“Oh my god!” I arch against the mattress.

“Not your god.” My husband thrusts into me with a groan.

My open mouth pulls into a smile. “My King.”

“That’s right, Baby.” King drops his weight onto me. “I’m your fucking King.”

The windows of the little overwater bungalow we’re staying in are open, and the warm early morning air flows over our naked bodies making the setting feel almost magical. Such a nice change from the cooling weather back home. And I don’t care if it’s a couple months late, this is the perfect honeymoon.

Or maybe it was waking up with my husband’s face between my thighs.

King’s length drags out of me, and I claw at his back, trying to hold him close.

King slides a hand under my ass, lifting my hips to meet his.

His cock hits an extra deep spot inside me, and I cry out.

“You gotta be quiet, Honey.” King’s mouth drags across my shoulder.

I hook my feet around his back. “You never tell me to be quiet.”

He keeps moving. Each thrust driving me closer to my peak.

“I figured you wouldn’t want Nero and Payton to hear you.”

We’re both panting, so it takes me a moment to register his words.

“What are you talking about?” My hands slide around from his back to his shoulders.

King tightens his grip on my ass cheek. “They checked in next door last night.”

“What?!” I shove at his shoulders.

King lets me push him away, but only his top half.

He sits back on his heels and grips my waist as he yanks me further onto his dick.

“King!” My reprimand doesn’t sound like a reprimand. “Why didn’t you tell me they were coming?”

A hand closes over my breast, his fingers pinching my nipple. “It wouldn’t have been a surprise if I told you before.”

I try to bat his hand away, but he grips my fully healed wrist.

“You’re joking.” I try to keep my eyes open as sensations zip through my body.

“Not joking.” King uses his hold of my wrist to lower my hand between us. “Now I need you to hurry up and rub that little clit for me. Because we don’t have much time.”

This isn’t the first time he’s told me to touch myself in front of him, so my body responds on autopilot even if my mind is whirling.

My fingers connect with my slick bud, and I gasp in a breath. “Time for what?”

King reaches out, now using both hands to roll my nipples between his fingers. “Time for me to play with these glorious tits, because we gotta be on the beach in an hour.”

“Hour?” It’s so hard to focus on this conversation, as I continue to play with my clit, getting so close to the edge. “What’s happening in an hour?”

King slides his hands off my chest and braces himself over me again. “In one hour,” he rolls his hips into me, “we’re renewing our vows.”

My fingers freeze as I stare up at him. “What?”

He gives me that smile, the one I love so much, the one that says he’s proud of himself.

“Our vows?” I ask.

“We’re doing it how we should’ve done it the first time.”

“On the beach?” My eyes start filling with tears.

“On the beach.” He leans in, pressing his mouth to mine, in a deep kiss.

It’s my dream. The wedding I always wanted to have.

“How’d you know?” I ask, his hips still rocking.

King smirks, “Last time Val was over…”

It’s hard to think back, when his hand slides down to replace my unmoving one, strumming at my clit.

“You were eavesdropping?”

His huffed laugh sounds strained. “Baby, you’re loud when you’re drunk.”

I pinch his side, but he pays me back by pinching my clit.

“So,” I pant, “you’re just recreating my dream wedding? Just like that?”

“Just like that,” he lowers his lips, brushing them against mine. “Except, since this is our new beginning, we’re saying our vows at sunrise.”

Love wraps itself around my heart.

He’d heard me drunkenly talk about a sunset wedding, and he made it so much better.

He made it real.

“I love you,” I tell him.

“I love you, too. Now be a good little wife and come on this cock.”

When he seals his lips to mine, while touching me in just the right way, I do exactly as My King commands.

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