Chapter 50 

Took! The CEO of Imperial Gem Corporation has just arrived! 

“Why is Mr. Lippert here? That man is so stunning. He’s giving me a heart attack! 

“Imperial Gem Corporation is the jury for the jewelry competition. Does Mr. Lippert need a reason to attend his own award ceremony?” 

Royalty has graced us with his presence, and everything shines brighter!” 

Amid the cacophony of screams, Whitney snapped back to reality as Tiana pulled her briskly into the center of the hall, exclaiming, “OMG, my idol! Whitney, could it be your nemesis might actually show up to back you?” 

Whitney blinked away the dazzle from the man’s aura and gave Tiana a wry look. “How could that be?” 

Tiana grimaced. “Yeah, right. He didn’t even show up for the prelims. Why the sudden appearance at the awards?” 

Whitney was just as puzzled, her gaze fixed on the man on the stage in a sharp black suit, standing tall and striking. 

He adjusted his tie with an air of elegance, taking his seat under the spotlight. His angular face, straight nose, and thin lips gave him a deeply chiseled look that was breathtaking no matter how many times one looked. 

Suddenly, his gaze cut through the crowd and landed a piercing intensity on Whitney. 

Whitney paused. Had she seen it wrong? 

He looked away, picking up his phone and furrowing his brow as he typed something out. 

Whitney’s thoughts were hazy when a staff member suddenly brought over two chairs and placed them in the middle of the audience, gesturing for them to sit. 

Tiana was speechless. 

“Whitney, who’s showing you such kindness? Giving a seat front and center to someone on the verge of being fired?” 

Whitney was just as confused. “Must be a mistake.” 

Again, she felt that commanding gaze upon her. Looking up, it was gone. 

Basking in the limelight and oblivious to the small commotion, Monica was busy accepting congratulations. from all around. 

Then the host announced, “And now Mr. Lippert will announce the competition winners.” 

The room fell silent. Monica’s heart raced as the handsome and prestigious man on the stage made her forget the good looks of Simon beside her. Her girlish heart fluttered uncontrollably. 

“Monica, to have the grand Mr. Lippert present you with the first prize, I’m so envious, and to have the perfect fiancé!” 

“Phebe, you’re so lucky to be marrying off to a genius designer daughter–in–law.” 

Phebe, always one for good appearances, beamed with pride. 

Monica, smug as ever, cooed, “Phebe, when I go up to receive my award, I’d like to invite you to join me!” 

What an honor it was, and Phebe readily agreed. 

Monica could not wait to stand up and walk towards the stage. She shot an evil smile at Whitney on her way. 

However, Mr. Lippert did not start the award presentation. 

Monica was almost at the stage when she began to feel awkward. 

That was when the deep, powerful voice of the man echoed, “Where’s Whitney? Raise your hand 

Monica was stunned! 

Her nemesis’s magnetic voice calling her name made Whitney freeze, too. 

She slowly raised her hand in a daze. 

Hmm,” the man uttered curtly, expressionless. 

What did that mean? 

Monica was now awkwardly standing there, guessing that Mr. Lippert was about to strip Whitney of her competition credentials. 

The audience speculated as well. 

“Mr. Lippert’s probably going to kick Whitney out first! After all, one bad apple spoils the bunch at an award ceremony!” 

Seeing everyone guessing the same, Monica steadied her expression, sneering as she looked at Whitney and lifted the mic with feigned concern. “Mr. Lippert, are you about to fire the plagiarizer? Could I possibly ask you to cut my sister some slack?” 

“Yes, we’re firing the plagiarizer.” The man did not even glance at her, his face cold as he gestured to his assistant. 

The assistant immediately cast the footage on the big screen. 

Everyone’s attention turned to the screen. 

The assistant spoke, “Mr. Lippert is announcing a list of individuals who attempted to bribe the judges. Here is surveillance from October 1st at Imperial Gem Corporation’s office. Skye Gem Ltd’s President Simon and contestant Monica attempted to bribe Mr. Lippert with a landscape painting worth 26 million dollars in exchange for first place. Imperial Gem Corporation accepted it, but only to keep it as evidence.” 

Monica’s face drained of color. She stepped back, unable to comprehend what was happening. 

The audience was in an uproar when the next piece of evidence hit the screen. 

“The first prize piece, The Vintage Diamond,‘ shows Monica’s design dated October 2nd. However, Mr. Lippert received Whitney’s original concept on September 28th, preserved in email records!” 

Now, it was Whitney’s turn to be shocked. She gaped at the screen. How did her nemesis have her draft from the day she consulted L? 

The assistant continued the live announcement, “The head judge Aaron has accepted bribes to aid Monica in cheating and is now under criminal investigation, to be taken into custody immediately!” 

Two officers appeared on stage and handcuffed a dumbfounded Aaron, escorting him away right there and then! 

Aaron, a man of high esteem, was taken away just like that! 

The audience, slowly grasping the gravity of the situation, looked in awe at the man in the chairman’s seat. 

The room fell silent, everyone stunned by the dramatic twist. 

Monica stood there, pale as a ghost, her mind a muddled mess as she stared at the formidable man. She could not understand how, with just a few sentences, he had hurled her from heaven straight into hell. 

She was supposed to shine, to be the first–place winner. 

But a cold sweat broke out as she stared at the incontrovertible evidence on the screen. Her feet tangled in her gown, and she fell to the floor as if dropped into a pit of ice. 

The journalists finally snapped out of their shock. 



The room exploded 

“Mr. Lippert, is this all true? Monica bribed you, stole Whitney’s work, and then rigged the competition with Aaron’s help, only to frame Whitney as the plagiarizer?!” 

The reporters‘ translation made even the slowest audience members catch on. 

They gasped, exclaimed, and looked at Monica with a mix of shock and disbelief. 

Monica’s fall to the ground was a pitiful reflection of her guilty conscience! 

“No, I didn’t—I didn’t plagiarize Whitney.Monica scrambled to her feet, desperately trying to salvage her 


The reporters swarmed around her, “But Mr. Lippert himself presented the evidence! Monica, how do you explain this?” 

Monica looked over at Ludwik, not daring to utter a single word of denial. 

If she crossed him again, Skye Gem would be doomed! 

Seeing her silence, the reporters pressed on, “So Monica, you plagiarized with intent. Why would you steal from Whitney? Aren’t you a genius designer?” 

“Why even ask? Good heavens, we’ve all been fooled by her innocent facade! Maybe she’s been riding Whitney’s coattails all along?” Speculated a member of the audience. 

The reporters dashed towards Whitney, “Miss Whitney, have you been wronged?” 

Tiana squeezed Whitney’s hand tightly, her eyes brimming with tears. This was their moment! Whitney composed herself, casting a cool glance at Monica, “The vintage piece is original, and I have the honor of having their authenticity confirmed by the CEO of Imperial Gem Corporation. I have been wronged and I have never plagiarized. On the contrary, the person who accused me of plagiarism has been plagiarizing me!” 


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