Mila: The Godfather (Unholy Trinity Book 7)
Mila: The Godfather: Part 2 – Chapter 58


“I want the world for you. The whole-fucking-world.” — R

Later that night, as I lay in bed with a sleeping giant behind me, holding me close with my head safely tucked in his neck, I feel a calmness I’ve never felt, not even inside my head. My safe place. Not even when I lose myself in the hobbies I love.

But here with him, feeling his strong arms covering me in his warmth, I feel like there’s nowhere else for me but here with him. Nowhere I’d rather be.

Sleeping with Riagan… was different. Riagan was warm and cuddly and hard and hot, and I kept wanting to kiss him in his sleep. I woke up one time in the middle of the night to find his hand under my shirt, cupping my naked breast. I was startled and a bit embarrassed at first, but then I realized he was completely asleep. It was sweet that he reached out and held me even when he wasn’t awake. I didn’t wake him, no. I left his hand there. It felt nice and comfortable.

I didn’t even think about germs, not with him, and that’s never happened with anyone else.

Not when he’s holding me close to his naked chest. His hard, naked chest lately has awakened a side of me I never knew. The side that aches to be kissed and touched by him.

Everything about Riagan is out of this world sexy. His tattooed muscled chest and back and his thick neck.

His plump and pink lips.

His hands.

God, his hands are strong and harsh, yet they feel like heaven on my skin. The feeling of them now so close to my stomach is driving me insane.

His hand under the covers moves closer to my pelvic area while he sleeps.

My heart starts to race, and heat shoots straight to the center of me. I press my legs together to ease some of the ache that has suddenly pressed hard against my clit. It’s thumping like mad, and my nipples are aching pinpoints against my nightshirt. I shuffle my legs, trying to ease the ache, which caused his soft snoring to stop momentarily before picking back up again just as softly.

I’ve come to love hearing him snore and feeling his heat on my back.

The comfort of knowing he was there, even to protect me in my sleep? That meant the entire world to me.

And he didn’t even know that just by being around, he was slaying all the many demons that my father instilled in me and keeping all the nightmares away.

He’s my dream catcher.

I lie there, focused on steering my thoughts away from how his hand on my pelvis is making me feel all hot and bothered when he speaks, startling me. “Your breathing changed.”


“W-what?” I stutter, feeling caught. I thought he was asleep.

“Your breath has quickened, and your chest is rising and falling at a rapid pace, sweetheart.” He takes a pause, and I swear I can hear the beat of my heart and feel my ears burning. “You’re turned on, aren’t you?” He maneuvers me, so I can face him. When I’m fully turned in his arms, I find him with his head on his balanced palm and an intense look on his face. His free hand, the one that moments ago was dangerously close to my core, draws a circle on my upper thigh. Then, I realize that this position has my wide thighs spread even wider.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” I try to deflect, feeling my cheeks redden.

“Oh, I think you do.” he grins. His fingers slide between my thighs, and with a gentle press of his palm, he spreads my thighs. I close my hand over his when his knuckle grazes my panties. And I am one hundred percent sure they’re wet and that he noticed. “Does your little pussy ache, Mila?” He noticed.

My breath hitches, and my mind goes blank the second the dirty word falls from his mouth. I’m surprised not because of the way he’s speaking to me but because I don’t mind it at all.

In fact, his dirty mouth excites me just as much as his touch on my thigh does.

Everything he does makes me feel things I’m not used to but am slowly becoming addicted to.

Knowing there’s no going back, not that I want to, I think about my options here.

I could shy away from this moment, or I can give in to my wants and needs.

And I do want him very much.

“You’re so adorable when you look like that.” He kneads the skin on my thigh, and I can barely think about anything else except how good it feels and how better it would feel if he moved his hand lower.

“Like what?” I whisper, trying to ease my breathing but failing miserably.

I feel goosebumps when Riagan trails kisses up my neck and then bites my earlobe. Oh, wow. I’ve read plenty of spicy scenes, and I am not completely oblivious to what happens between two people who desire each other. The way Riagan is touching and kissing me makes me feel like I’m more than wanted. It makes me feel as if this man is dying to get more of me. “Like you know exactly what you want, but you’re too shy to voice it.” He raises his head and looks me in the eyes before he kisses my nose quickly and then moves down my body, keeping my gaze hostage.

“Riagan, did you know that fellatio was considered a felony in almost every state in 1950?” I blurt out nervously and cringe when I realize what I just said. This is definitely a mood killer, right? No man wants to talk during sexual relations or hear weird facts. But then, as always, he reminds me that he’s unlike anyone else. My husband, the one currently looking up at me with a wide smile on his face, speaks up. “Didn’t know that baby, but that’s fucked up.”

