Chapter 346 

“You’re done, Mia?” 

Mia snapped her head up only to see Felix walking up to her, her expression stiff. Yes, Whut about you? Got the loan?” 

He sighed, “Nope. The procedures are kinda troublesome. This kind of thing takes time, it can’t be done in a short matter of time. Let’s go. Where are you going? I can give you a ride

“I want to go to the study hall at my college. It’s not the same way as the studio, though. I’m fine going alone.” 

“What a coincidence! I need to drop by the college too. We can go together.” 

Nothing about the coincidence sounded odd to her. After all, Felix was able to establish his studio by receiving help from college. He sometimes visited for promotional activities and whatnot. 

Felix drove the car while asking, “Mia, why did you go to the bank? You even went to the VIP room. 


“Nothing. It was only for inquiry. I didn’t notice that it was a VIP room.” She hid the fact that she went there to repay her mortgage in advance. 

Dominic wired the money to her account last night. He did it so quickly that it caught her off guard. 

She didn’t say much and so Felix didn’t pry further. Regardless, the conjecture that she was loaded in cash was hardened into a fact. 

Once the car reached the college, she got out of the car. He watched her back, not wanting to let this chance slip through his fingers. 

Based on Felix’s speculations, Mia received that huge amount of money from her brothers. In fact, to be able to pay millions of dollars so readily at this age required a powerful family background. 

The lady he had a blind date with yesterday was a capable woman, but she came from a humble family. 

Although Mia didn’t receive a higher education, they shared the same alma mater! Adding her family background, she actually made up a decent candidate herself. 

As an afterthought, Felix decided to focus on his pursuit of Mia

+15 BONOS 

It was the afternoon when Mia exited the study hall. The area was flocked with people. 

Judging from the flowers and candles decorating the ground, a confession seemed to be going on. 

“Mia.” The crowd made way for her to see Felix standing in the middle of the field of petals and candles. 

A sense of foreboding dawned on her. Was he going to confess to her? The sheer thought of it 

made her skin crawl. 

Felix took a few steps forward, closing in on her. “Mia, I’ve always thought you’re special from the first time I saw you in school, but I didn’t know what this feeling in me was. 

“Until the day you showed up in the Fleur International Design Competition, I finally knew what it 

was. It was love. 

“After that, I shamelessly scouted you to my studio. I was so excited that I couldn’t sleep that day 

you accepted the offer.” 

At that point, Mia didn’t have the mood to listen any longer. She spoke up, “Felix, listen to me first.” 

“No, hear me out, Mia. It wasn’t easy to muster the courage to say this in front of so many people. 

Please let me finish or I won’t be able to do it. 

“Once you started coming to work, being able to see your side profile alone was enough to brighten my days. I know you’re a nice person and that you’re careful when it comes to relationships. 

“Still, I’d still like to tell you that I can give you the sense of security you want. I’ll love and protect you forever. Please give me a chance.” He knelt on the ground on one knee with the bouquet of 

flowers in his arms. 

Pink balloons flew into the sky. It was so romantic. 

The ladies watching began squealing. “Gosh, he’s so romantic! Accept him!” 

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