Cordelia was puzzled while listening to it.

To be frank, it was just three men hanging out at a bar and chatting while drinking. It did not seem like there was anything wrong with it.

"Linda, did you... hear right?" Cordelia knew that Linda was a short-tempered person. "How do you know that it's Zephyr who was longing for that person?" "I heard it myself!"

"But bars can be so noisy. Could you have heard this wrong?"

"Then... Then I'll tell you everything I heard!"

Linda told her everything that had happened.

Anyway, the actual situation was simple...

The men had gone into the booth and opened a bottle of whisky as Josiah had cried, "Guys, Frederic's unforgettable woman's back, you know?"

Instead, Linda had heard: "The unforgettable woman's back, you know?"

"Gosh, of all times, it had to be now! I was going to discuss with Z how we could set up Frederic and Trinity!"

Linda's version was: "Gosh, now of all times... with Z... set up..."

"This has to be kept a secret. Do not disclose it to anyone, okay? Anything else has to be planned properly."

Linda had heard: "This has to be kept a secret... Anything else-planned properly..."

Linda told Cordelia everything. She had only heard half of it, but Cordelia's heart clenched.

Her mother's words rang in her ears like a curse. "You've got to hold on to Zephyr. What if he has some childhood sweetheart?"

Was this the childhood sweetheart?

Cordelia suddenly recalled that when she had mentioned that Carter was already 16 years old back in Jangasas, Zephyr had proudly said that he had already been something at that age he had then stopped talking about it abruptly.

She had suspected back then that he had already met his first love at that age or that he had already been dating. Were her suspicions coming to life?

"Cordelia Cordelia?" Linda was anxious when the line was silent for some time.

"Cordelia, are you okay? Calm down. Nicholas is working overtime in the office today. I'll interrogate him properly when he comes back!"

"No need," Cordelia replied softly. "Don't put Nicholas in a tough spot!"

"How's it a tough spot?"

"Think about it. He always brings you, and Zephyr always brings me whenever we hang out. Since they're meeting alone, this means that they had some things to talk about among them men. They have their secrets to keep too!"


"Alright." Cordelia smiled. "Just pretend that you have no idea and don't make a big show of it. I have my ways to handle Zephyr!"

"Really?" Linda was placated. "Will you be alright on your own?"

"Yes." Cordelia's voice was soft but determined. "It's just the one that got away, right? Even if he has one, I am currently the one by his side, not that woman! If he had to choose, he wouldn't choose her. I trust him in this!"

"Mm!" Linda smiled as well. "Cordelia, I think Zephyr's a dependable man too. It's good that you trust him. But you've got to keep your guard up! Zephyr has no ill thoughts, but those women are out there waiting!"

"I know."

"I'll definitely help you!" Linda hung up with a smile.

Cordelia looked up into the sky while sitting in the front yard, all sorts of thoughts flashing in her head.

She believed in Zephyr. After going through so many things with him, she would not deserve him if she could not even sense his feelings and wanted to fight over this. It was just that...

That was an unforgettable woman—the first person he had liked.

People would always remember their firsts.

Cordelia took a deep breath and bit her lip. She just kept sitting on the swing until evening.

Helen came out to call for her eventually. "Ms. Cordelia, it's getting cold outside. Come in!"

Her voice pulled Cordelia out of her trance. She hopped off the swing to head inside, her eyes bright and lively as she smiled at Helen.

"Aunt Helen," she said after some thought. "Don't call me Ms. Cordelia from now on."


"Just call me by my name."

"No way!" Helen waved her hands. "My brother says that terms of address matter while working for the Hamertons. How could I just call you by your name?!”

"If not my name, then..." Cordelia blinked. "How do you address Zephyr?"

"I call him sir."

"Mm!" Cordelia beamed. "Then call me madam from now on!"

"Huh?" Helen was stunned.

Cordelia's steps were light as she walked in, while Helen suddenly grinned watching her.

"Oh, certainly!" She agreed loudly. "Madam!"

Sometimes, the change of a term of address represented a person's mind.

Cordelia received a video call from Linda as soon as she headed back inside.

Nicholas was kneeling on a washboard in the video with his head hung, looking like he had done something wrong. There was even a paddle next to him.

"Cordelia, I'm done asking!" Linda told her eagerly. "That woman's name is Michelle Carmichael, and she was the popular girl back in their school!

"And this guy!" Linda pointed at Nicholas while the latter quickly covered his face upon seeing that he was on camera.

Linda continued. "This guy actually signed her on! He signed a contract with Michelle Carmichael!"

"Sweetheart, you've got to be fair!" Nicholas protested weakly, "How could I know she was anyone's first love when I signed her on... I was only thinking about how much money she would make me!" "Nicholas Thompson!"

The screen began to shake violently before Nicholas' cries were heard.

Cordelia smiled and asked someone in the company to send her a copy of Michelle's information.

Michelle Carmichael, singer-songwriter. She was good at both singing and dancing. Although her debut had been late, she had been overseas, singing for foreign films.

There was a short clip of an interview on the internet.

Cordelia clicked on it. Michelle was fair and beautiful and behaved decently. She looked like the nation's first love too.

Cordelia took a deep breath and smiled lightly. Whatever this was, she was going into battle mode!

She alone could be Zephyr's unforgettable love and the one who got away.

Zephyr too... He could only be hers!

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