Lord death is now back home
Chapter 1033 Regaining Control Of King'S Leagues

Chapter 1033 Regaining Control of King's Leagues

Aiden could not help but smile quietly as he saw Ezra submit. He surveyed the thousands of Dragon House members around him and shouted, "Do you submit?!"

"Master Aiden!"

"Master Aiden!"

"Master Aiden!"

The sound fell. All the thousands of Dragon House members knelt down. Even the head of the prestigious King's Leagues Dragon House, Ezra, had submitted to Aiden. The other people did not dare to have any thoughts of resisting. What's more, Aiden was the previous head of King's Leagues, so his influence in King's Leagues was still considerable. At this moment, Aiden was extremely satisfied. He had already controlled the richest house in King's Leagues, Marigold House. Now he also controlled the strongest house, Dragon House. It seemed that controlling the entire King's Leagues was imminent! "Cough cough!"

Just then, a cough came. Aiden immediately turned his head to look. He saw Chris looking at him with a mocking smile, "Master Aiden, such great power now!"

Hearing this, it was like a basin of cold water had been poured over Aiden's head, instantly sobering him up. Aiden immediately smiled flatteringly, "Where? Without the chairman, there would be no me today! I, Aiden, swear here that in the future I will only look up to the chairman!"


Seeing that Aiden had not been blinded by profits, Chris snorted coldly, "It's good that you know your place! Let's go, we'll go to Black Tiger Hall next..."

Then, Chris led a large group of people away from the casino in an imposing manner. This time, not only did Chris help Aiden control Dragon House, he also earned several billion dollars for himself, quite a fruitful harvest.

Watching Chris' retreating figure, Aiden wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, looking apprehensive. After witnessing Chris' methods, Aiden did not dare to have any thoughts of betraying him. His heart kept reminding himself-offend anyone, but never offend Chris. Because Chris was a devil. No one who offended him ended well!

King's Leagues was such a huge force. A hundred years ago, it was the largest gang in Amerosia. But in the end, wasn't it still obediently surrendered to Chris? Even the King's Leagues Grand Elder Ron Jefferson now avoided his edge and reluctantly became a shrinking turtle!

Seeing Chris leave, Aiden immediately followed. In less than a day, Chris had aggressively swept through the ten major houses of King's Leagues. In the face of Chris' formidable strength, the ten major houses of King's Leagues had no power to fight back at all.

At the same time, the heads of the ten major houses all issued statements surrendering to Aiden! Aiden, in a majestic manner, once again took the position as the head of King's Leagues, controlling the entire gang!

The first thing Aiden did after seizing control of King's Leagues was to announce:

First, Ron Jefferson was a traitor to King's Leagues and was stripped of his position as Grand Elder.

Second, King's Leagues and the Chester Group reconciled and formed a strategic partnership. From now on, King's Leagues would go all out to support the Chester Group's development on Star Island! After these two announcements went out, it caused huge waves. Everyone on Star Island was shocked! No one had imagined that King's Leagues would undergo such a series of changes in a short period of time.

First Ron Jefferson drove Aiden away and controlled King's Leagues. And now Aiden returned victoriously and regained control of King's Leagues! What's more, Aiden also announced a strategic partnership between King's Leagues and the Chester Group!

This news was no less than a magnitude 10 earthquake. It must be known that King's Leagues and Chester Group were previously fighting fiercely. Thousands of King's Leagues elites went to the East Coast, resulting in thousands of deaths, a complete disaster! And now Aiden suddenly announced cooperation with the Chester Group?

At this time, many insightful people saw what was going on. Especially after the casino incident came out. Everyone knew that it was with Chris's help that Aiden was able to regain his position as the head of King's Leagues! Now that Aiden controlled King's Leagues, he would naturally repay Chris.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were on Ron Jefferson. They all wanted to see how Ron Jefferson would react when he learned of this news.

Although Ron Jefferson was stripped of his position as Grand Elder of King's Leagues by Aiden, Ron Jefferson was still the head of the overseas Jefferson family. The Jefferson family still had considerable influence on Star Island. Now that Aiden had regained control of King's Leagues, would Ron Jefferson be willing to admit defeat? Would he give up King's Leagues? These were all unknowns. The Jefferson family suddenly became the eye of the storm on Star Island!

At the same time, in the Jefferson family manor, Ron Jefferson had been in his study for several days. During this time, he did not see anyone. Ron Jefferson had been thinking about how to deal with Chris. Suddenly, there were shouts from the butler outside the study.

"Master, terrible news! Bad news!"

"Master, big trouble! Chris came to Star Island and swept through the ten major houses of King's Leagues in one day, helping Aiden regain his position as head of King's Leagues!"

"After Aiden took control of King's Leagues, he immediately announced the dismissal of the position of Grand Elder of King's Leagues! He also said that you are..." "What else did he say?"

Ron Jefferson was furious, his eyes bloodshot, as if he was about to eat someone alive!

The butler said tremblingly, "Aiden said you are a traitor to King's Leagues and ordered all King's Leagues members to kill you..."


Before the butler could finish, Ron Jefferson smashed the study door with a fierce punch. In an instant, the entire door was smashed to pieces!

"Chris! Aiden! I will definitely kill you!"

At this moment, Ron Jefferson's eyes were bloodshot. He never imagined that Chris would really dare to come to Star Island! Not only did Chris come, he swept through the ten major houses of King's Leagues in one day. How was this possible? The ten major houses of King's Leagues were all extremely powerful forces, let alone all ten combined. How did Chris do it?

Most infuriating was that Chris actually helped that useless Aiden regain control of King's Leagues. He, the dignified Grand Elder of King's Leagues, was actually dismissed by Aiden and became a traitor to King's Leagues? This was absolutely outrageous!

What was Aiden? How dare he dismiss him from the position of Grand Elder? If he didn't kill Chris and Aiden, Ron Jefferson could not quell the hatred in his heart!

He looked at the butler through gritted teeth and said, "Pass my order, the entire Jefferson family is to strengthen defenses and not allow anyone to come and provoke us!"


Feeling the tense atmosphere, the butler quickly retreated to make arrangements.

Ron Jefferson closed his eyes and sank into thought again. He knew that after helping Aiden control King's Leagues, the next target Chris would deal with was...

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