Chapter 1642 

No matter how precise and fierce Yosef’s attacks were, he couldn’t lay a 

finger on Emmanuel. 

At that moment, Emmanuel struck with another swift punch. Though it 

appeared ordinary, it landed at the perfect moment, and Yosef couldn’t 

dodge it. 



Another blow, Yosef staggered as he fell to the ground. Once handsome and 

composed, he now appeared disheveled and defeated. 

Even old godfather sighed at the sight, while Shane and Frederick couldn’t 

help but do the same inwardly. 

The Yosef they saw in the’ring seemed like a different individual altogether. 

The former Yosef was always composed and never exhibited such ferocity in 

battle. However, the present version, despite heightened strength and speed, 

had unfortunately regressed in martie ability. 

Chapter 1642 Did We Win? 

1642 DdW 

“Why? Why…” Yosef vomited blood as he looked up in disbelief. 

In that brief instant, it felt as if the entire audience and village stood behind 

Emmanuel, Over a billion people supported him, making him seem like an 

unassailable fortress protecting everyone. If he were to fall, a storm of blood 

and chaos would engulf everyone behind him. 

Mackenzie silently prayed for Emmanuel and hoped to grant him an 

unbeatable power. 

Yosef panicked and glanced behind him. At that moment, his heart sank with 

a profound sense of emptiness. Behind him lay only darkness as his parents‘ 

voices called out to him, but their faces were obscured. Returning his gaze to 

Emmanuel, even Queenie, despite meeting her end at his hands, appeared 

to lend her support to Emmanuel. 

“Why? Why is it ending like this?” Yosef spiraled back into madness and 

lunged at Emmanuel desperately. But no matter his might, he couldn’t land a 

single blow on Emmanuel. 

12:09 Fri, 7 Jun MM ti. 

Chapter 1642 Did We Win? 

Emmanuel’s punches seemed to find their target effortlessly and were 

devoid of any recognizable technique. 


Yosef hit the ground again, and the noise echoed thunderously. 

The crowd stood in stunned silence, unable to even let out a gasp. 

“Haha, what kind of move is Emmanuel doing? I can’t understand it at all,” 

Blake exclaimed in disbelief. 

If Yosef couldn’t grasp the moves, how could he possibly counter them? 

Ruben, Wyatt, and Nigel were equally astonished. 

“This is the Shapelessness technique.” Old godfather sighed and continued, “It 

has endless variations, yet it is always true to its core. The Shapelessness 

technique is unbeatable.” 

Even Santiago chuckled. Emmanuel’s moves were more unpredictable than 


Chapter 1642 Did We Win? 

his Drunken Fist. 


“Wow! Emmanuel is amazing! I love you!” Beatrix, who had been holding back 

all night, finally burst out emotionally. She didn’t care that Mackenzie was 

right beside her as she jumped up and shouted excitedly. 

Mackenzie also tuned out the surrounding noise. Her heart was pounding 

with anticipation until she finally breathed a sigh of relief. 

“Emmanuel is so incredible!” 

“Did we win?” 

The four aunts of the Quillen family were also extremely excited as they 

hugged tightly together. 

Despite her distance from the Quillen family, Hannah couldn’t shake the bitter 

pang of regret as she observed the united and jubilant women of the Quillen 

family. She longed to be among them and to share in their excitement. She 

should have been one of them. 

Chapter 1642 Did We Win


In the next moment, Emmanuel advanced step by step toward Yosef, whose 

eyes reflected not fear but reluctance and confusion. Yosef struggled to 

comprehend Emmanuel’s immense inner strength. 

Just when it seemed Emmanuel was about to strike the final blow, he 

surprised everyone by employing the Nine Yang Finger Pressure to calm 

Yosef’s turbulent energy. Gradually, the blood ceased to flow from Yosef’s 

and his intense gaze softened. 


“Go back. Old godfather will forgive you.” Emmanuel didn’t strike him down. 

He understood Yosef’s plight – orphaned at a young age, raised in a loveless 

environment, and rejected by the woman he loved, only to meet his demise 

at the hands of his rival. Emmanuel empathized and recognized the difficulty 

of accepting such a fate. 

Reflecting on Yosef’s circumstances, Emmanuel acknowledged that he 

wouldn’t have fared any better. Fortunately, he had a loving mother, sister 


12:10 Fri, 7 Jun MM . 

Chapter 1642 Did We Win

and a beautiful wife who supported him. 


12:10 Fri, 7 Jun MM . 

Chapter 1643 Congratulation 

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