Chapter 55 

Cornelia said goodnight to Marcus and then headed back to her place 

She heard a woman sobbing a few meters away from the wooden building

In the deep mountains, in the dead of night, with the rustling sound of leaves in the wind and a woman’s crying. All these elements together made a typical horror movie scene 

Cornelia got goosebumps all over her body and was about to run away, but her curiosity made her glance toward the sound

Not far away, the crying woman was sitting under a tree, with weak light shining on her through the branches

Cornelia gecognized her as Skyler. Zavier’s wife, who spoke sweetly and had a precious smile that made people want to protect her

Why was she crying alone in the middle of the night? Didn’t Zavier care about her

Stop crying Tears are useless.From the shadows Zavier’s deep voice sounded 

He was by the tree trunk, but Cornelia didn’t see him at first glance because it was too dark

His tone when speaking to his wife was colder and more distant than that of a stranger. He was completely different from the loving and doting Zavier she had seen during the day 

Skyler wiped her tears as if gathering courage. Zavier, let’s get a divorce!” 

Divorce?Zavier sneered, grabbing Skyler’s chin and lifting her head slightly so she could look him in the eye. Skyler, do you think you have a say in ending this marriage? You’ve been mine since you schemed your way into marrying me.” 

What an authoritative and strong man

Cornelia silently sighed and slipped away

This afternoon, she had been envious of their seemingly sweet relationship, but who knew they were arguing about divorce behind closed doors

With more and more people getting divorced nowadays, why do so many still want to get married

Cornelia returned to her room 

That night, she couldn’t sleep well, and the next day she woke up close to noon, sporting two large dark circles under her eyes

Steven and Hannah had too much energy, making noise until midnight, seriously affecting her sleep

However, Steven was still energetic the following day and even joked, Ms. Stewart, what’s the deal with those dark circles under your eyes?” 

Did he not know what happened

Steven looked at Marcus, Marc, you should know why, right?” 

Marcus didn’t want to deal with him, You’d better shut your mouth.” 

Steven raised his hands in surrender, “Alright, alright, I won’t say anything. But after such a tiring night, you should let Cornelia sleep briefly. Why get up so early?” 

His insinuation was too obvious. If Cornelia didn’t speak up, the gossip would become the truth. President Dixon, I’m just President Hartley’s assistant. Please mind your words.” 

Unexpectedly, Marcus spoke almost simultaneously with her. His voice was low, assertive, and profound. “Steven, don’t make that kind of joke about a girl.” 

You two aren’t what I thought?Steven still didn’t believe nothing was going on between them. Even if there weren’t now, there definitely would be in the future

He had known Marcus for so many years and had never seen his gaze linger on a woman for more than three seconds

The way Marcus looked at Cornelia was very gentle, though he probably hadn’t realized it yet

Steven apologized promptly. Ms Stewart, I’m very sorry!” 

Cornelia didn’t want to deal with him anymore

Hannah pulled Cornelia aside, apologizing profusely. Cornelia, I apologize on Steven’s behalf. He doesn’t usually joke around with people he doesn’t know well. He made that joke because you came with President Hartley. He assumed you two were a couple.” 

Mrs. Dixon, it’s okayCornelia knew what kind of gathering this was. Her arrival was a mistake, not anyone else’s fault

She would rather not have the triple salary if she had known Marcus would bring her to this kind of private friendsgathering 

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