My Fair Stunner novel (Faye and Colin)
Chapter 75 Inviting Trouble

Chapter 75 Inviting Trouble

Colin's voice was low, husky, and seductive.

He was not afraid that Faye would get angry but just intended to conquer her.

He thought that she was more emotional than rational and would compromise.

But when she bent her slender waist, the desire in her eyes vanished quickly. She squinted to stare at him and said, "Colin, you're too horny..."

Colin froze and then chuckled softly.

They were nip and tuck. Even though they had reached a cooperation agreement, they were still fighting each other.

Colin smiled, "You always make me question my charm."

Faye lifted her eyes to look at him and said, "Don't worry, you are quite charming."

She looked indifferent as if they were strangers when Colin retracted his hand from her waist.

He looked down at her and took out a light grey satin handkerchief from his pocket to wipe his hands.

Colin's fingers were slender and good-looking, so when he was wiping his hands slowly, it looked as if he were wiping a work of art.

The atmosphere between them crackled with tension. Later, Colin slowly put the handkerchief back into his pocket and said with a half-smile, "I won't help Gail." Faye said, "I'll help Fanny."

Colin nodded, "You should help her. She and Ralph are both contracted artists of Farrell Media. If they get in trouble, our company will be disgraced."

Faye understood what he meant and promised, "I will handle the matter well and minimize the damage to the company's reputation."

Colin smiled at her and said, "I have confidence in you."

Sometimes, she thought he was a very good boss because he was very considerate of his employees.

In the police station.

Gail had remained silent in the face of the police's questioning. Even though the police had shown her the evidence that she had admitted before, she still looked indifferent. "Miss Wenna, I hope you can cooperate with us."

Gail said, "I'm waiting for my lawyer. I will not answer your questions until he arrives."

Hearing this, the police officer frowned. When he was about to lose his temper, a young police officer pushed the door open, walked inside, and whispered something in his ear. When the police officer raised his head, the young policeman said, "Detective Boris said it in person."

"I got it," the police officer said, glanced at Gail, got up, and went out with the young officer.

Not long after they left, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Mason appeared at the door, wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap.

Seeing her, Gail abruptly stood up, looking as if she were about to cry.

Mason frowned at her, "Why are you so stupid? That's a variety show. You should not have set up others so blatantly. I tried to plead for you, but it was too embarrassing."

Gail reached out to tug at Mason's arm. She had always been arrogant, but now, she said pitifully, "I did it for you!"

Mason froze because she hadn't expected it had anything to do with herself, and then she asked, "What does it have to do with me?"

Gail distorted facts, saying, "Do you know who Fanny is? She is Faye's pawn! And she obeys all of her orders in the show."

Hearing Faye's name, Mason felt tight in her chest, but she pretended to be indifferent and said, "I don't care whether she is Faye's pawn or not."

Gail thought Mason was telling the truth and felt a little anxious, so she hurriedly added fuel to the flame, saying, "You are not interested, but I am angry to see them acting like that every day. Faye is always trying to seduce Mr. Farrell in the show..."

Her words hit Mason's sore points, so she got angry, and the look in her eyes became sharp.

Seeing this, Gail felt relieved and continued, "Mr. Farrell and you are childhood sweethearts. Everyone in the circle knows he will marry you in the future, but Faye is still trying to seduce him. She is provoking you!"

Mason became silent.

Gail didn't know that Faye and Colin were married or that Colin had never dated Mason. So, what she had said was fact-distorting and blaming the innocent. Hearing her words, Mason blushed with embarrassment.

Seeing Mason's reaction, Gail sniffed, "Mason, you know me well. Although I have a bad temper, I would not have done such a thing if they hadn't offended me." Mason remained silent, thinking about what to do.

Seeing this, Gail didn't speak but silently wept beside her.

What broke the silence was a phone call from Byron.

He said in a very anxious tone, "Mason, did you offend Mr. Farrell?"

Mason was stunned to hear this. It was Colin that had made her lose face just now. Why had Byron asked such a question?

Before she could ask what was wrong, Byron said, "Robert called me just now and said that the company decided to terminate the contract with you. Even the compensation conditions have been drafted! They are waiting for you to sign."

Mason shouted, "What?"

Byron sighed, "Mason, I've worked with you since your debut and watched you become a superstar from a little-known artist. Although Mr. Farrell did you favor, your success owes more to your efforts. I don't know what happened between you and him, but do you know what it means for you if your contract is terminated now?"

Mason fell silent because she knew it.

Terminating the contract now was equivalent to being blacklisted in her prime.

She was the most popular female artist in Farrell Media now, and there were not many companies that could compete with it in Cocanel. If she was kicked out of Farrell Media, few media companies would dare to sign a contract with her.

Mason did not respond, so Byron continued, "No matter where you are now, come back right away. Robert said he will come to meet us with the contract in half an hour." Then, he hung up the phone.

Mason's face became gloomy. When she thought about the call she had made to Colin an hour ago and what Gail had said just now, she felt very resentful. "Mason, are you alright?" Gail had been standing beside her, so she had partially overheard what Byron had said.

Mason clenched her phone, pursed her lips, and looked at Gail, saying, "Byron said the company decided to terminate the contract with me."

Hearing this, Gail was startled. She was afraid that Mason would think it was her that had implicated her, so she hurriedly said, "Did Faye stab you in the back?" Mason took a deep breath and said, "If she did it, I won't let her get away with it!"

Then, she asked Gail to stay calm, told her that she would hire the best lawyer for her, then put on her sunglasses, and left in high heels.

After half an hour, things fermented.

The termination of Mason's contract with Farrell Media caused a lot of uproars, and soon, she posted an announcement on Facebook to condemn Faye.

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