Enjoy the dance!” Megan said at the door as a group of students made their way past her.

I stood outside, watching as students made their way into the dance. Everybody was dressed up so beautifully.

I wore a long pink dress with noodle straps that went around my neck and hugged my body perfectly. I went shopping a few days ago with Rachel. She wore a red and black dress; it was a lot shorter and ended just above her knees, revealing her killer legs.

My dark hair was curled with an iron, thanks to Rachel, and put back with a pink headband that matches my dress.

“I hope you have a good night,” I said to the few students who walked past me.

"Girl, you look hot!” Rachel said as she walked up to me; she looked absolutely stunning, and Ryan was on her arm. He looked great as well.

“As do you,” I said in return. “You look great too, Ryan,” I added with a smile.

“Thanks,” he said, nodding his head at me.

Rachel tightened her grip on him and led him to the doors.

"We'll see you inside!” She shouted after me; I can't help but chuckle at my friend

There were a couple of security guards standing outside and it made me wonder if Enzo was there yet. I could sense him, but that could mean that he was anywhere on campus. I had yet to see him walk past me.

He was probably with Connie anyways. It wouldnt surprise me if they showed up here together. “Calm yourself,” I muttered to my wolf, not wanting to get into it with him.

The last thing I wanted was for my wolf to lose control. Then everybody would know about me being mates with my student.

I couldn't have that.

Especially when the school board was here.

"Enzo..." I heard the familiar voice of Mrs. Laurence approaching me. “I'm glad you made it; Lila certainly outdid herself. I must say, I'm impressed.”

“She's an impressive woman,” I said in return before I could stop the word from coming out of my mouth. Mrs. Laurence just stared at me with wide eyes. “As my student, she’s always been very impressive,” I clarified.

She looked like she bought it because she smiled.

"I see,” she said. “I saw her painting of you in the exhibit. It was nice of you to allow her to paint that.”

“It was a favor to her father,” I lied. “I promised that I would watch over her while she was here, and I intend to keep that promise.”

“That's very noble of you, Enzo,” Mrs. Laurence said with a grin. “I was just about to leave because it looks like everything is handled here. If you run into any issues, please call me. I'm sure the students are in good hands with you and your security team watching over them.”

“Yes, mam,” I answered, giving her a head nod as she walked away.

I turned back to Lila and this time, I noticed she was watching me. There was a curious look in her eyes, and I realized it was because she wanted to know what Mrs. Laurence was talking to me about. Once she noticed that I noticed her, I gave her a smirk and watched as her features grew red.

She turned away from me quickly to talk with her friends again. She was avoiding me, or she didn't want me to know that she noticed me.

She was playing a game and it was oddly enough a turn-on for me and my member.

Our moment in the bathroom was fresh in my mind and I wanted to finish where we left off.

I took a step toward her; I was going to pull her away. I knew it was probably something I shouldn“t do, but I was giving in to my wolf's request. If I didn’t, he would lose control and I'd be screwed. But just as I started to get near her, I paused when I saw that she was talking to a boy.

I knew the boy to be the school's baseball pitcher, Brody.

He was giving her a lopsided grin and she was chuckling at whatever stupid thing he was saying. He held out a hand for her and I smirked, knowing that she was going to decline it.

A smirk that instantly vanished when she accepted his outstretched hand and went with him to the dance floor.

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