Lord death is now back home
Chapter 1036: The Spy Hidden Among Us

Chapter 1036: The Spy Hidden Among Us

"Chris, did you really think you could kill me?" Ron Jefferson sneered.

In an instant, a shadow appeared behind him.

Two formidable Transcendence level experts fixed their gazes on Chris simultaneously!

With a fierce expression, Ron Jefferson stated, "Chris, today, you are the one who will die!"

Despite the imposing pressure from the two Transcendence level experts, Chris remained seated, his expression unchanged. He didn't even stand up. Looking at Ron Jefferson, he shook his head and said, "Ron Jefferson, I truly feel sorry for you! Despite being the head of the Jefferson family and the senior elder of the King's Leagues, you are clueless at the face of death. Frankly, you are simply a fool!" Upon hearing this, Ron Jefferson was taken aback. He had never seen Chris so audacious before! His face reddened as he asked, "Chris, what nonsense are you spouting?"

As he was about to make a move, an unexpected event occurred. Suddenly, a dagger, without warning, stabbed towards his back.

Ron Jefferson's expression changed instantly. He turned around, his face filled with disbelief.

Before Ron Jefferson could react, the dagger struck again, drawing out with force. A spray of blood followed as the blade exited, instantly staining Ron Jefferson's clothes crimson.

"Anshi, you..." Ron Jefferson stared at the figure with a complex expression. He never expected that his most trusted person would deliver a fatal blow to him!

Previously, Ron Jefferson had two formidable experts by his side. One was Night, and the other was Anshi. Night was responsible for assassinating Ron Jefferson's enemies, eliminating any threats. Anshi's duty was to ensure Ron Jefferson's safety. Both were individuals he trusted the most.

However, Night had not only betrayed him by siding with Chris but also attempted to assassinate him. Now, his other most trusted person, Anshi, had also made a move against him. Why would this happen? Ron Jefferson wore a look of unwillingness. He couldn't fathom how everything had unfolded in this manner.

Suddenly, Ron Jefferson felt utterly isolated, abandoned by those he once trusted, a pain that pierced him to the core.

Anshi remained expressionless as he calmly stated, "Chris is right, you truly are a fool! If it weren't for today, I wouldn't have been able to kill you. You never truly trusted either me or Night!"

In Ron Jefferson's heart, despite Anshi and Night being his loyal henchmen, he remained extremely cautious. For someone like Ron Jefferson, true trust was an impossibility. However, to Ron Jefferson's disbelief, his careful guard had eventually fallen to Anshi's treachery!

At this point, Chris suddenly clapped his hands. He looked at Anshi, a grin playing on his lips. "If I'm not mistaken, you must be from the Hall of Death, right? I wonder, are you planning to take away the Dragon Emblem fragment from Ron Jefferson?"

Anshi remained silent, his eyes locked onto Chris. He was well aware that dealing with Chris would be no easy task. Even Ron Jefferson was no match for him, or else he wouldn't have fallen victim to his ambush.

"What? You're from the Hall of Death!" Ron Jefferson realized, looking at Anshi with an incredulous expression. The person who had been by his side for nearly a decade, Anshi, was a member of the Hall of Death? And he had been completely unaware!

Anshi sneered disdainfully, "You're only realizing it now? It seems you truly are a fool!"

"No wonder the Lord arranged for me to be by your side. The Lord knew long ago that dealing with a fool like you would be effortless!"

"You..." Ron Jefferson's face flushed with anger at Anshi's mockery.

"The Lord is truly cunning! I'm afraid he had planned all of this ten years ago!"

"I naively thought that everything was under my control!"

Ron Jefferson suddenly let out a bitter laugh. He suddenly felt that Chris and Anshi were right. He was indeed a fool! If he weren't, how could he have missed the fact that Anshi, this sly wolf, was by his side? Ron Jefferson was filled with hatred and regret. Unfortunately, no amount of regret or resentment would change his situation. There was no remedy for regret in this world!

Approaching Ron Jefferson, Chris reached out and patted his shoulder, saying, "Head of the Jefferson family, we can make a deal now. If you hand over the Dragon Emblem fragment, I will spare your life. What do you say?"

"Chris, you..." Ron Jefferson was furious upon hearing Chris's words. He wished he could strangle Chris on the spot. This scoundrel was taking advantage of the situation. At this critical moment, he actually wanted Ron Jefferson to hand over the Dragon Emblem fragment! Chris's demeanor indicated that he had known beforehandabout Anshi's betrayal.

Night! It must have been Night! That scoundrel must have known that Anshi was a member of the Hall of Death and informed Chris!


How despicable!

Night, that sly fox. Despite my trust in him, he kept a card up his sleeve.

Ron Jefferson was now furious. He had never completely trusted Night and Anshi. Night, too, was no fool; of course, he would have been wary of Ron Jefferson. More and more blood flowed.

Ron Jefferson's face grew increasingly pale. If his wounds weren't tended to soon, he would bleed to death.

Seeing this, Chris sneered, "Head of the Jefferson family, still not decided? Your time is running out. If you don't make a decision soon, you will bleed to death!"

"When that time comes, I'll kill this traitor by your side and retrieve the Dragon Emblem fragment from your body!"

"You... you..." Ron Jefferson was infuriated by Chris. Chris's words were exasperating beyond measure.

However, Ron Jefferson knew that Chris was right. If he didn't tend to his wounds soon, he might indeed face a grim end.

With a heavy heart, Ron Jefferson gritted his teeth and took out the Dragon Emblem fragment from his pocket, handing it to Chris. He had no choice. He wanted to live; he didn't want to die! He had never imagined that he would end up in this situation, without a chance to retaliate, and being extorted by the likes of Chris!

The thought alone was maddening!

"Hand over the Dragon Emblem fragment!" Anshi suddenly shouted as Ron Jefferson was about to give it to Chris. His mission was to seize the Dragon Emblem fragment. Otherwise, he wouldn't have lurked beside Ron Jefferson for a decade.

Seeing the task about to be completed, and now Ron Jefferson was about to hand the Dragon Emblem fragment to Chris, Anshi couldn't possibly accept it.

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