I nod in agreement. “Not so long ago, as of 2014, twelve states– Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah– still had anti-fellatio laws on the books.” I watch every movement, not wanting to miss a thing. I try to focus solely on him and what he is doing instead of giving power to the anxiety that is creeping in, and it’s getting in the way of me expressing what I feel in this moment with him between my legs so close to a part of me no man has been this close to. A part that is burning and aching for his touch.

He presses his lips against the sheet on my thigh, and I can feel the heat of his breath when he says, “You’re so fucking pretty, butterfly. I would gladly serve a life sentence for sticking my tongue inside your little cunt.”  I jump. “Y-you would?”

“Fuck yes.” He breathes out before tossing the covers aside. Then, he expertly adjusts my body until one of my legs is over his shoulder. “Did you know I’m dying to taste your pussy, Mila? I keep wondering if it’ll taste as fucking sweet as your lips?” He bends his neck and nips me through my panties.

 “Riagan,” I protested. My body buckles, and he places one of his thick arms over my belly, keeping me in place.

“Shhh,” he whispers, but I can hear him chuckling. “Did you like that baby? Do you like me biting your tiny cunt? I do.” He does it again, but this time he flattens his tongue and licks me over my panties. It’s an intimate and odd sensation.

“I do.” I say truthfully. I more than like it. I want him to do it again, so I tell him exactly that.

“Good.” he grins wickedly at me, and my heart skips a beat. “Can I eat it, baby?”

“Eat wha- Oh…. you mean my vagina?”

His grin spreads to a full-blown smile now. “Pussy. Say pussy.”

Embarrassment takes over, and I swallow hard. “You want to eat my pussy?”

“Good girl.” His palms press my thighs wide apart, then a questing finger edges under the side of my panties. “And yes, I really fucking want to,” he whispers. I feel him slide my panties to the side, exposing me. “Damn, that’s pretty,” he says.

Then his mouth touches me, and I swear I see stars. I totally lose any reservations I had about him doing this. Not that I had many, but still. I don’t think about my fears, lack of experience, or my aversion to germs.

My mind goes blank, and I just let myself feel this.

Feel his tongue doing dirty things to me.

His tongue is wicked and marvelous and absolutely skilled. He licks across my center and sucks my clit between his lips, where his teeth, tongue, and lips do crazy things I never dreamed were possible.

When the sensation becomes too much, I hold onto his forearms at the same time as he sticks finger inside me.

I read somewhere that some women feel discomfort when a digit is inserted, and yes, it feels weird, but it doesn’t hurt. “Fuck, this pretty pussy is tight.” He mumbles between licks. His fingers are doing crazy things to my vagina as his lips do wonderfully wicked things to my clit, and I feel the intense need from before but stronger. Then his blue eyes meet mine.

I don’t know if it’s his mouth on me, his fingers inside of me, or the look he is giving me that makes me go over the edge.

I come apart, breaking as I thread my fingers into his hair and hold him close to me, riding this wave of ecstasy that I’ve never felt before. He doesn’t let up as my wits shatter, but his licks, tugs, and pulls grow softer as my orgasm eases. I shiver and quake as he brings me back down. I lie back and close my eyes.

I can’t believe I just let him do that. And now I’m embarrassed.

Riagan eases the edge of my panties, covering me up softly and tenderly, and then he presses a kiss against the fabric. The heat of his breath sets off an aftershock, and my body rocks one last time. God.

Riagan crawls up my body, careful not to squish me, until he’s up by my mouth. “That was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.” My face fills with heat.

He leans back and kisses me. It’s long and hard, and I can taste myself on his tongue. “Thank you,” he says.

I should be thanking him if I could get my tongue to work. “For what?”

 “For trusting me. For giving yourself to me and for letting me taste that pretty pussy.” He takes my lips in his tenderly before pulling back and grinning. “And you taste the same, baby. Sweet, like cherries.”

My cheeks redden when I realize what he means, but then my embarrassment slips away fast when he releases me with the intention of sleeping next to me. Just sleeping. No sex.

I don’t know what happens and what comes over me, but I don’t overthink and take charge by grabbing his neck and pulling him closer until our lips touch.

I realized that I was going to have to make the first move.

He was slowly killing me inside.

Then, a thought creeps in. An unwanted thought, but one that’s been bugging and slowly making me doubt myself. He’s all man and much older. Of course, he is used to doing more than just a few kisses and going to bed with an erection. I am not that naive. I noticed his reaction to giving me oral sex. It turned him on, but he chose not to take it further.

