Soon, Emmanuel and Sheldon arrived at the project site. The project site was originally an abandoned

factory. Terence Group bought the land and wanted to build a large-scale, strategic warehouse. The

company then commissioned Cloud Construction to build the warehouse. Halfway through the

construction, the land had been taken over by a group of thugs as their activity site. They did so

because the previous factory owner owed them their salaries. “What the f*ck? Are you guys a bunch of

dimwits? Are you guys here to chase us away again?” “The previous owner hasn’t paid us, so we’re not

leaving!” “Besides, Mr. Webber isn’t negotiating with you guys. No matter how many times you try, you

will achieve nothing!” “Are you not afraid of death? I dare you guys to get the police involved!” Upon

seeing Emmanuel and Sheldon, the thugs in the factory started swearing at them fearlessly. If Cloud

Construction could deal with the thugs, they would’ve left the factory long ago. At that moment,

Sheldon cast a helpless glance at Emmanuel, and he was already thinking about fleeing. However,

Emmanuel wanted to bring Mackenzie to meet his mother, so he wasn’t giving up so easily. “Get your

boss to meet me now! Otherwise, I won’t show any of you mercy!” Emmanuel threatened the thugs with

a determined look in his eyes. I know how to deal with these thugs. If I were to go soft on them, they

would just keep pushing me around. The only way to deal with them is to do it the hard way! True

enough, the thugs immediately stopped swearing, and some were even so flabbergasted that they

dropped their cigarettes onto the ground. Wow! This man is a bad*ss! The thugs had been there for a

long time and had never seen someone as bold as Emmanuel. There are only two of us here. How

dare he talk like that? Sheldon was shivering in fear. Is Emmanuel a fool? Is he going to fight these

thugs for money? Right then, Milani, in an MPV owned by Cloud Construction, arrived at the entrance

of the factory. She had gone there specifically to watch Emmanuel die because she couldn’t swallow

her anger. In her pair of stylish sunglasses, she was smiling and waiting for the show to begin.

Emmanuel couldn’t care less about why she was there. Nevertheless, he was glad she showed up.

“Milani! Bring the legal documents here! Show these guys the documents so that they’ll scram!” What

the f*ck? Milani was stunned when she heard Emmanuel’s words. Is he stupid? Does he think the

thugs care about the laws? If they did, this matter would’ve been settled long ago! “What are you

waiting for, Ms. Zimmerman? You’re here to bring us the legal documents, right?” Sheldon was a dense

man, and he had no idea what was on Milani’s mind. Hence, he walked up to her instantly. Right then,

all the thugs in the factory were staring at Milani and smiling lecherously. Seeing that, Milani started to

tremble in fear. If the thugs choose to take matters into their own hands, I’ll surely get dragged into this

mess. What if they come after me because of my good looks? I won’t be able to escape their clutches!

With that in mind, Milani answered, “What are you talking about, Sheldon? What documents? I don’t

know what nonsense you are talking about!” Milani was eager to distance herself from Emmanuel and

Sheldon, and she even wanted to run away there and then. I came to watch Emmanuel get into trouble,

but I’m about to end up in hot water myself! Before she could drive away, Emmanuel reached his hand

into the car and took out the legal documents in the car! After that, he flashed a half-smile and uttered,

“Ms. Zimmerman, are you already forgetting things? Aren’t these the legal documents?” Milani’s face

went pale, and a grim expression soon appeared on her face. In a fit of rage, she gritted her teeth and

thundered, “Are you crazy, Emmanuel? You might want to die, but I don’t! What makes you think you

can get rid of these thugs? If you can do it, I’ll give you a kiss in return!” To her surprise, Emmanuel

answered nonchalantly, “I’m sorry, but I’m really not interested in you.” Milani was so enraged that her

mind had gone blank. Instead of saying anything, she could only glare at Emmanuel. The latter ignored

her, grabbed the legal documents, and walked toward the entrance. The moment he turned around, he

saw a dozen burly men walking out of the building. All of a sudden, the burly men had the three of them

surrounded. “Emmanuel, we should leave now.” Sheldon was chickening out when he saw that. I want

to get my job done, but I’m not risking my life for it! Meanwhile, Milani quickly returned to the car and

rolled down the window to make fun of Emmanuel. “Loser, you’ve lost your mind, haven’t you? Are you

risking your life to make money because you’ve failed to find yourself a wife?” Emmanuel didn’t bother

to respond to that. I can’t find a wife? I’m fighting for my future wife now! Without the slightest fear,

Emmanuel opened the documents and showed them to the thugs. “This is the real estate document of

Terence Group and the construction permit of Cloud Construction. This land has long been owned by

Terence Group and has nothing to do with your previous boss. Please leave immediately!” Upon

hearing Emmanuel’s serious tone, the thugs froze momentarily before bursting into laughter. “Haha!

This fellow is a simpleton! Why is he telling us that?” “What’s the law? How is that relevant to us?” “Cut

the crap! Let’s finish him!” The group of thugs clenched their fists and got ready to fight. Sheldon was

so frightened that his knees had gone weak. I’m just an office worker. I have never even been in a fight!

On the other hand, Milani locked her car doors from the inside, and she was ready to drive off at any

time. The principle of betraying a friend rather than sacrificing oneself described the situation perfectly

at that moment. All she wanted was to stay alive. Emmanuel wasn’t afraid, though. He was in the army

for seven years. He was used to risking his life on the battlefield on a daily basis, so he wasn’t backing

down from a group of thugs and a fight. This is nothing but a joke! “Die, punk!” A man with an afro

swung a chain at Emmanuel. That man was one of Samuel’s capable fighters, and he was involved in

fights all the time. If he were to beat up a guy that came to chase them out of the factory, Samuel would

be more than appreciative. In fact, the man with an afro had beaten up quite a few people before, and

some were so badly injured that they had to receive emergency treatment at the hospital. That was

how they scared the people from Cloud Construction off. None of the people involved in the project

dared to call the police on the thugs. Gradually, they gained control of the piece of land. When

everyone was waiting to see the chain hit Emmanuel and him bleeding all over the face, Emmanuel

swiftly dodged it and threw a punch. Bang! The man with an afro was sent flying away. Not only did

blood splatter everywhere, but the man with an afro also ended up knocking six other thugs down. Oh,

sh*t! The smiles on the thugs’ faces froze. Milani was stumped when she saw Emmanuel fight. This

man can fight! Before the man with an afro could stand up, Emmanuel walked over to him with an icy

expression and stomped on the man’s leg. Crack! “Ah!” The man’s body was flung into the air before

crashing back onto the ground. All of a sudden, the man’s face turned purplish, and he was rolling on

the ground as he screamed in pain. Having witnessed that, everyone at the scene broke into a cold

sweat. That’s so ruthless! He broke the man’s leg without batting an eyelid! How is he so cold-blooded?

Who is he?

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