"Yes, sir." Robert nodded.

It was just that Rowan was low-profile and mysterious. He had never liked making public appearances. He had even just attended but did not take a seat in the auction, so not many got to see him. "He might be guarded if we ask to meet as us." Zephyr had already thought of this.

"Then... under Mr. Matthew's name?"

"No need." Zephyr smirked. "Say that grandpa wants to meet him!"

Robert froze before replying, "Mm, it's an idea too. After all, Elder Mr. Hamerton's reputation is significant. Rowan can't just be rude."

Zephyr smiled before his expression hardened the next second abruptly. He bowed and gasped in pain-his knees felt like something was cutting through them.

"Sir, are you alright!?" Robert panicked a little.

Zephyr eyed him instantly to shush him since Cordelia was still in the kitchen.

"Fine." He moved his legs. "Old issue."

"Is your old injury relapsing?" Robert was worried.

Zephyr had been injured during the plane crash. Everything else had healed up nicely, but there was a sequela with his legs.

"Mm, it's not serious." Zephyr straightened up and said, "The weather's getting colder recently, so they hurt quite bad sometimes. I'll be fine after they adjust to the weather."

"Do you want to... get Dr. Stafford to look at it again?"

Zephyr nodded lightly.

He remembered that he had been all bandaged up back then, and his bones had felt like they were being disassembled one by one. There had been a few times he thought he would die from the agony. Seth had taken care of him diligently, unaffected by his glower. Now that he was all healed, the credit was all Seth's.

He also vaguely remembered that Seth had given him a type of medicine before that was rather effective. Now that his old injury was acting up, he might recover soon after taking that medicine again.

Zephyr came to the medical center the next day. He went around, seeing that Seth was not in his office, and saw him walking with Zennie outside. Both of them were smiling brighter than the sun. Seth held a book and read something to Zennie, causing the latter to giggle heartily.

Zephyr was finally relieved. This was the smile his younger sister had-this was the little Zennie who would follow him like a tail since she was a child. It seemed now that she was all grown up and probably would not be following him like a lost puppy anymore. Zephyr felt a little down upon thinking about it. He chuckled self-deprecatingly and planned not to third-wheel them, but Zennie spotted him.

"Zephyr!" She waved at him fervently.

He went over with a smile, his deep eyes brimming with solace.

"What brings you here?" Zennie hooked an arm over his. "Where's Cordelia?"

"She's working," answered Zephyr.

"She's so busy recently!" The girl pouted. "I crave her cranberry cookies so much!"

"I know how to make them. I'll make them when I go home and send them to you." "Bro, have mercy!" Zennie widened her eyes. "Is what you make even edible?" "How dare you look down on me!?"

Zennie cackled, her eyes turning into crescents.

Zephyr looked at her quietly before flipping her bangs up. This was what they often did when they were younger. His affectionate gaze on his baby sister simply could not be hidden. Seth smiled, looking at them. "I won't be disturbing you, siblings, then. I'm sure you have things to talk about.”

"Hold on!" Zephyr called him and turned to tell Zennie, "I'm here for Dr. Stafford today. Zennie, get the nurse to go back with you first, okay? I'll go meet you after I talk to Dr. Stafford." "Oh, okay!" Zennie nodded and returned to her ward in the nurse's company.

Seth looked at Zephyr. "You're here for me?"

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