I turn my head, feeling my heart start to hammer. “Riagan, are you sure that I’m what you want? I’m not like other women. I have no expe—” I stop right there, not wanting to bring his past and other women between us. His past has no room here.

He growls and pulls my earlobe into his mouth to bite it gently.

My hand moves up his chest and I press it against his heart. It was hammering. “I’m sorry if it seems like I’m insecure. I am not. It’s just that, at times, it’s hard to believe that you—-” he cuts me off by grabbing the back of my neck in his grim grip. Not gentle but not painful either. Just… right.

“I don’t want anyone else. You’re it for me.” Then he slowly brings my face to his and licks my lips. Yeah, that’s right. “The fact that I’m the first man and the last one that’ll get to be inside your pretty virgin pussy has me rock-fucking-hard baby.” He licks my lips before pressing his tongue inside of my mouth.

Opening my mouth for him, I press farther into his body, feeling his steel hard erection. He wants me.

This man really wants me, and it’s obvious with his erection pinned between us. I did that to him.


Ordinary Mila.

I sit up, feeling my shirt fall back into place.

My nipples pebbled, and though I knew he couldn’t see them, I smiled anyway, remembering the expression on his face the day he saw my naked chest. The same one he is wearing now.

I’m getting good at recognizing his emotions and all his expressions.

It’s easy with him.





I’ve come to recognize them all, and every time they’re directed at me.

With my heart on my sleeve, I look into his eyes for a couple of seconds. More than I’m used to.

His blue eyes appear lighter, almost the same shade as mine.

We both stare into each other’s eyes without saying anything, but at the same time, feeling a lot.

His hand goes to my hip, but he still doesn’t say a word.

Again, him giving me the reins.

He is giving me a choice.

I could stop this now or give myself fully to him.

“Riagan?” I whisper quietly, unable to disguise my nerves. As brave as I feel right now and as comfortable as I feel in his arms, there’s always going to be shyness and nerves. It’s who I am. I am okay with it.

He’s shown me that he is, too, so there’s no need to hide who I am. Not with him.

“Yes?” His voice is husky and full of desire, and God does it do things to my body.

Hell, to my heart as well.

It drives me crazy.

He drives me crazy.

“Fuck me,” I blur out.

Then, I feel my face heat.

Because, oh God, did I just say that out loud? Did I just curse?

His hands convulsed on my hips, and then we were moving.

He moved quickly, ripping my shirt off faster than I could draw a startled breath.

Then, he took my panties off next, and then he was settling between my thighs.

I was so wet that he didn’t need to do any preparation—I’d been thinking about this very thing half the night.

Yet, his fingers, still gentle as hell every time he touched me, came to my pussy and swirled.

“Wet,” he growled. “So fuckin’ wet.”

“You do that to me,” I breathe out. “Your voice. Your kisses and the thing from before.”

“My tongue on your delicious cunt, you mean?” he teased.

“Ahhh…yes, that.”

Then he was bringing one breast up to his mouth and suckling lightly. “So sweet, my baby.”

My back bowed off the bed.

“Eeep!” I cried out. “That feels weird!”

He chuckles. “Sensitive?”

“So sensitive,” I whisper. “I like what you do to me. Keep doing it.”

“Oh, I plan to,” he promise as he licks my nipple. “You drive me wild, butterfly. I can’t get enough of you. Now that I have had a taste… I’ve become addicted. I want more.” He gently bites on one nipple, and sucks on them both until I am a panting, delirious mess.

“Riagan,” I hiss. “It hurts down there. I- I need.”

“Does your pussy need my cock, baby? Is that it? That’s why it hurts, isn’t it?” Settling between my thighs, he starts to rub his cock up and down the length of my pussy, coating himself in my wetness before notching himself at my entrance. “So hot, baby. That’s it. Yeah, this pretty cunt needs me to fill it. To tear through that virgin wall and fill it with my cum.”

“Yes,” I breathe out. “That. Exactly that.”

He sinks into the hilt, not stopping until he is fully sheathed inside of me.

I feel so full, too.

There was a slight pain, but nothing I couldn’t handle. The erotic sensation of having him fill me was much more intense than the discomfort of him sliding inside of me for the first time.

After the pain comes pleasure.

Pleasure I never thought possible.

Never thought I would enjoy sex because of all the exchange of germs and all the fluids, but it’s the last thing on my mind. All I can focus on is how good he feels inside of me and how his touch and kisses have set my body on fire.

