Lord death is now back home
Chapter 1097: Attack On Hill Cloudtop

Chapter 1097: Attack on Hill Cloudtop

Every royal guard is the king of kings in the art of war. If the Guards of Death are Chris's direct legion, then the royal guards are Chris's personal protectors. With three thousand vigilant royal guards, the entire East Coast can be considered safe and sound!

"Good," Chris nodded satisfactorily, then his expression suddenly turned icy. He waved his hand and commanded, "Everyone, move out. Target: Wind family."

"Willing to die for the boss!"

"Willing to die for the boss!"

"Willing to die for the boss!"

As the voices fell silent, Phoenix and the others all knelt to the ground.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under his command, a hundred thousand dark green Humvees charged forward! At the same time, at Hill Cloudtop, in the Wind family's grand hall.

"Invincible, how is it? Three days have passed, is everything ready?" Leif Wind sat in the main seat, coldly eyeing Invincible as he inquired.

Three days had already passed, and it was highly likely that Chris would come knocking. As the first war god of Amerosia, Chris was immensely powerful, commanding countless elite soldiers. Even the Wind family, a heritage family, dared not be careless!

With a respectful expression, Invincible replied, "Reporting to the head of the family, everything is ready! This time, to deal with Chris, I have prepared a hundred Transcendence level powerhouses, a thousand grandmaster-level experts, and ten thousand master-level strongmen!"

"This time, we have mobilized all the elite forces of our Wind family! With such a formidable strength, not to mention just Chris, even if it were Middleton, I'm afraid no one could stop us!"

Having uttered these words, a gleam of confidence shone in Invincible's eyes.

A hundred Transcendence level powerhouses!

A thousand grandmaster-level experts!

Ten thousand master-level strongmen!

The might of the Wind family was truly terrifying! No wonder even the current Master William did not dare to easily go against the top ten heritage families. Just a single Wind family was so formidable. If it were the top ten heritage families, how powerful would they be!

Compared to them, the so-called noble families of Middleton were nothing but a bunch of trash! No wonder the Wind family had such confidence and did not regard Chris, the top war god of Amerosia, with any respect!

Invincible gritted his teeth. "If that Chris dares to come, we will surely make sure he has no place to be buried!"

"Hahaha!" Upon hearing this, Leif Wind laughed triumphantly and said, "Good! Very good! This Chris dares to boast about coming to my Wind family and causing trouble. If he dares to come, my Wind family will be his burial ground!"

With that, a cold glint appeared in Leif Wind's eyes. Beside him, the Lord Protector took a sip of his tea and calmly remarked, "Mr. Wind, I advise you not to be too careless. This Chris, who can become the wa god of Amerosia and commands millions of soldiers, is not an easy opponent. If you're not careful, it's likely that your Wind family will end up in Chris's hands!"

"Hmph!" Leif Wind snorted, looking displeased at the Lord Protector. "Lord Protector, what do you mean by this? Are you underestimating my Wind family? The so-called first war god of Amerosia? In the eyes of the former dynasty, someone like Chris would be nothing to me!"

"Hehe," Lord Protector chuckled and said nothing.

The former dynasty? It had been extinguished for over a hundred years! It was a pity that these heritage families couldn't see the present clearly, always indulging in their past glory and unable to extricate themselves. If these heritage families were truly so remarkable, why did they dare not show themselves for over a hundred years?

People always deceive themselves and others! But this had nothing to do with the Lord Protector. He and the Wind family were just using each other. Even if the Wind family were to perish, he would not suffer any loss. Moreover, if he could obtain Master William's position, the first thing he would do is eradicate the top ten heritage families! Not for any particular reason, just because they were too arrogant! If they were not eliminated, they would eventually become a menace!

However, these thoughts were only hidden deep in the Lord Protector's heart. He did not reveal them in the slightest! Seeing the Lord Protector remain silent, a hint of coldness appeared in Leif Wind's eyes. What schemes is this old fox plotting? Does he think I don't know? Want to become Master William? Dream on! When the top ten heritage families show themselves, at that time, they will be the ones in control They, the top ten heritage families, will berestored to their former dominance of a hundred years ago!

At that moment, the two old foxes smiled without saying a word. Both the Lord Protector and Leif Wind harbored their own plans, and it remained to be seen who would have the last laugh! Boom! Boom! Boom!

On the road to Hill Cloudtop, a hundred thousand dark green Humvees raced forward. From high above, they looked like an immense dark green dragon! Hill Cloudtop, located to the south of the East Coast, was about a two-hour drive from there. Hill Cloudtop was one of the top ten famous mountains in Amerosia. Legend had it that ancient immortals used to appear there. Many practitioners chose to seclude themselves there, hoping to achieve immortality. However, since the Wind family took control of Hill Cloudtop, it had become their private domain. Except for members of the Wind family, no one was allowed to enter. Anyone who dared to enter would face certain death!

Therefore, Hill Cloudtop gradually became a forbidden area. Locals believed that Hill Cloudtop was cursed, with anyone who entered meeting a grisly fate. As for the Wind family living in Hill Cloudtop, because everyone who entered had died, there was no one to spread the word. Only a small number of people knew of the existence of the Wind family.

Chris had not expected the Wind family to be so overbearing. If it weren't for the Wind family's provocation this time, he wouldn't have known of their existence. It was evident that the Wind family had remained deeply hidden!

Soon, three hundred thousand troops surrounded the entire Hill Cloudtop. Upon arriving at Hill Cloudtop, Chris discovered that the once paradise had turned into a desolate place. Because of the Wind family's presence, Hill Cloudtop had become a forbidden zone. At that moment, towering trees obscured the sky, and as far as the eye could see, it was simply an expanse of primeval forest!

"Alas," Chris sighed softly, remarking, "These heritage families are really selfish! A hundred years have passed, and they still can't change their selfish nature. Such a good place has been turned into a ghostly existence by the Wind family!"

The heritage families had always placed their family's interests above those of the country. These people were all selfish, only concerned with advancing their family's interests, and never considering the lives of the common people!

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