Chapter 588 

Cornelia muttered, “I’m glad Jeremy isn’t like that. If there’s something up, he’ll just tell me straight. Do you always leave your wife quessing what’s on your mind?” 

Marcus still didn’t say anything What should be say? Admit that he was jealous of her praise for Jeremy? 

Marcus remained silent, so Comelia slowed her pace, leisurely trailing behind him. 

The garden was spectacular this season, the flowers blooming vibrantly. The blossoms swayed gently in the evening breeze, their fragrance overwhelming 

A particularly stunning peony caught her eye. She leaned in for a sniff, but the scent wasn’t too strong 

Cornelia fell behind and Marcus instinctively slowed down, keeping a close watch on her every movement. 

He watched as she bent down to smell the flowers, sneezing at the pollen, sniffing from one flower to the next. 

She was a stubborn yet adorable girl. 

His phone buzzed twice in his pocket, pulling him from his thoughts. It was a WhatsApp message from his grandma: [Marc, Nelly went home with you. She must like you. Why not take this chance to reveal your true identity?] 

He responded. [I have my own plan. Don’t worry, Granny] 

Granny Luisa nagged again. [You always say you have your own plan. You’ve been married for almost two years, and I bet you haven’t even held Nelly’s hand. If I don’t push you, I might never see my great–grandchildren] 

Marcus texted back: [Granny, Nelly’s young and at a critical point in her career. Having a baby would affect her work: I’m not planning on having kids just yet 

Granny Luisa asked: [Nelly’s already a CEO’s wife, and half of your money is hers. Does her job really matter that much?] 

He replied [Yes, it’s very important] 

Granny Luisa asked again: [Don’t you want to provide for Nelly? You’re her husband. If you won’t support her, then who will?] 

Cornelia was a person, his wife, not a pet Marcus didn’t like the term “provide for” He texted: [Granny, firstly, Cornelia is an independent person, my wife. Whether she works or not is entirely up to her. I can hand over my bank card if she doesn’t want to work. If she wants to work and fulfill her own worth, I respect and support her decision] 

Granny Luisa had to concede: I won’t nag you about having kids anymore. But you both have to come to Southern Peak next time ] 

Marcus [Alright] 

Suddenly, Cornelia screamed from behind him. Marcus rushed towards her, “What happened?” 

A tiny snake had slithered out from the bushes Cornelia, terrified of snakes, panicked immediately, “President Hartley, there’s a snake!” 

She turned around and flung herself into Marcus‘ arms, clinging to him like a koala, “There’s a snake! A snake!” 

Her soft body crashed into his arms, her unique scent filling his nostrils. 

For a moment, Marcus forgot to move. He just held her tight, protecting her like a helpless baby, “Cornelia, I’m here. Don’t be scared 

Cornelia buried her head in his shoulder, shaking uncontrollably, “Please, get rid of it. I’m scared.” 

“Alright, I’ll chase it away. Don’t be scared” He looked over to see the snake disappearing into the bushes. 

She was scared of such a tiny thing 

“The snake’s gone. Don’t be scared!” He tried to let her go, but Cornelia kept clinging to him like an octopus.. 

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