Every part of me was aflame, including my heart.

That’s what he does to me.

“Fuck, I knew you would be tight,” he growls. “But goddamn, you fit me perfectly. You were made for my cock, butterfly.”

“I never thought it could feel like this…” I shiver in delight when he shimmies his hips, grinding inside of me. “It’s like being in another galaxy. Just you and me.”

“Keep talking, baby,” he said. “Shit, I’m not going to last. You were made for me. Your body was made for me. Ah, fuck yes.”

I hold onto him tighter. “Faster, please. Move.”

So, he does.

He moves faster and hits a spot deep inside me that has me rolling my eyes to the back of my head. My breathing becomes erratic, and my heart goes crazy as well.

And then something beautiful happens.

As I ride the wave of ecstasy, I feel my belly tighten, and it’s like I’m flying.

It only took one and a half strokes, and something beautiful happened. Just like when he had his mouth on me before, my belly tightens, and my breathing stops.

I closed my eyes, and stars burst behind my eyelids as I came undone for him.


Harder than before.

More intense, too.

The squeak that leaves me is nothing short of embarrassing.

“Shit.” He grounds out before he throws his head back and growls like a wild animal. I can’t seem to look away from him as he comes along with me.

When our bodies settle, and he all but falls to the side so as not to crush me, I can help but laugh.

“That was fun,” I smile wider. “Let’s do it again.”

“I think you broke my dick, butterfly,” he admits, sounding chagrined. “You had me busting my load like a prepubescent lad.” He laughs. “It’s been a while.”

“A while?” I turn in his arm. “I don’t understand.”

I blush when he places his hands between my legs and runs a thick finger between my labia. I moan, loving the feel of it. Then, to my utter surprise and embarrassment, his fingers leave me, and he puts them in his mouth, licking my wetness from each digit. “It’s simple, baby. My dick had an owner, so it’s been a while.” he winks while he pops another finger into his mouth. “Next time, I want to come inside you. Fill you up with my cum.”

Okay, that’s… I don’t even know how else to describe it other than insanely hot and a bit troublesome.

“I am not on birth control. I could fall pregnant.” I look up at him, worried.

“I see nothing wrong with that.”

“Do you want kids?” I hold my breath. The thought of having kids never crossed my mind. I didn’t want them to face the same difficulties I did, but then I thought about a mini Riagan, and my heart could combust in my chest.

A little brown-haired boy with blue eyes and the sweetest smile.

The thought doesn’t scare me. Not as much as it did before.

What is happening to me?

Love… the little voice in my head whispers. That’s what love does to you.

“I do.”



“How many?” I ask while holding my breath.

He curls me into him as he says, “As many as you give me, butterfly.”

“What if I say five kids?”

He chuckles, and I smile like I do when I hear his laugh. “You want five kids, baby? I’ll give you as many as you want.”

How does he always know what to say? It’s like he knows me better than I know myself, and it’s scary because he has slowly become not only my favorite human and my treasured obsession, but my heart as well.


“Yes, butterfly?” His arms tighten around me.

“Children are forever. They bind us for life.”

Then, with more seriousness than I’d been expecting for a conversation I’d just been teasing him about, he says, “I thought you would have realized by now, Mila. You gave yourself to me, and I don’t plan on ever letting you go. Children or not. This is it, baby. Till death do us part, and even then, I’ll follow you there, too.”

Till death do us part, and even then, I’ll follow you there too.

I felt that in my soul.

His heartfelt words, and the way he was so serious, made me realize that he meant every single word.

I love him.

So much.

I fell in love with the man who proposed a fake marriage for my safety.

The man who treated me with gentleness and kindness from the first moment we met.

The one who has me dreaming while awake and making each and every single one a reality.

It was the quiet type of love.

I couldn’t tell you when exactly, I’d fallen for him. Maybe it was when he’d killed a man for me and, the next instant, lifted me into his arms and taken me to safety. Or possibly when he looked at me as if I was just like him and not like I was lacking in any way. When he took me to his private paradise, that had so much meaning to him and his family. Or maybe, it could have been when he introduced me to the people he cares about and told them, in other words, that I was the single most important person to him.

Whenever it was, I know now that I am head over heels for him.

And I needed to do a better job of showing it.

Which made my stomach and heart do weird things.

Lifting my head, I press a soft kiss to his mouth. Then I pull back to look into his eyes. They’re so blue and so happy.

“What was that for?”

“I-I just wanted to kiss you.” I touch his bearded cheek, loving the feel of it.

Riagan lifts his hand. “I’m going to touch your neck.”

