Chapter 475 

Mia was taken aback. “That’s impossible! 

How could Dana have reported her? 

Upon learning that her actions had been. revealed, Dana exclaimed anxiously, ” Mia, I didn’t report you. I’m innocent. Someone must be trying to frame me!” 

Mia glanced at Dana, feeling uncertain. ” Could there have been a 


Dana hastily replied, “It’s surely a misunderstanding.” 

Mia couldn’t bring herself to accept the fact that Dana had anonymously reported her. There had never been any conflict. between them, and Dana had no motive to do such a thing! 

Timothy’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Are you questioning my investigation?” 

Mia was startled. She pressed her lips 


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Chapter 475 

together and responded, “Maybe Dana is being framed?” 

Dana was on the brink of tears. “Mia, that has to be it. I truly have no reason to report you.” 

At that moment, Timothy turned his gaze toward Kennedy. “Present the evidence.” 

Kennedy unlocked his phone and examined it, his expression turning uneasy. “Dana, I have screenshots of the report that trace back to your IP address. How do you justify this?” 

Mia glanced at Kennedy’s phone screen and observed the incriminating evidence. 

She turned to Dana, her disbelief evident. “What could possibly motivate you to do something like this?” 

Dana swiftly grasped Mia’s hand, 

pleading, “Mia, those photos were all 

manipulated. I swear it wasn’t me. 

Please, consider it. I have no motive to engage in such actions.” 

Mia’s thoughts were in turmoil. She 


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Chapter 475 

really didn’t want to accept that Dana could be the anonymous reporter. 

Yet, at the same time, Timothy had no apparent motive to discredit Dana either. 

Despite harboring some resentment toward him, Mia couldn’t deny his capabilities. 

So, there remained only one logical explanation. 


Mia held Dana’s hand reassuringly. Dana, I trust you wouldn’t do something like this. You must have been framed.” 

“Yes, exactly, Mia. I was framed. 

Someone must have deliberately set me up!” 

Mia responded, “Very well, if that’s the situation, then I’m determined to uncover the mastermind behind all this. 

“Let’s head to the police station immediately and allow the authorities to investigate the culprit responsible for this mischief.” 

Mia tried to urge Dana forward, but after 


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Chapter 475 

a few steps, Dana adamantly refused to budge. 

Turning to her, Mia inquired, “What’s the matter, Dana?” 

With a heavy thud, Dana sank to her knees, admitting, “I’m sorry, Mia. It’s all my fault. I allowed my jealousy to 

consume me, leading me to resort to such desperate measures to undermine you.” 

Hearing Dana’s confession, Mia took a deep breath. She hadn’t anticipated the truth to unfold in this manner. 

She looked at Dana, who knelt on the ground before her. “But I never wronged you, did I? Was it all because of jealousy that you wanted to ruin me?” 

“Indeed, I was foolish. Despite both of us coming from orphanages, I couldn’t bear to see you surpass me, especially with your connections to such remarkable 


“My envy blinded me, leading me down this path. Mia, please find it in your heart to forgive me. You’re my only friend here. 

Chapter 475 

+15 BONUS 

Mia pushed Dana’s hand away. “Now I understand why you have no friends in college. No one wants to be associated with a deceitful person like you.” 

With that, she turned and swiftly exited the office. 

Timothy exchanged glances with Kennedy. “You know what needs to be done, right?” 

Kennedy nodded firmly. “Mr. Barrett, we will ensure that the appropriate disciplinary actions are carried out in line. with the university’s policies.” 

Dana felt overwhelmed by despair, but after wiping away her tears, she regained her composure and stood up. 

She felt a sense of reassurance, especially knowing that Maya had her back. After all, Maya had promised to assist her. 

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