There’s that too.

He remembers how my neck and my head are triggers, and he always tells me before touching me.

Then he grabs my neck gently and brings my mouth down to his. We’re so close that the tip of our noses are touching. “You can kiss me anytime you want to, sweetheart.” Then he takes my lips in his. He might’ve well taken my breath too.

“Want a fact?” He says while playing with one of my curls.

Touching his chest where his heart is, I tap it gently three times, then stop. I do it repeatedly in sync with his heartbeat.

I love the reminder that he’s here and he’s alive.

“Tell me, Riagan.” I whisper with a small smile on my face.

“You’re the best sex I’ve ever had.” he mumbles, still playing with my hair.

I pause at that, and look at him, trying to see if he’s joking.

But he’s not laughing. He is serious.

I smile big at that because a part of me feels jealousy of every other woman that had him before me.

But now I know.

I’m the one he desires.

The one who wears his ring and has his name.

The one who gets his sweet and gentle side.


Not them.

“Can I share a fact of my own?” I press my ear to his chest, getting comfortable. This is my favorite place to sleep in. His arms with his heartbeat as my own personal lullaby.

He hugs me closer. “Always.”

“You’re the best sex I’ve ever had too.” I say matter of fact.

“Sweetheart, I’m the only sex you’d had and will ever have.” He growls playfully, making me laugh.

I like it when he is jealous.

How do I know he’s feeling jealous?

Well, Riagan has many tells.

First, he gets angry, then possessive, and lastly, very dramatic.

Dramatic, as in threatening his lifelong friends with murder.

And I wouldn’t have him any other way.


I wasn’t kidding when I said she’s the best sex I’ve had.

The faces of wonder she made and her sweet moans were just as hot as the act itself. There’s something about her innocence that drives me wild.

I had to control the burning need that crept in while I was inside of her. The need to take her like an animal and claim her as mine.

And I did claim her.

Butterfly is now mine in every sense of the word.

Fuck, I can still taste her on my lips, all sweet and tangy.

Watching her come was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. She’s so guarded, and I understand why. She can’t undo years of thinking she wasn’t enough in a few weeks, but slowly she has come out of her shell around me, and it’s a beautiful sight.

Just like the caterpillar who turns into a butterfly.

Holding her tightly, I look at her cuddled next to me with her cheek pressed to my chest and her pretty pink mouth slightly opened as she snores.

She’s so fucking beautiful.

I love every side of her.

I’ve seen her with a little bit of makeup, and I’ve seen her with no makeup and no artifice, and I like all the different sides of her. She’s learning to let her guard down with me and with my family. Hell, even my men.

She’s shown me parts of her that no one else has seen.

Her past.

Her fears.

Her insecurities.

So sweet.

So open.

So trusting.

My girl.

And even though it was evident in her gaze how nervous she was, she still gave me her body. She didn’t shy away, nor did she hide. She was perfect.

Fuck, she even asked me to fuck her. My girl doesn’t swear, yet she did, and it was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

And I’m no virgin, but with her, it felt like the very first time. I can’t even remember anyone who came before her. Their all blurred faces.

The past.

And Mila is my present and my future.

My forever.

Now, there isn’t a doubt in her mind.

I wasn’t bullshitting her or talking out of my ass in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm Ive ever had. I meant every word.

We’re forever.

I’m not letting her go, and I’m not sure I could. Not even if she asked me to.

The kids, too.

I never gave children a thought.

I was conscious that the life I led had no room for brats. I didn’t want to subject them to a life where daddy wouldn’t come home or to a home where there was no love. Because that’s the truth. Before Mila I didn’t think I was capable of love. Hell, I’m sure I didn’t know the meaning of it until she came along.

But now I do.

Fuck, I love her so goddamn much, and I’m not even sure she knows it.

In time, I hope she comes to terms with it because before her, when I thought about the future, I saw myself living a short life. I wasn’t afraid to die, but now I am. Now whenever I think about the future, all I see is her. I see her. I see love. I see a life that is no longer black and white.

A life filled with color and magic.

With love, adventures, and laughter.

And if I’m lucky, a tiny mini version of her.

A little girl who looks and acts just like my butterfly.

Blonde curls and big bug eyes that could wrap me around her little fingers, just like my wife.

Rosy cheeks and those adorable dimples.

With the same giggle that makes my heart pound hard.

God, her laugh.

Her smile.

Her everything.

Looking down at my wife sleeping peacefully in her sleep, I smile, knowing in my goddamn soul that I won the prize.

My endgame.


My queen.

Shit, I’m obsessed.

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